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Summer is here, and we need your help!
Welcome to my response- itll be a bit before I make all my points so ill keep adding as I think of what to say. I'm coming from a TTT view primarily
This isn't a call out on anyone or me being an ass, I have better things to do in my day. This is what I feel to be my concerns and community concerns. 
As owner, Dink's who I'm addressing this to, but this isn't all about Dink. Like Epic said, this is a group issue we have here

Here's a touchy subject but what I feel to be the core of many problems. Lower staff activity isn't a world ending issue so I wont bother. Wont even touch TMod because it was donator filled and a fair expectation that the role would be inflated. What really marks an issue is inactive upper level staff. I'm talking mods, admins, and yes owner. For the most part mods are coming back in the last month now that schedules are freeing up so that's a plus, but we are thinning out and many were gone since the beginning of the year. Most mods wont stay active for years and some are turning into admins themselves. We have a lot of inactive mods, but most of mod issues are in communication, which is lower down.
The point of this section is truly admins and owner. And lack of co-owner.
Dink, when you come on, the server acts like it found a damn unicorn. Staff and members alike. I have no idea where you go or what you do. I've been here a year staffing and don't know you. You're not the only one, I can think of a couple admins I could say the same of. At the risk of getting hit by lightning, not saying you're explicitly inactive, but to a mod who has been here a year and I'd wager the majority of the community, you're not visible active. I define active to me engaging and less reacting to things, which is all I can say.
When it comes to admins before the added two, idk why drew is even still listed, two others were the definition of inactive, and the rest were spotty. Granted I'm only mostly late hours but even so, good lord. Christian resigned when all sorts of pressure was laid on him for being the active admin. It was nuts, everything was thrown on him because other admins may as well have been invisible in the eye of the community. Dakota's been so stretched with the PH spectacle that he's been handling both. RIP PH, though that's less inactivity than just straight all old staff resigned save Nicky and Traitor, bless them.
Co-owner? Starky left, still don't really know what happened to Dakody, and RIP every other server in general. Up to you what to do there.

This is directly a result of inactivity in my opinion. 
Dink, you've been doing better about letting us know things lately and stuff you've fixed, but communication still seems broken. If nothing else, looking at how admins react to your post says things are still misfiring. Sounds like we're also down an admin so votes are deadlocking, which while that's a different problem, community is chalking it up to not being spoken of or being ignored for long times. Better the last few weeks with two new active admins, but the deadlock is still present just by numbers. If you're just taking time to make the best pick idk, I've heard nothing new on the subject. MemoryCommunication is key. I'd still wager scoovie isn't tlking about the community when he says not listening to admins. You're owner and could invert the colors in game and no one could say you cant do that, but it doesn't mean that people will be happy out it. Catch my drift?
Touching a bit on the above, I think the communication breakdown is also why admins feel like they are under fire sometimes - delayed responses and admins not being in the loop will wear out fast I feel
While there's a break in owner to admin, there has also been a break in admin to mod for a bit. Hopefully the two active additions with another to follow will fix this.

Trolling / Toxicity issue
We have LOTS of fights over this crap that could have been nipped in the butt earlier. Communication issue maybe. Either way, people are getting banned, denied applications, and what have you for things that could have been nipped in the ass far earlier. Not only a staff fault, the players have to be willing to listen. But many of the recent issues are people who have been here for a bit and then suddenly BAM a staff member nails them for something they've been doing for awhile. Some don't even know why. The word gamer isn't an issue, its the spam. It was annoying people and one day Hill got banned for "gamer". Player gets banned for bringing things up too many times, we yell at reposted threads (tho that one someone usually says to stop). Players who have reached regular banned for constant racism. What do all of these have in common? They were simple issues that were not kept up with consistently or nipped early enough and when something finally happens, "Why now, hes been doing it for weeks?" "This other guy has been doing it too and staff lets him" "This staff didn't have an issue with my text hat" "about time". Which brings me to a new point,

We are not consistent as staff. Staff apps denied and approved when many have the same issue as the app with a different result. We never put in the how to section that we look at a month's activity for an app, or that forums primarily dictate community involvement. Ban lengths have some wiggle room with staff discretion and that should be realized, but staff apps should have a clear ruler for some things, looking at you "100 hours", "community involvement", things we vary so hard on. Whether or not they do ban reqs or you think they're an ass is what +-1 is for, whether or not they even meet the standard we hold them to even apply and be considered should be clear.
Some of these bans and unbans should be a little more consistent on our end in my opinion too

Broke shit (minor points)
Shotgun is overpowered
Why take out the accuracy on the revolver? Cross mapping with a pistol headshot s dope, switch the recoil or something so they can only shoot once with that accuracy.
MY OPINION where the hell did the totally broken but fun knockback of the M24 go? it wasn't useful in a fight but I could shot a barrel around a room to amuse myself
Keep the MassRDM turret
Server crashes a lot now even on previously stable maps with low number of people on, even crashing twice in a row a couple of times

Matt_St3 / Strongrule / Spartan001295
Forum Admin - Resigned TTT Admin
[00:04] matt_st3 (Strongrule) [traitor] has damaged Taliban Tom [detective] for 4.9999999349555e+14 HP with an unknown weapon

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RE: Summer is here, and we need your help! - by Matt_St3 (Strongrule) - 06-19-2018, 05:39 PM

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