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Should the r word not be allowed to be said at all in the discord?
Ok so....

This all started a little bit ago in the discord. I noticed jax got warned for apparently using the word "retard" (forgive me for saying that btw). Now I can understand this since I did see him using it towards someone and I can see how it can be considered disrespectful. However, shortly after I noticed a user by the name of applesauce got warned for using it apparently for saying something about a specific scenario if I recall correctly. They did not call anyone it not to my knowledge anyway. Then I noticed ted got warned shortly after saying thats r-trded so it honestly confused me. The users also posted their warnings in the discord btw. Not to mention the fact that we have had staff members call people r words on here in the discord when they are usually bantering with one another one I think. So my question is should the r word just not be used anymore at all on the discord? It also seemed like not all staff were on the same page with the use of the r word which is where a lot of confusion comes from I believe. I mean no disrespect in making this post and I am sorry if it upsets anyone. I was just honestly confused about the whole situation and frankly if you want my honest opinion. I would prefer if the word was not used at all but again I understand people like to banter one another with using the word so I can understand if this causes trouble. Anyway thank you for reading this and again I mean no disrespect or want to upset anyone with this thread so I hope this can be civil and not turn into a giant mess.
[Image: xdjlve.png]
This is one that has been selectively enforced over time

Matt_St3 / Strongrule / Spartan001295
Forum Admin - Resigned TTT Admin
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Actually I'd like to hear more about this, because I can sure as hell remember saying this multiple times.
[Image: h4r1WLO.gif]
Project Moon Games
Retired TTT Moderator
03-07-2020 ~ 11-17-2020
Unofficial Retired Murder Test-Moderator
11-06-2019 ~ 11-17-2020
(03-14-2021, 09:13 PM)matt_st3 (Strongrule) Wrote: This is one that has been selectively enforced over time
Which is why it demands transparency. Especially now more than ever as we move into a new era of promised transparency, I would like clarification on this
I've said it, admins of the past have said it. In fact, if you search retard in the general discord it has been said enough to fill 300+ pages.

Because we have different staff than we did in the past, new words are now banned.
[Image: gYIxK93.png]
Dinkleberg's is no place for racism, slurs, derogatory terms and harassment, this has always been the case and unfortunately has been neglected until now. Going forward we will continue to make the discord a safe place for anyone to talk to friends and discuss topics with others. We are still working to find the best solutions to this ongoing problem, as-well as we are trying to follow more closely to discord TOS. There will definitely be bumps in the road, sorry this change came so suddenly without announcement.
so whats the next thing in our community we will ban because sjw culture found it offensive and must eradicate it.
[Image: gYIxK93.png]
The reasoning of my warning was "offensive terms", and no other information. How is a player supposed to learn what they did wrong from this? Warning messages need to be more detailed with what message(s) of theirs violated the rules, as well as an explanation of the rule where applicable. Especially in the case where I used this word multiple times in discussing Jax's warning. However, according to the discord audit logs, only 1 instance was deleted. I am not sure which message of mine was deleted, however, so I have no clue in what context the word is allowed since some of my messages are fine and some are not.

In an attempt to clear up the rules, for myself and the rest of the people involved in the conversation I pinged the staff members who issue this warning and deleted my message and got no answer. There also seems to varying standards of enforcement among staff, this should be fixed
I personally don't think we should allow the r slur *anywhere,* much less the Discord.

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