Permanent Bann (Maybe not? IDK.... maybe....)
(04-17-2021, 01:51 PM)MillyDilly` Wrote:
(04-17-2021, 01:14 PM)::::3 (im a spider LOL!) Wrote:
(04-17-2021, 12:22 PM)conone06 "Crêpe06 Wrote: Your previous ban requests were trollish in nature but also gave some comedy relief to the people reading them. While you did insult certain individuals in the community and the mod team, they were nonetheless a mostly comedic unban request with a bit of genuine apology. This ban request seems like a insult on everyone in the community. The other ban requests you openly admit to what you had done and apologized for it, even though you probably didn't mean most of it.
This time you lie to everyone reading the thread and as raider said, "feigning ignorance now?".  If you had a genuine unban request, or even one of the troll requests you did late last year and early this year, I would have given you a +1 because despite the trollish behavior you are still a member of the community who has sunk many hours onto the server.
I did really not want to see you stay banned, you are objectively the funniest person on the server. However your insult and lies against the community shows you are not ready to be let back in.
My last unban request, I gave these  hungry jackals everything I had to offer; I wore my thoughts on my sleeve, I opened my heart and shared with them the contents of my soul, and where did it get me? A knife in the chest and a dagger in my back; a rejection enforced almost unanimously, and an unspoken assertion that I was fortunate not to be banned from the forum as a whole. I gave apology, I gave explanation, I gave beleaguered and desperate pleas for forgiveness; indeed I even gave a retirement of the mad shitter character as a whole, and still it was not enough. It was never enough, and with every interaction I grow surer that it will never be enough. I tried with everything I had to keep to my terms, even after WEEKS of being HARASSED, HARANGUED and otherwise SUBJECT TO THE HATRED of a majority of the responding staff team when I attempted to speak earnestly and in conciliatory terms about the issues which I desired addressing. I turned the other cheek when bad actors such as FX, cactus and thunderwalrus repeatedly FLAMED my posts with two-to-three sentence responses with nonconstructive and often insulting quips of utter contempt, even attempting to dig at the nugget of their buried points and invite elaboration and further discussion to be insulted further or otherwise ignored completely. I felt a profound change of heart, and sought to live up to the terms which had been imposed on my person. I held my tongue for weeks with little to no incident of previous violations. I even came to regard, to my own great surprise, a certain majority of staff members on genuinely friendly terms, only to be betrayed by their forked tongues in a moment of WEAKNESS which I have described previously and lamented publicly, when the vultures jumped at my throat and gave no quarter.

I have come to you people with my palms outstretched, only intending to make good company and mirth yet again. I changed my tune, I tried to cooperate, I tried to be your friends and in the end you all clutched to your petty grudges like a wyrm's pearls. I gave you all the most honest feelings my heart possesses and was scornfully rejected, my most common "criticism" being the insistence from these same staff members who  have repeatedly demeaned me and my desire for a cease to hostilities and an opening to cordialities that all my efforts are a charade. Now that  I have come stripped of even my own identity, opening the door to a new beginning, you again color me with the same ichor of disdain, you spit in my face and tell me "More!" Well god dammit I don't have any more! I have nothing else to feed you! I can give no more than I already have! You're devils, you know? What the hell do you people want from me? If you want me gone then just fucking ban me, quit playing with my emotions and quit letting me hope we can be friends and fucking ban me already! I've literally tried fucking everything I can think of and it will NEVER BE ENOUGH FOR YOU, so JUST END IT IF YOU WANT IT OVER SO BADLY. BAN ME IF YOU WANT ME GONE. I've tried so fucking hard to work past it all and you animals seem hellbent on dragging out the corpses of the past so let's quit pretending you ever wanted to be friends and do what you no doubt have been waiting to do for a long, long fucking time.
mad shiter, you clearly do not care and could care less it seems that you want yourself begone more than they do. man up with a short non drawn out respons saying its end game or you can play ring around the rosie again with this tldr crap

by the way putting your heart and soul into something dosent mean people want to see talent or meaning

(04-17-2021, 02:17 PM)Here lies Eggroll's reputation.~ Wrote: TLDR

Seems like the ban was well deserved and should remain. Slurs are never ok and are never allowed on dinks. -1 Someone close the thread PLS.

(04-17-2021, 02:20 PM)David Wrote: can we make a rule to where if  you reply to someone, you cut out a majority of it so you can actually get to what it is that the new response is supposed to be? such a headache to try and navigate. 

Anyways, on the topic at hand,

Mad shitter lives in some of your heads rent-free and it clearly shows.

I'm sorry my friend; although you definitely failed at getting unbanned with this one, you definitely succeeded in getting entertainment for yourself and others who have read this.

-1... sorry <3

Yes, of course, how well considered and insightful.
the only sneaven ill be sent to... iis when ill be snalone with you
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Permanent Bann (Maybe not? IDK.... maybe....) - by David - 04-17-2021, 02:20 PM
RE: Permanent Bann (Maybe not? IDK.... maybe....) - by ::::3 (im a spider LOL!) - 04-18-2021, 01:31 AM
RE: Permanent Bann (Maybe not? IDK.... maybe....) - by David - 04-18-2021, 02:43 PM

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