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Jeff Bezos Be gone
Offender's Name: Jeff Bezos

Offender's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:100288965

Potential Witnesses: Noire

Reason to Ban: This guy has been trouble for a long time. This ban request would have been up earlier if he didn't stop coming around, but now he seems to be back again. He's broken a fair amount of rules such as constantly AFK'ing, always harassing and disrespecting both staff and players, making comments and jokes about rape, sexist and racist comments, his homophobia and the list goes on. To top it off, he's abused his donor powers like force changing maps (to maps not even on the list) and and unmuting/ungagging himself, also kicking people who've been afk for half a round or one round. He has also unmuted another played after another donor muted him for being toxic and claimed the guy was fine (this was a little while back but still relevant). Constantly talking bad about Titan and riling other players to do the same (ZeroTwo, Goosy, and Gfoot who all took part last night). Plus he has gone onto other dink servers only to bad mouth staff. 

Sorry if the youtube quality is bad, it was just uploaded so it needs time to process - but in this video I kicked him in the end for abusing his powers and he was also kicked once prior to it for force changing the map. 

Other: I have more proof if needed, I will happily edit it and post it (they're just really long videos and he was coming at me for the most of it). Daisy will be replying to this with her own proof. And please ignore that annoying beeping sound (I was using to push to talk), ignore Noire too he's pretty annoying :).  
[Image: Ban_Dink.jpg]
I always fuckin knew jeff bezos was out to get us
The local Sega & Sonic fanatic.
[Image: JCMB8GH.jpeg]
More proof: - harassing players. - sexist/rape jokes & disrespecting players.

big +1, he's been at it for a few months (this is some of the proof of it).
[Image: dinkleshitsignaturetiny.jpg]
I would also like to point out that this guy came in the ttt server a while ago and started taking bad stuff about y’all. I kinda could tell from that point that he was a toxic person not to mention the fact he started calling one of my friends a transvestite so ya know that wasn’t nice. I know this didn’t occur in the deathrun server I just thought I would add my two cents to the situation.
He is banned, thank you for the report
[Image: titan.gif]

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