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Part 8: I apply.
In-game Name: MillyDilly | Milly~Dilly | and so on variations of Milly+Dilly

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:418964902

Time Played:  463.1 hours

When You First Joined DR: I do not remember.

Availability: no Wednesdays, my time zone is GMT+, i don't know an approximate time i kind of am just awake or not.

Rank Desired: T-mod

Current Rank: Trusted

What more can you do to help the community?: I am able to ban for 24 (at least i think) hours at most which i can do instead of having to spam !kick until they give up or a admin/mod steps in but i do understand they still will need to step in for a final ban it does help to let me finish a ban request or give me more time to call for help for a big hammer.

Why do you want to help the community?: What 4 years here now? I'm not making the sappy syrup but really I'm here now, I'll most likely be there later. I like being here and i love helping it. I'd like to help that one extra blue step i guess. Really don't know how to make a paragraph like other people can so sorry about that.

Have you been previously banned?: non.

Have you previously applied for staff?:

Do You Have Previous Experience with Staffing a Gaming Server? Yes.
Moderator: gmod puzzles:
Prevent exploiting, prevent racism and harrasment. Skipping broken "puzzles"

Admin: TTT:
I did rdm reports only.

Mod: Minecraft:
Really just things require my opinion whenever.

How did you find us?: clicky

Other: Sorry i can't make big paragraphs like some others in there apps but thats all i got. I swear i mean well.

To be as honest as possible i have infact have had 3 abuse reports created upon me in my time as trusted. In order it goes as:
haha made you look
[Image: dVe5C4F.gif]
find more through my linktree | Never Forget | My emotinal support cat Green Bean 
I feel that the 3 abuse reports are more of a symptom of increased traffic in DR coming from recently closed servers. If I recall, two of your alleged "abuses" were you actually staffing the server properly, and one had "evidence that shall not be provided."

Dr is seeing increased traffic and needs good staff members, with the power to take out the trash in an emergency situation. I feel that the jump from Trusted to T-Mod is the smallest leap to be made, and that you should be ready to do so.

My one issue is that there was a situation in discord recently (about 10 days ago) where you overreacted to something that someone else had posted in the discord. This led to a rather long fight between you and the other individual in a public channel. These issues really ought to be taken in private, which I discussed with you in DM's. I only bring it up here because I feel these things need to be brought to light when applying for promotion. This isn't the hugest deal, but something that I hope you will work to improve on in the future.

That being said, I am unaware of any other issues. I see one shitposting warn that expired today for the forums, but other than that not much that I feel detracts from you moving up the staff ladder.

I think you have taken the time to do the staff grind and are ready for T-Mod.
+1 from me, best of luck in your application.
[Image: dan_ceebeast_gif.gif]

Discord Admin - April 2021 - March 2023
TTT Moderator - February 2021 - March 2023
Join our discord:
Jammin almost said everything I wanted to write on this app

No concerns with you advancing into tmod."Only discord issue but Jammin already explained it"

Give him tmod so he does not need to spam kick someone lmao +1
Milly is a pretty cool gamer and is ready for T-Mod. Milly has been working hard on the server. Made a map, was on majority of the time dealing with not cool people, did the thing with the thing, met the requirements, took care of the people, helped the people, we the people, for the people, by the people, blah blah blah. I'm too tired to convey my thoughts but just know I have a high opinion of Milly and want to see Milly as T-Mod. Jammin has said what needed to be said anyways. Thank you, Mr. Jammin, for coming up with the good responses to agree with, so I don't have to use brain power.

But in all seriousness, I don't think you're ready for Trusted.
[Image: giphy.gif]
ive been on when milly has had to be very aggressive with their power they handle stressful situations quite well i can confidently say that milly will be an amazing tmod and an amazing mod someday as well +1
[Image: 4kcofo.jpg]thx fish[Image: Salsa_UwU.jpg]
You do very good as a trusted. I'd love to see you become a t-mod so that you can ban people that need to stay off the server until a moderator or an admin can ban them indefinitely. You have the most playtime on the server and know nearly everything about all the maps and dr. Abuse reports as long as they are just shitposts are good, it means you are doing something right and in my opinion you are. You've improved so much since your other staff apps I don't have any problems.

TLDR: You'd make a good tmod. With all the trolls now joining the tmod server I think you can handle and need ban power. +1 I hope this gets accepted :)
[Image: 955ef7a32696f2e506ea3319fcb5017a.png][Image: Banned-Gravity-Small.jpg]
Resigned prop hunt trusted 4/16/2021 - 1/1/2022 <3
I think it would be beneficial to let you move forward considering your experience in DR and your activity. The fact that all of the abuse threads were gone through without a problem has to say that you're doing the right thing. The DR roster is fairly small right now so as you move up you're going to be upper staff and someone for new staff to model after. Make sure this is a positive role model with your actions in lobby and discord. It seems that DR is becoming a bit more active so with the wake of more groups of trolls it would be a good opportunity to let you handle them a bit better than to just spam kick. I personally haven't had any issues from you even though my time in DR is a very small spec in my time at Dink's. I'd say that it's the time to give you your own mini hammer.

[Image: wattson-apex-legends.gif]
[Image: 6jCIuUl.gif]
Your application has been accepted
Congratulations on making Tmod

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