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Whoops thats an application
Ingame Name: gebriel ❥ (my permanent name as of rn)
Previous Names: [white]♛Mr.[teal]Jinsen , [white]♛Mr. [teal]Jinsen , [test] gebriel ❥ , jinsen , Gebriel , §a gebriel ❥ , §a geb❥ , §a geb ❥ ,  §7♛Mr.§3Jinsen , §4Jinsen§8❥ , §3Jinsen§7❥ , §3Jinsen❥ , ♛Mr. Jinsen
I have way too many names but this is the extent to what I found

Steam ID:  STEAM_0:0:76857576

Time Played: 336.21667 hours played

When First Joined: Some time before May 4th, 2018, thats the earliest name I found on GameTracker

Availability (Approx. times you play, and time zone): I usually get on in the afternoon/evening Pacific Standard Time. My work schedule is pretty messy but I know I'm on during the evening most of the time.

Rank Desired: Trusted

Current Rank: Regular/Donor

What can you do to help the community?: I have a good eye for ghosters/potential ghosters/hackers. I can help by catching and swapping ghosters to be with their friends, handle mic spammers/chat spammers more efficiently, and making attempts to keep the server decently calm when it's busy and chaotic.

Why do you want to help the community?: Well I love to play on the server pretty often, seeing as a lot of staff happen to be busy I thought I'd like to help out where I am the most. Do my fair share for something I enjoy. I want to do more for the server.

Have you previously been banned? (Link relevant posts): Just a couple of joke bans. One from PH, and one from Murder. I asked for them- But no actual bans.

Have you previously applied for staff? (Link relevant posts): Nope

Do you have a way to record video or take screenshots? I use the XBox gamebar recording software that came with my computer to record and I have the snipping tool that my computer provides to take screenshots.

How did you find us?: I was actually invited by a friend of mine who joined at least a month before I did. We were all looking for a new server to play on after Sona Gaming (SG) Prop Hunt shut down. I played for a weeks worth of time before taking a long break. But I did keep coming back here and there, alone or with friends, under the names stated over the period of a couple of years. Became a regular player a few months ago.

Other: I know I've probably had hiccups here and there, minor things I'd need to fix and improve. I did hesitate to use my powers as a donor mostly so I don't feel like I'm abusing them in a way or acting too fast on something a staff member can do when I pinged for them. But I'm pretty sure I've been using them more as of late.
I do have previous experience as a Moderator on another server called (SG) Sona Gaming || Prophunt, but the community closed in 2017. I think I was moderator for more than a year and I also modded for it's Suicide Barrels server.
You little shit. Listen here.

Sona Gaming has made you a freak of nature in your prop hunting abilities and I personally fucking hate it.

But I love playing with you and I don't have a whole lot of anything to say negative, we've played quite a few times together and you're always ready to help out and its awesome. You'd be a great addition to the team.

Go away
Geb showed great activity in game ,and this player and understood the rules .He is consistently active in forums, and discord .Always ready to catch ghosts , evidence for hackers. He calls staff when there are too many ghosts, micspamers etc. He can handle the issue when there are no staff. And he's never rude, he's always respectful of the players.He is always ready to help and explain the rules to new players.

Geb my dude I am very happy to see your application!

I think you are definitely ready to become staff. You have a lot activity on server and have knowledge from your Sona days to not only help new people learn the game, you also have the eyes to spot trouble makers. You are kind and spunky at the same time, and I also enjoy playing with you, (even when you also find me...which is fine because I am bad at ph). There are just some things I want you to consider....
-never be afraid to ask for help or back up (which you do already but I just want reiterate)
-please don't over work yourself, burn out is real and it claims a lot of staff especially when they try to be on at all times and juggle with irl life.
-you need to staff to everyone, including friends. we can not allow our buddies in the game to dictate our staffing. its totally fine to help friends out and defend them against trolls and such but we cant allow them to push situations.
- dont forget to have fun! this is a game and staffing can sometimes over shadow that. once you lose the fun of the game it loses its worth and we want the ones we vote in for staff to stick around and have fun with us.

None of these are negatives directed at you, just some things i want you or anyone else applying for staff to consider.

its a big +1 from me.
good luck my dude!
[Image: drunk-possum.jpg]

Now that I'm back home I can respond!

I know I'm not as PH guy here in Dinks, but I've known Geb for a long time. Him and I honed a lot of our skills in Sona years ago, and he's always been a level headed fella with a perfect balance, of "takes no shit" and "helps everyone he can."

A very experienced PH player, and a good person at heart. This is a no-brainer to me.

I've known Geb for years, and I can say with full confidence that he would be a great addition to staff. Not only is he a phenomenal player (yes, better than me I admit) and has a great eye for those who ghost and cheat, but also a friend to all. He has shown me his dedication to the server, both on it and off. He isn't afraid to speak his mind, and does so in a way that is reasonable, calm, and level headed. He isn't afraid to take action without going too far, and he is helpful and informative to new players.
I have been a part of many ph servers, and staff of most, and I can say with full certainty that if I were staff on this server, I would want Geb on my team. I know he's good and dependable at the task of managing a server from personal experience, and that would continue here. You want Mr. Geb in this squad, I can guarantee it.

Be my protégé. +1
[Image: image0_2.jpg]
Oh snap, I didn't want to bother you with applying but you have been really helpful since I met you. Even when I was Donor, we both worked together when no staff was on to catch those baddies. You handle yourself well, you ping for staff on discord when needed. I believe you will make an excellent part of the team.

+1 from this guy

Good luck my guy :D
Hey Geb, Thanks for Applying!

I've known geb for at least more than a year now varying from many names to their current name. You've always been one to come and go, but as of a few months now, you've been sticking around. You have all the requirements met for that of a Trusted. Activity, sense of the rules, and the ability to notice who's being bad when it happens. With further guidance I'm sure we can polish the skills we have develop over time on to you. I saw the recent ban request and some commands were thrown abit too quickly but this wasn't entirely on yourself (you weren't the only donor involved) It's hard to know what exactly to do when it's not done everyday. You say you have previous moderating experience so you know a thing or two of whats right and wrong. From the experiences and interactions with you on server have given me a good understanding that you are ready for the position of trusted. Thanks for choosing to support us and thanks for giving a bit of your time to the server.

Trusted isn't too far from donor, but they aren't really the same as well. I wish you luck in this endeavor. It's a (+1) from me.
Geb i havent been playing ph much so i wont +1/-1 but you seem to really want to help and really determined.

you have a lot of activity, you know the rules, iv seen you do good as a donor. overall a great person and a great person to be staff
[Image: dVe5C4F.gif]
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    This is Dinkleberg's GMod, a gaming community based in Garry's Mod. We have a Trouble in Terrorist Town, Prop Hunt, Murder, and Deathrun Server. Come check them out sometime.