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Toonze 4 Trusted!!!
Ingame Name: Toonze

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:56383869

Discord Tag: Toonze#0044

Time Played:  420 hours(its really 413 but ya know) (;

When First Joined: A few years ago I cant quite remember but I quit for awhile as well

Availability: usually anywhere between 4pm EST. to 2am EST.

Rank Desired: Trusted

Current Rank: Regular

What can you do to help the community: I will be able to slay people when other staff isnt available especially late at night, and keeping the rdm and toxicity down that I see in late hours.

Why you want to help the community: I have been a member of the community for awhile now, and I feel helpless when I see rdm happening and noone else is around, and majority of the time its just a slay or two that needs to be addressed and not a ban. I also see a decent amount of mic spam and toxic stuff being said towards others that I can't really do anything about as they do talk over me at times and being able to gag/mute them I will be able to tell them to chill and not do that.

Have you been previously banned? (Link Relevant Posts): Never!

Have you previously applied for staff? (Link Relevant Posts): No, but its about time I do!

How did you find us?: browsing through TTT servers a few years back

Did you fill out the required scenario questions for rank you are applying for? (Links under requirements in format thread): Yes!

Other: I also dont have any ban requests up which is a lil red flag I am sure, but alot of the time another trusted or someone else has it handled before I do!
i wont do a big wall of text. im confidant that the music man is up to the task of trusted after all it's not really that hard i don't think i've ever had to punish toonze with a gag, mute or warn i'm sure i've slayed them at least once but i've never noticed anything bad come from them. they have more hours then when i applied and im pretty sure they have a better grasp of the rules then i did back then. massive +1

stinky man can aim better then me tho so -1
[Image: 4kcofo.jpg]thx fish[Image: Salsa_UwU.jpg]
hello my dear, thanks for the application. Toonze is an exceptional player, friendly to everyone in the community and I am sure he will be a good addition to the team. As for ban requests, if you need help I will be here for you. 1+
Toonze is one of the best candidates for staff. He keeps to the rules while still having fun in the game and being a contributing member of the community. Also very active which is a quality needed by new staff members, plus 420 hours in game is more than some moderators.
Nice Car.
Be a shame if I ran into it
Toonze is a great guy for the server, definitely brings nothing but positive energy and good vibes to the community when he is on. His understanding of the rules is certainly better than the average player, no doubt a result of #420BlazeIt hours on Dinkleberg's TTT Fast Downloads! Staff Needed. I think he could do a good job as Trusted, but there are some things I usually prefer to see in a player's "resume" before recommending them for staff position, specifically in this case, ban requests to the forums, "pings" to staff on Discord for help when someone is RDMing or needing a ban, and just generally being an involved member of the community on Discord.

I believe our staff do an excellent job filing ban requests if we are online (it's literally part of our job), but we only have so many staff members and unfortunately we can't be present on the server to monitor behavior 24/7. During our absence, we rely on members outside of our staff team to do their best to help keep things under control by going "above and beyond" the game by drafting and filing ban requests. It is a vital role, one that the staff and the server as a whole benefit from, and usually demonstrates that someone is not only capable of performing the tasks staff members have to do (make judgements citing the !motd, collecting evidence, etc.), but that they have the desire, the willpower, the initiative, the drive, whatever you want to call it, to put in the work. I think you are capable of doing these things and I think there is opportunity for you to file ban requests, especially with how often you play in the evenings without staff on, but as of yet, you haven't done any.

Additionally, sometimes the easiest thing to do is to ping staff on Discord to let them know someone is RDMing and asking them if they can get on. Typically, you should be "pinging" staff as a first step, and if they aren't available, you begin collecting evidence for a post to the forums. "Pinging" us is not that hard, yet a surprising number of people don't do it. If you really want to be staff, I'd like to see you being the one on the server who takes the initiative to contact staff.

The bit about Discord will be easy for you. Unless you use a different name there, I just don't really recall seeing you on. I think it would help you stay connected to the community, plus it's just a fun place to goof around in.

For these reasons as of right now I can only say +0 to your current application. I am confident you can do all the things and would more than happy to help you learn whatever is necessary. The all-mighty Admins, in their glorious divine wisdom, will ultimately make the decision, my words are just my opinion, but I'm glad you applied since whatever the outcome, this is the first step!
Respect your elders
I like this guy. +1
[Image: 0e7d9b52b0a8da003d3bf791934a67c3.gif]

[Image: ngt65CF.gif]
Great guy, haven't been in the community too long but he's been a good player and a good friend to me while I've been here. I think he's a really good fit to be staff!
He's great to be online with and it's always fun playing when he's on. That being said I haven't really seen much of a responsible side to you but that could simply be because we joke around a lot. You've got the time I believe and you're an active member of the community so it's a 1+ from me.
I actually really enjoyed playing with Toonze while I was on recently. They seemed to know the rules pretty well and seemed like a good candidate for trusted. And as already stated a little more forums/discord interaction but +1
Easy +1. Toonze is a great and helpful player who gets on when staff usually isn't on to help. Can't wait to RDM you when you get accepted >:)

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