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Declaration of Secession from PH
I mean, just take a look at this. Is this really the kind of society anyone wants to live in?

Dinkleberg's Prop Hunt Rules

1. No Ghosting
Ghosting is giving away or hinting at the location of a prop while you are a dead hunter or a prop.
Spectator ghosting with trails is also prohibited.
False Hints are prohibited.
Self ghosting, giving away your own location, is allowed provided you are not near other props.
Third party communications to relay the opposite teams location, are also prohibited. Steam Chat, Discord, or etc are examples of this.
Ghosting with third party communications is automatically a jump to punishment 1 and a warning.
You are allowed to speak any language, however, if you get suspicious by players/staff for saying inappropriate things/ghosting you will be punished accordingly.
Warning 1: Verbal/Chat Notification (more for verbal ghosting)
Warning 2: Mute/Gag for round + awarn warning (!warn player reason) (More for verbal ghosting)
Warning 3: Map gag + awarn warning (!warn player reason) (More for verbal ghosting)
Punishment 1: Forceswap to friends team (!forceswap player) + awarn warning (!warn player reason)(More for third party ghosting)
Punishment 2: 2-week ban (20,160 minutes)
Punishment 3: Permanent ban

2. No Trolling
Trolling is the act of breaking multiple rules purposefully/ blatantly doing the opposite of what is told of them.
Cases of trolling will be handled by staff via reasonable discretion
In rare cases, staff are allowed to use !gag * to gag the entire server, no more than 90 seconds, to handle the situation and talk to the players.
Be sure to know the differences between toxic trolling, and joking around. Don't punish for joking around, only punish for toxicity. (Someone breaking rules on purpose, harassing others, etc.)
Warning 1: Verbal/Chat Notification+Mute/Gag for round
Warning 2: Verbal/chat Notification + Mute/Gag for map + awarn warning (!warn player reason)
Punishment 1: An appropriate ban based on the situation (ranging from hours to a permanent ban)

3. Do Not Sit in Unassigned/Spectator/AFK
When you join the server, you are expected to pick a team to play on, whether that be hunters or props, and stick with it.
Spectator is for staff only, please do not question staff that are in it. If they are here, it is for a reason.
Unassigned is for players that have just joined the server.
AFK is counted as no game play or movement or chat for a long period of time.
Type status into console, you can see the players connection time, and the status of their connection. It'll say connected, connecting, or similar.

Unassigned/AFK if under 30 players
Warning 1: Verbal/Chat Notification each round.
Punishment 1: Kick after an hour.

Unassigned/AFK if over 30 players
Warning 1: Verbal/Chat Notification each round for 15 minutes.
Punishment 1: Kick.

Warning 1: Verbal/Chat Notification
Warning 2: Verbal/Chat Notification + awarn warning (!warn player reason)
Punishment 1: Forceswap at end of round.
Punishment 2: Kick
Punishment 3: 12 hour ban

4. Listen to All Staff Members/Do not punishment evade
Staff members have final say in disputes and the expectation is that you will defer to their decisions. Arguing with a staff member will only lead to trouble, so please do not attempt it. If you have an issue with the way a staff member handles a situation, please take it to the forums.
Do not leave to avoid punishment. If have been gagged or muted by staff and return immediately, then you will be regagged/muted. If you do it again, this will lead to a ban for punishment evasion.
Warning 1: Verbal/Chat Notification
Punishment 1: Remute/regag (Depending on the situation.)
Punishment 2: Kick
Punishment 3: 12-24 hour for gag/mute evasion. Alt account/etc evasion is a permanent.

5. Do Not Switch Teams Without Asking Staff First
You may swap teams one time on the first round of the map if you have 0 kills and 0 deaths. If, for some reason, you wish to switch teams, please consult with a staff member first. Always ask. It helps prevent situations regarding ghosting and the like.
If a player is joining, and swaps to join their friend, no matter the round, this is okay.
Warning 1: Verbal/Chat Notification
Warning 2: Verbal/Chat Notification + Forceswap at end of round + awarn warning (!warn player reason)
Punishment 1: Forceswap
Punishment 2: Kick
Punishment 3:12 Hour Ban

6. Do Not Abuse The !Unstuck Command
You should only use the !unstuck command if you are truly stuck. If you abuse it, you will be punished appropriately.

Warning 1: Verbal/Chat Notification
Warning 2: Verbal/Chat Notification + awarn warning (!warn player reason)
Punishment 1: Kick
Punishment 2: 24 Hour Ban
Punishment 3: 2 week ban
Punishment 4: Permanent ban

7. Do Not Prop Block Doors, Spam E on Doors, or Block Doors With Props
You are not allowed to prop block doors to disallow hunters/props to go through them to get to you. This includes blocking stairways, and hallways. You're not allowed to spam doors, as it makes a noise that becomes quite a nuisance. You're also not allowed to block a door, as a prop/hunter yourself.

Warning 1: Verbal/Chat Notification
Punishment 1: Slap/Teleport + awarn warning (!warn player reason)
Punishment 2: Slay/Teleport (for those that don't have slay) + awarn warning (!warn player reason)
Punishment 3: Kick
Punishment 4: 12 Hour Ban
Punishment 5: 2 week ban
Punishment 6: Permanent ban

8. Do Not Hide in Illegal Spots
A spot is deemed illegal if you cannot be seen or shot while using a normal weapon. Hiding in meshes to be invisible is also illegal.
Grenades, RPG, and Black Ops guns are not normal weapons.
Normal weapons are the pistol, the smg, and the shotgun.
You can find a list of the illegal spots via this link, or by typing !spots in chat while on server.
Warning 1: Verbal/Chat Notification
Warning 2: Verbal/Chat Notification + awarn warning (!warn player reason)
Punishment 1: Slap/Teleport (for those that don't have slap)
Punishment 2: Slay/Teleport (for those that don't have slay)
Punishment 3: Kick
Punishment 4: 24 Hour ban
Punishment 5: 2 week ban
Punishment 6: Permanent ban

9. Do Not Disrespect/Harass Staff or Players
Disrespecting and harassing our players and staff is not allowed and will not be tolerated.
Some examples, though not limited to, include being rude to players because of their race, gender, age, mental/physical abilities, voice/wording, and/or asking a player to do inappropriate things.
Instigating issues to amuse yourself and referencing past issues
Spamming players with trade requests or spamming the private message function are considered forms of harassment.
References to suicide or rape.
Harassment of a Staff Member
Warning 1: Verbal/Chat notification
Punishment 1: Mute/Gag for the round + awarn warning (!warn player reason)
Punishment 2: Mute/Gag for the map + awarn warning (!warn player reason)
Punishment 3: Kick
Punishment 4: Ban based on situation (24hr +)

Harassment of a Player or the Use of Ethnic Slurs, Racism, Sexism, Homophobia, or other Prohibited Topics
Warning 1: Verbal/Chat notification
Warning 2: Mute/Gag for the round + awarn warning (!warn player reason)
Warning 3: Mute/Gag for the map + awarn warning (!warn player reason)
Punishment 1: Kick
Punishment 2: Permanent Ban

10. Do Not Impersonate Staff or Players
Please do not impersonate staff. Depending on the situation, the punishment matrix listed below may be used by staff members.
You're not allowed to copy a staff members/players name.
Warning 1: Verbal/Chat Notification
Warning 2: Verbal/Chat Notification + Mute/Gag for round + awarn warning (!warn player reason)
Warning 3: Verbal/Chat Notification and Mute/Gag for the map + awarn warning (!warn player reason)
Punishment 1: Kick (This is what you jump to after the first two warnings ignoring the gag/mute regarding names)
Punishment 2: 24 hour ban
Punishment 3: 1 week ban
Punishment 4: Permanent ban

11. Do Not Have an Inappropriate Name or Picture
Inappropriate names/pictures include (but are not limited to) anything involving racism, sexism, suicide, overly sexual phrases, and rape. Your name also cannot be an advertisement/link. (This means clickable)
For example, Prince Niggy, would not be an appropriate name. Please do not attempt to push the envelope on this rule. Just change it when we ask you.
Warning 1: Verbal/Chat Notification to change name
Punishment 1: awarn warning (!warn player reason) + (If Refusal) Kick
Punishment 2: (Returns with same/more offensive name) Kick
Punishment 3: 24 hour ban

12. No Chat or Mic Spamming
You and I (the royal I, meaning all staff members) know what you shouldn’t be doing in the mic or in the chat.
Examples of mic and chat spam categorized: Burping, Noises(whistling, humming, etc), Singing(A line or two of a song is okay), Whispering, Screaming, Repeating phrases/words, Spamming in another language (It's okay to not speak English, its obvious when someone is trolling/etc in another language)
This includes admin chat. If admin chat is being abused, also follow this.
Private messaging in admin chat, admin chat is for concerns/questions
Using !psay (!p) to spam a player
Using a voice changer
You are allowed to speak any language, however, if you get suspicious by players/staff for saying inappropriate things/ghosting you will be punished accordingly.
Warning 1: Verbal/Chat Notification
Warning 2: Verbal/Chat Notification+Mute/Gag for round + awarn warning (!warn player reason)
Warning 3: Verbal/Chat Notification+Mute/Gag for map + awarn warning (!warn player reason)
Punishment 1: Kick
Punishment 2: 12 Hour Ban
Note: You can go straight to a gag/mute with a warning placed in chat, if it is excessive.

13. No Time Farming
The server is for playing on and enjoying a bit of fun, not sitting around and doing nothing. If you wish to farm, purchase a watering can, tomato seeds, and some garden soil.

Punishment 1: awarn warning (!warn player reason) + Kick
Punishment 2: awarn warning (!warn player reason) + Kick
Punishment 3: 24 Hour Ban
Punishment 4: 1 week ban

14. No Advertising
Advertising is prohibited on our Prop Hunt server.
Some examples of advertising include: linking to other servers, Youtube videos and channels, Prince Nicky fan clubs, and any other website besides the dinkleberg forums/discord.
Linking to our forums is allowed, but please do not spam links to it.
Advertising hacks is punished more severely than other advertising. Keep this in mind.
Advertising Sites/Servers/Videos
Warning 1: Verbal/Chat Notification
Punishment 1: Mute/Gag for round + awarn warning (!warn player reason)
Punishment 2: Mute/Gag for map + awarn warning (!warn player reason)
Punishment 3: 24 hour ban
Punishment 4: 2 week ban/Permanent ban

Advertising Hacks
Warning 1: Verbal/Chat Notification
Punishment 1: awarn warning (!warn player reason) + Kick
Punishment 2: 2 week ban
Punishment 3: Permanent ban

15. Do not excessively curse/talk about OVERLY sexual things/talk about politics or religion.
You will quickly notice that our server player base includes many younger players. For the benefit of these developing minds, please do not curse excessively or talk about overly sexual topics on the server. To avoid creating an overly diverse environment, please do not over talk about politics or religion on the server either.

Warning 1: Verbal/Chat Notification
Punishment 1: Mute/Gag for round + awarn warning (!warn player reason)
Punishment 2: Mute/Gag for map + awarn warning (!warn player reason)
Punishment 3: Kick
Punishment 4: 24 Hour Ban

16. Do Not Exploit, Hack or or Otherwise Avoid the Game's Intended Limits.
Prop Hunt is a rather simple game. If you are a prop, you hide. If you are a hunter, you hunt. Please don’t make it more complicated by exploiting, hacking, or abusing commands to bend the game’s intended limits.
Map exploiting includes getting back into hunter spawn on Underwataaa, any kind of !unstuck abuse, SMG grenade killing before hunters are unblinded, and prop climbing/prop surfing to get out of the map (Prop-surfing/climbing for fun is allowed).
Do not try to escape the map bounds or exploit map bugs that provide an unfair advantage to gameplay.
Do not abuse console commands to exploit the way in-game items work.
Exploiting and Escaping Map Bounds/Bugs
Warning 1: Verbal/Chat Notification
Warning 2: Verbal/Chat Notification + awarn warning (!warn player reason)
Punishment 1: Slap/Teleport (for those that don't have slap) + awarn warning (!warn player reason)
Punishment 2: Kick
Punishment 3: 1 Week ban
Punishment 4: Permanent ban

Hacking or Abuse of Console Commands
All offenses are an immediate permanent ban.

17. Do not Rob Players of a Kill
This is unfair to players, and is no longer allowed. This include kill binding as a prop to avoid a death by a hunter.
This includes killing yourself by explosive barrels
This includes killing yourself by gravity
This includes killing yourself by squishing yourself intentionally.
Warning 1: Verbal/Chat Notification
Warning 2: Verbal/Chat Notification + awarn warning (!warn player reason)
Punishment 1: Kick + awarn warning (!warn player reason)
Punishment 2: 24 hour ban
Punishment 3: 1 week ban
[Image: frieren-fall-winter.jpeg]

Messages In This Thread
Declaration of Secession from PH - by Gabe - 06-24-2019, 10:48 PM
RE: Declaration of Secession from PH - by Dildo Shwaggins - 06-25-2019, 12:02 AM
RE: Declaration of Secession from PH - by Gabe - 09-11-2019, 08:13 PM
RE: Declaration of Secession from PH - by Abdel - 09-11-2019, 10:19 PM
RE: Declaration of Secession from PH - by happy - 09-11-2019, 11:29 PM

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    This is Dinkleberg's GMod, a gaming community based in Garry's Mod. We have a Trouble in Terrorist Town, Prop Hunt, Murder, and Deathrun Server. Come check them out sometime.