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10/21 Abuse report: Thunderwalrus
Offender's Name: Thunderwalrus 

Offender's SteamID:  I'll copy-paste it in the next 24 hours.

Offender's Rank:  Moderator

What They Did: Thunderwalrus set a slay over a faulty reason, removed it, then reset it with the same reasoning while ignoring community members and using powers on them. 

Early during a round on Whitehouse, I chased and killed GIMMICK for killing an innocent on his T round. The victim died inside, in the fireplace room next to the elevator/stair room. Gimmick shot the inno from outside, then ran off. I looked outside on time to see him turn the corner, but not see his name. So the chase began. I followed him via outside to the other side of the map, the 2nd-floor halls next to the parking lot, and almost lost him. There,  I run into then-detective Nate and asked who he saw running past. Gimmick stopped running and entered the hall from the upper-level parking lot, where he almost lost me. I recognized Gimmick, and Nate did too in the same moment. I started to KOS when Gimmick shot first. TTT happens, and Gimmick gets got.

Afterwards, I got reported by Gimmick. He wasn't convinced I was legit. I explained how I saw him shoot from outside to kill inside, and chased him. Gimmick forgave me, but assumed that I KOS'ed off location. He talked to me post-forgiveness like I did him wrong that round. but after some back-and-forth some point we were able to leave it. Axeman got involved by agreeing with my logic and restating it to help some particular others understand; Thunderwalrus got involved by setting a slay bc off "KOS off location" reasons, removing the slay shortly after, then bringing the argument back up after Gimmick and I had left the topic alone.

The chat between me and Thunder was unpleasant and not mod-like. It involved raised voices, me repeating myself, Thunder stubbornly refusing to hear through my complaining, resetting the slay, me getting gagged, Axeman trying to help make thunder listen, and Thunder muting Axeman. The server had a solid amount of witnesses, at least 16. 

Forgive me for putting any effort into an abuse report. Normally I do not care for them. That said, Thunder admitted that he was not even actively listening.

Thunder approached the situation arrogantly: he reset a slay with preferred yet faulty reasoning (small red flag), actively refused to listen to logic from someone that disagreed with him (big red flag), and even used mod powers to mute/gag me and Axeman in a bullyish manner to end an unfinished dilemma on his terms. How big is that flag?

When They Did It:  Oct 21, 2020 @ 6:20ish PM Pacific Time, on the Whitehouse map.

Potential Witnesses: Axeman, Nate the Ghost Jiggolo 

Proof: I wrote this 3ish hours after the incident and thus have no more access to logs. Others' testimonies are the only proof I currently have. That said, If any admin or manager can access records from past maps/rounds, we can at least prove Gimmick's T round happening and the people that were on during it.

Other:  Dinkleberg, should you see this, I am happy to see your server is still running. I enjoyed playing here a while ago, and wish I had not left when you were ready to offer me admin. Stay healthy, mate.
(10-22-2020, 12:05 AM)DrAntonYaBish Wrote: Dinkleberg, should you see this, I am happy to see your server is still running. I enjoyed playing here a while ago, and wish I had not left when you were ready to offer me admin. Stay healthy, mate.
Without a recording of the "altercation" that happened in voice chat, nothing can be done and this will likely not result in any short of punishment.
All I've got to say is that Gimmick pmed me saying to follow through on the report and give a verdict so I did. You yourself admitted to not seeing the shot that Gimmick took and there was multiple places that the person Gimmick shot could have been shot from. You kosed gimmick because you saw him running from an area where somebody died but you didn't see him take the shot or knowingly run from the unidid body, which means you kosed of location. I removed the slay to double check my work at your request and then readded when I confirmed that the slay was legit. Axeman was gagged for telling me to kill myself and you were both gagged and muted for not dropping it after I told you to. You never tried to explain after I asked you multiple times to. Instead you insulted me and got angry. At one point I said "you guys haven't tried to explain anything, you guys are just being cunts" that was unprofessional from me and apologize. Everything else I did I stand by.
heres his steam id btw
i made a thing
i made another thing
i made a new thing

former ttt mod
former dr admin
Staff 2017-2023
(10-22-2020, 01:00 AM)derp spooky Wrote: STEAM_0:1:83739310
heres his steam id btw
Yeah thats it
I am pretty sure I was on at the time or it was later mentioned ingame by members involved, telling anyone to kill themselves including staff is a no no, and isnt tolerated. If Gimmick asked for the slay to be kept then this isn't staff abuse? Then the only issue is thunder possible miss handling a report, which while possible is not worth a staff abuse report. I know I have mistakenly slain people before.
It is not okay to literally tell people their opinions are wrong because they disagree.
I was on at the time that this happened and can vouch that GIMMICK sending us a message in admin chat saying that it was a mistake and actually wanted to slay you (Maybe a Mis-click or something I don't know). Which Thunder tried to explain to you. Which was met to a lot of yelling and spamming of the voice chat from you and Axeman. If thunder didn't gag you both, I was getting close to.

If you have a disagreement on the server with one of the staff, which you are allowed to do, staff aint perfect (Except for me obviously). You can either message admin chat, PM a staff member directly, Message one of us on discord (You were almost admin so you should have the server discord) or make a forum post (Which you did and I'm happy to see you using one of the correct avenues).  If you PM'ed a staff member either on the server or discord, or sent a message asking to talk to a member of staff that weren't involved in the Incident you maybe had a had your issue taken car of sooner and come to a happier conclusion. I'm a pretty chill guy, feel free to message me with any issues or complaints.

The wrong way to go about it (The way you went about it), Was to spam the voice chat with constant yelling and abusing members of staff. You wouldn't even explain why you were angry at first you were just abusing ThunderWalrus (I don't know why Axeman jumped on that bandwagon but he did) . This is not acceptable in any way, shape or form as it disrupts the game and has a negative on impact on people just trying to chill out and enjoy TTT.
Kaptain Les
Discord Admin
PH Helper
DR Player
Murder Hater
[Image: otzEX]
Fuck G-Cubed
[Image: he-man-background-1.gif]
+1 for ban for telling a staff member to kill themselves imo
Hmmm, how would you know who to chase if you didn't see a name unless you were either kosing off skin which itself is a no no or he very coincidentally kept turning corners before you could see a name which I highly doubt. Third option you saw him go into an area but not the name so you went into that area and just tried to kill whoever was there who wasn't the detective. I.E. kos off location. I see no flaws in thunders reasoning.

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