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Map Suggestions
Hey there! just making a post which includes a few map suggestions to give everyone more options and overall more of a variety. During off peak times there aren't many options for when there's less than 15 players and we find ourselves doing RTV more than we should, or playing the same maps over and over. (apologies if I suggest a map that's already in the server!)

Small(er) maps:

Sims house 
Summit -
Lock up

Medium/ Large maps:

Large hotel- 
aperture 2020
Villa house -
Restaurant 2020-
Restaurant 2019-
Horror Hotel-

Fountain is fun but I remember we had to ban one or two props on it in my previous community. Also cs maps aren't used on this server sadly :c
[Image: e2d.jpg]
I'm not exactly sure.These you suggested maps.Lock up removed because crashes and Villa house map is too big ?

As I said, I may be wrong why they were removed
Lock up was rotated out and is due back in for the next rotation which will be soon as I know Star has some ready to go. Villa we had for a long time and it was our restart map so it got played a lot and people were bored with it. Restaurant 2019 is also about to be rotated back in I believe.

Will have a look at some of these for next rotation. They will need testing for illegal spots and a few other things we check. Also we only use maps up to a certain file size to keep the server from getting clogged up and we don’t use maps which require CSS. Will have a look at them with Star and Fish. 

Thanks for the input Moonies  :)
[Image: unknown.jpg]
Thank you for suggesting these maps as a lot of them I have no come across or just plain forgot about. We have looked through these maps and I figured I would let you know which ones we are considering for the future. And yes, I'm coping your exact list lol

Small(er) maps:

Warehouse- This is too small of a map for us
Sims house - Way to small for the server
Summit - Has a couple flaws in the map which would take a lot of work to put into the map to fix it
Lock up- Should be added in the next time I send maps to Sir Dink
Mixtape- Has a few items to fix but nothing serious, is in my list for future maps, can't promise anything though
Dystopia- Needs a lot of work to fix the css textures, something I could do but it would take way to much of my time
Underlab- Too small of a map for the server 

Medium/ Large maps:

Cs_office- Will be considered for the future 
Large hotel- Will be considered for the future 
volcano- Way to big for the server, and a ton of css textures, too many to fix
aperture 2020 Very cool map, I do like it but I believe the file size excessed our desired limit and needs a lot of work
Villa house - A former map of our, is currently out of rotation. Probably will be put back at some point, not soon though
fountain- Nice map but a lot of small props, could be considered maybe
Restaurant 2020- Could be added, will probably be a part of a rotation pattern with the other Restaurant 
Restaurant 2019- Will be added in the next rotation 
Horror HotelWill be considered for the future around Halloween time if possible
Ex TTT Mod Dec 14, 2019 - Dec 14, 2019
Ex PH Mod April 14, 2019 - January 20, 2020
Ex PH Mod May 9, 2020 - May 27, 2022
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Ex Forum Admin May 6, 2022 - May 6, 2022
Former PH Map Editor

(06-28-2021, 03:41 PM)§dLt. Star Wrote: Thank you for suggesting these maps as a lot of them I have no come across or just plain forgot about. We have looked through these maps and I figured I would let you know which ones we are considering for the future. And yes, I'm coping your exact list lol

Small(er) maps:

Warehouse- This is too small of a map for us
Sims house - Way to small for the server
Summit - Has a couple flaws in the map which would take a lot of work to put into the map to fix it
Lock up- Should be added in the next time I send maps to Sir Dink
Mixtape- Has a few items to fix but nothing serious, is in my list for future maps, can't promise anything though
Dystopia- Needs a lot of work to fix the css textures, something I could do but it would take way to much of my time
Underlab- Too small of a map for the server 

Medium/ Large maps:

Cs_office- Will be considered for the future 
Large hotel- Will be considered for the future 
volcano- Way to big for the server, and a ton of css textures, too many to fix
aperture 2020 Very cool map, I do like it but I believe the file size excessed our desired limit and needs a lot of work
Villa house - A former map of our, is currently out of rotation. Probably will be put back at some point, not soon though
fountain- Nice map but a lot of small props, could be considered maybe
Restaurant 2020- Could be added, will probably be a part of a rotation pattern with the other Restaurant 
Restaurant 2019- Will be added in the next rotation 
Horror HotelWill be considered for the future around Halloween time if possible
Thanks for the response guys, the reason i added these small maps is just so there's more options when the server is quieter such as when it's too early for US players and the server has some EU players on. Reason being we find ourselves with maps that are too big for the amount of players when voting and RTVing until we get a smaller map.
(06-28-2021, 03:41 PM)§dLt. Star Wrote: snippiet
im using this as an excuse to ask you about ph_amaya as i have suggested it before and i would like to know if progresso soup was made.

also im suggesting gm_laboratory_alt so it looks like im being somewhat useful, i saw another server use it so idk
[Image: dVe5C4F.gif]
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I'll skim through these because im bored and I like poophunt maps (im just looking at screenshots but I have played some of these before FYI):
- Summit looks very cool. I love the office vibes of older prophunt maps and not a lot of our current maps have that feeling.. unless you count highflooroffice, in which case you must enjoy pure misery (pls remove)
- I love lockup, one of my favorite maps from back in the day.. however a problem I would have with this personally is that people have gotten a lot better at prophunt over the years, so what would end up happening is everyone would hide as a wrench on the top of the jail cell doors, and being a hunter checking every single crack of every single door on that map would be the worst experience of my life.
- Mixtape 102 looks really cool.. Not sure how small it is but it looks like an expanded version of the hallway from the P.T. demo.. looks nice
- Dystopia might be cool but gives me "prop box" vibes (i.e. make a square room, fill it with props, repeat for the rest of the rooms), which isn't fun to do anything with on either team in my opinion.
- Underlab is one of my favorite maps. If a talented mapmaker could extend underlab into a nice, large, underground map and keep the original feel it would probably be one of my favorite maps ever.. but right now it's wayy to small for 40 people. Back when we had 24 people on at most it worked, but definitely doesn't work now :(
- Screenshots of horror hotel don't look that great, seems like a pretty bland map. We already have plenty of those..
- Aperature looks AWESOME, I love Portal and the way this map is laid out looks really cool. I'd love to play this.
- Villahouse is good quality map, one of the classic Wolvindra maps.. but this map honestly isn't that fun to play on. It's very big and there aren't a lot of opportunities for creative hiding, lots of people hiding as hamburgers in bushes or a can behind one out of a million benches/chairs and other crap like that.. slightly frustrating. It also suffers from a problem a lot of other Wolvindra maps have which is OBNOXIOUS background noise. I shouldn't have to clear my soundscape files just to hear myself think playing the damn map.. overall though it's built more like a sandbox dick around map with props in it than a prophunt map.
- Fountain I tried a LOONG time ago but I remember it breaking in a few spots.. that was several years ago though. I like the layout and the aesthetic and it might be cool to try out.. may be small though.
- Restaurant 2020 looks really nice.. older revisions of restaurant (before 2019 forget the year) are extremely obnoxious with weirdly behaving custom props and are claustrophobic in a lot of places because of texture changes. Restaurant 2019 wasn't as bad with this but I still wasn't very impressed. 2020 looks really good with a throwback to the original restaurant map with the fountain, simpler textures, and a super nice looking expanded area. I'd love to have this.. I think we are about to rotate out the current version of restaurant, if we could add this in its place I would be very happy.. might even join the server sometime
edit: milly's sugestion of gm_lab_v2 looks nice. No idea how it'll be for a prophunt map but I like the look.
(06-28-2021, 09:58 PM)MillyDilly` Wrote:
(06-28-2021, 03:41 PM)§dLt. Star Wrote: snippiet
im using this as an excuse to ask you about ph_amaya as i have suggested it before and i would like to know if progresso soup was made.

also im suggesting gm_laboratory_alt so it looks like im being somewhat useful, i saw another server use it so idk

Amaya isn't going to happen, I was told no on that one. I'll have to look at Laboratory though.
Ex TTT Mod Dec 14, 2019 - Dec 14, 2019
Ex PH Mod April 14, 2019 - January 20, 2020
Ex PH Mod May 9, 2020 - May 27, 2022
Proud member of the RDMS
Ex Forum Admin May 6, 2022 - May 6, 2022
Former PH Map Editor

whattt Amaya is great

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