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Let this songbird sing!
Okay since we are getting to the assuming everything section of this thread. I will now respond differently since trying to stay calm and actually have a conversation with the affected individual(s) has basically brought everyone on board.

Seeing as how this is leaning towards specifically how your application was figured and decided upon, I guess I will clear the air. Yes, people coming out of the forest or being dead to say something on an application generally does not make sense but such comments are not what overall made such a decision. I personally denied your request based on what seemed to be a slump in your communication skills. I tried telling you this in the application which then a couple weeks later or so you DMd asking what that entailed. I explained nicely, and you called bs. So now I will go in depth. Your communication surrounding the time of your application sucked. There were two instances in your private discord (one of them server related) where you did not communicate with other members properly who either tried to join the vc or the other time when others were in the vc. You, instead of explaining it is a private conversation just deafened everyone until they chose to leave instead of explaining to them or making the vc private or something leaving more than one person less than chipper about the results. The other time was non-server related but was also handled very poorly, we have already discussed this one. The other time was when a former staff member handled a situation incorrectly and you spent the entire video you sent me typing out an entire sentence in response, deleting it entirely, and then starting all over again repeatedly. The final time that comes to mind is when we were scheduling the staff meeting and you flat out said you were not coming because you did not like speaking and other excuses. All of these happened in a very short time period and all were things I either saw on video or experienced personally with you. Seeing as how with the communication mishaps and not even a month after the application incident, I deemed it wise to deny the application until the communication picked up again. But once again, you called bs. I did not go into this amount of detail but I guess I have now.

Applications and opinions, this thread being a perfect example, even if people have absolutely nothing to do with the situation, will get involved and provide random information. It is the job of the staff team to figure out which ones are legitimate or not. Also while on this subject, you said you were upset on what some said on your application (I believe a few contacted me in private as well) while spending very little time with you on the server. While also stating you avoided several staff members because you believe they did not like you and then wondering why some staff gave you the cold shoulder. You cannot avoid multiple people then expect them to favor you in a staff application despite limited interactions with you recently. I do not expect you all to be friends, but I do expect you all to be able to at least put your differences aside to staff a fucking Gmod server.

Now, getting your evidence of the incident. You and this other staff member had differences. That is okay, but when it got to the staff application both of you decided to try and tell me how bad the other person was. You can see how things could get lost or mixed up here. It was a mess overall and as said, most of the stuff was out of my area of private matters and stuff in a private discord as well. You said you provided evidence of this person being a bad person but honestly, I did not act on any of it because the evidence sucked and was about private shit that you both brought in the community. I thought we were on agreeable terms after the staff meeting which is why I did not act on it after said staff meeting because I thought it was taken care of. Apparently not, my bad.

Going through some of the evidence I will tell you why, without revealing names or anyone to the best of my capabilities even though everyone knows who they are probably. The first thing is in the private discord the person and yourself were in separate vcs of the same discord. A person joined your vc and the other staff member made a comment about it in the chat. I saw it and did not think anything of it and when you sent it to me as “evidence” I took it as a joke because that happens with vcs all the time. Hell, it literally happened over mic in the vc I was in last night. That is not good evidence whatsoever.

The next piece I will go through is when you gave me a list of four individuals to possibly go on this other person’s attitude and actions in the discord while you also provided some context. All of them were from Dink’s from some point or another. Two of them are famous for being shitposting drama queens making them immediately unreliable in my eyes seeing as how they have spent much of their time just trying to get attention. The third person I did not really know whatsoever so I could have gone to them. Then finally the fourth, being a friend of yours who tried to force a conversation with the other staff member while being intoxicated. The staff member continuously dismissed them while the other kept on trying to force and press the issue through DMs until the other staff member basically had to tell them off to be left alone because the staff member did not want a discussion with your friend while they were intoxicated. Even though rudeness could be seen, not wanting to have an important conversation with an intoxicated person is perfectly understandable.

With said friend you sent me more information between the staff member and that person which can be seen as a private conversation involving you negatively but that was in DMs and friend relationships and has nothing to do with Dinks. Was that move unnecessary? Yes. Is it my place to dictate how personal friendships are handled in DM conversation outside of the Dinkleberg community in almost every single way? Sure hope not. This happened at least a month before the application incident but this is where I say it was allowed to fester and all the staff, including myself, were left in the dark on this, leading to the staff application fiasco before yours.

Another piece of evidence that happened before the staff meeting that you shared with me was when someone came to you regarding what they said in the staff discord vc. This was after the staff application fiasco and should have been addressed with that person. I am sorry about that, by that point, I was completely drained from the scenario and everything else that it escaped me acting on it. The person will be warned not to do such actions again of bringing up personal issues and generally talking poorly again in the staff discord.

Now we can continue this conversation if you want, as said, I thought this issue was handled after the staff meeting. A lot of good subjects were touched on and tensions seemed to drop so I thought the issue between you two was handled but apparently not. So moving forward from this “incident” you two should not interact with each other unless absolutely necessary. Which means basically on the server only if you two happen to be on at the same time. This is to stop further drama and hatred. I do not want to hear about you guys crap talking to each other in random locations, heck if you can, do not even think about the other person for a while. If I see either of you continue to build “cliques”, getting people to join your sides over he said she saids, or anything like that making the situation worse still and not being able to work with another on the server, I will act accordingly. Now, when you two want to be adults and not like some girls bickering in high school, DM me. We can schedule a time for all 3 of us to meet up in a private vc. I will moderate, making sure the both of you get to say what needs to be said, until the air is cleared. I do not care if it takes only 15 minutes, 6 hours, multiple 6 hours sessions, whatever. I want this issue to end between you two. If you do not feel comfortable with only me moderating, we can bring in another upper staff member that you both trust or are comfortable with.
[Image: 64017c939475b62a042ca559d80eb3fc-png.jpg]

Important Memes                                                Make sure to make the day.                       
Matt is Matt
Monke Resign 
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Travis Army

Messages In This Thread
Let this songbird sing! - by Starling - 11-03-2020, 09:08 PM
RE: Let this songbird sing! - by Jordanian Sniper - 11-03-2020, 09:45 PM
RE: Let this songbird sing! - by Alora - 11-03-2020, 11:14 PM
RE: Let this songbird sing! - by TheUltraFish - 11-03-2020, 11:50 PM
RE: Let this songbird sing! - by Starling - 11-04-2020, 05:03 AM
RE: Let this songbird sing! - by Jordanian Sniper - 11-04-2020, 05:34 AM
RE: Let this songbird sing! - by The Triangle - 11-04-2020, 07:43 AM
RE: Let this songbird sing! - by Uriel'is - 11-04-2020, 10:31 AM
RE: Let this songbird sing! - by Salty - 11-04-2020, 11:53 AM
RE: Let this songbird sing! - by Salty - 11-04-2020, 12:00 PM
RE: Let this songbird sing! - by leftjupiter18 - 11-04-2020, 11:49 AM
RE: Let this songbird sing! - by Jordanian Sniper - 11-04-2020, 11:59 AM
RE: Let this songbird sing! - by Battons - 11-04-2020, 04:33 PM
RE: Let this songbird sing! - by Jordanian Sniper - 11-04-2020, 04:53 PM
RE: Let this songbird sing! - by Battons - 11-04-2020, 05:28 PM
RE: Let this songbird sing! - by ding - 11-04-2020, 06:17 PM
RE: Let this songbird sing! - by TheUltraFish - 11-04-2020, 06:27 PM
RE: Let this songbird sing! - by ding - 11-04-2020, 06:28 PM
RE: Let this songbird sing! - by Starling - 11-04-2020, 06:55 PM
RE: Let this songbird sing! - by TheUltraFish - 11-04-2020, 11:08 PM

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