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mass report n' leaf
Offender's Name & Steam ID: 
Potential Witnesses: 
Mork Mork, Zom13ae.

Reason to Ban: 
  • scruggie STEAM_0:1:198655484      -    alt evasion
  • Unfinished Bizz STEAM_0:0:30784731-     toxicity, harassment of the lobby. Harassment of a staff member. 2 counts of directed harassment at a player.
  • Hugh HoneySTEAM_0:0:29342321    -     ghosting (poorly at that)
  • Vic VinegarSTEAM_0:1:67887402      -     ghosting (again, poorly )
  • <Q> Ǫ͉̞̬̼̭̠̐ͭͨ͐ͦͧ STEAM_0:0:40676940             -     harassment of other players, sexual talk. directed harassment via player item (text hat)
  • Jetpakrad STEAM_0:0:438900416      -     micspam, excessive political talk.
  • rovharn STEAM_0:1:125498502       -     talking about beastiality, repeated micspam.

In regards to the Ghosting; ghosting evidence in conjunction with Zom13aes current BR.

10:30 Hugh doesnt bother checking other spots, or looking. runs straight to jessic23 spot.

14:50 vic vinegar asks "do you like little boy's buts?" gets a rapid gag test with a positive result.

19:50 Kasper harrasses me and tells me to "get over" a situation that was pretty terrifying. also he was being a dick, so he got the (not so) eternal reward.
19:50 Hugh honey micspam, instance. Didnt fully catch on till later.
19:55 kasper: rEaD tEh sErVeR rOoLz. me: ok.

32:37 vic vinegar seems to know where the taunts are coming from (stall nmber 2 or so) but is unable to determine which side or how (can behind the seat). Keeps running back and forth.
      just as vic finds the can, the can gets noober'd by another player. Interesting that he knows the exact stall to check and where exactly to shoot, even though he is super new here. mhm.
33:25 general chat minge.

33:50 <Q>Q indirectly insulting the veteran players here saying that "tell me you're a hacker without putting your c*ck down my throat

35:48 jetpakrad with the earrape ftw

36:10 jetpackrad with a "blm land" conspiracy theory. man, and I thought I had heard it all.

36:15 vic Vinegar "yO mOrK mOrK iS gHOsTinG. no, you are ghosting.

36:40 jetpackrad dude more micspam, gets just reward.

37:30. Hugh runs right up to freddy, assassinates ma boi with no check to surroundings. just homes right in like a sidewinder missile.

44:23 <q putting some cringe "dad beats me" humoless joken't  into chat.

45:12 unfinished bizz talkin some madge incst shit. get that shit offa meeeee!

 Part II, the spammening.

3:23 bizz gets a gag for some political speech. He was warned prior to read the motd.

27:37 rovharn needing feet pics, its gross tho to ask in ph chat.
28:12 unfinished bizz calls me some rude stuf AND ASKS FOR MUTE. I comply, then unmute all. (nobody else was muted)

29:04 rovharn continues about dogs and bungholes. disgostang

44:12 phantom complains that he was banned for 36 hours but that Spoops was not. I will return to this topic in the :other: section.
48:32 <q being rude insinuating that I shove genetalia into peoples throats for no reason (I dont but, yikes).
48:21 scruggie admits that the account he is playing on is his eighth account, and that he has been banned before from here. Who he is, I have no freakin clue.

50:45 <Q insists that I have been fully promoted to admin, that I enjoy non-sconsensual things, and that I have a really sad wiener (haha, I actually am starting to like the wiener jokes)

1:11:55 more c*ck in mouth shit. By this time, I am sick of it, and issue <Q a gagmute. For reference, by this time, I have given SEVERAL warnings (a bit too leniently, honestly).

1:16:05 <Q with some scat eating stuff. Its really not okey dokey.

1:21:15 and literally a couple minute later hes back to pedalling his bestiality shit. I am really annoyed at this point.

1:21:52 unfinished bizz attempts warning/kicking system by name change to ricky flair.
1:22:10 its more shit outa the gate. instamute. In my defense, zombae had just joined, and had missed like 99% of the nonsense that this person was doing.

1:23:10 bizz rejoins as biig_sad_hater; rejoins as "FUCK zom13ae kick me".
1:27:10 or so, rovharn talks about dog shit AGAIN. zom was tabbed out apparently, so I was on my own with my hands (then) tied.

1:31:32 <Q shoes me his new gamertag of "F*ck biig_sad". how charmingn't.

Other: (Optional)

So for the topic I wanted to cover, Phantom brought up the VALID POINT THAT HE HAS BEEN BANNED FOR BEHAVIORS WHICH SPOOP HAS NOT. to be perfectly clear, I am not here on a witch hunt. Instead, I refer you all to my (locked by means of being short) ban request here. I am of the opinion that this request was closed early, due to the influence of a very certain unloved wiener. As a result of being derailed, people may have been allowed to walk free. 

So I am here, really with 3 whole request "packets" in one. Sorry for the long videos and the delay. I am currently suffering from die (vaccine booster + dum = deth).
Sorry everyone, and thanks for putting up with the 2+ hours of documentation. I believe this is the most comprehensive way to prove the facts.
If you find that this documentation is stinky and long. please let me know, and I can trim it down.


Incepimus, Nunc et semper.
This means that "we begin, now and forever", and translates as "always we begin again"
What this actually means is that we should always strive to better ourselves, because tomorrow is a new day.
I hope you take it to heart. Remember, an improvement, no matter how small, is improvement.


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mass report n' leaf - by BIIG_SAD - 12-19-2021, 11:33 PM

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