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TTT Jetpack
So I was recently reviewing the Murder Rules Update thread and Jammin brought up some interesting points about the jetpack. He said that removing the jet pack would not be as detrimental as it was in TTT and I agree with it. As much as I wish the jetpack was removed, it got me thinking because the jetpack is probably going to stay. 

Anyways, this isn’t a thread about removing the jetpack or anything like that because it’s pretty clear of the servers decision, but I think we can all agree that if the jetpack is going to stay, it is a pretty essential item. Why make guests and new players buy it? Multiple times has a new player talked saying “I need the jetpack” or things along that line. If possible why not make a jetpack an essential item or something that new players have upon joining the server? 

If it’s a point shop issue then I understand and forget about this thread but I’m curious as to why it’s a purchasable item.
Just remove the jetpack in both gamemodes and add in lower gravity and fall damage protection. I know I keep talking about this on the server, but thought I'd reply to this post. I know the jetpack was removed at one point and, overwhelmingly, people wanted it back, but I believe that was because there was no alternative. Going back to default gmod movement is not an alternative. If I didn't know any better, I would also vote to bring back the jetpack, but I do know better. I know that lower gravity and fall damage protection are the better option. Just tune it right and it would be perfect. There's no downside. Head glitching is less of an issue and you don't even have to worry about holding space when you're falling for whatever reason.

I also agree with just giving these benefits to the guests. There's no point in making it a purchase. It takes a bit more work, but it's fairly simple to get this working properly. I can help, if needed. I still have the old code.
Th jumppack was one of the reasons I stayed around Dinks when I first started playing. IDK why, but it just make it iconic and enjoyable for me. When I couldn't afford it, I tried saving for it, but a staff member (I think Dildo Swaggins?) gave me the points for it.
[Image: gYIxK93.png]
One of the first threads I made when I got unbanned was talking about this exact problem.. people without the jump pack are at a disadvantage against people with the jump pack. You can say the same thing about a lot of shop items, like if you're really good at using the winchester and can't buy it because you don't have the points, you have to use guns you're not as good at, but that's not nearly as bad as no jump pack vs jump pack. People with the jump pack can bunnyhop easier, evade enemies easier, get to places on the map that non jump pack users cant, stick their head into the ceiling (god please fix this im begging you), and the list goes on..

Either A. use my server wide jump pack script to effectively give everyone a jump pack:
hook.Add("Tick", "jumpBoost", function()
    for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
        if v:KeyDown(IN_JUMP) then

B. Lower the gravity by about 150
C. Have no jump boost and use my fall damage reducer to fix the fall damage problem:
hook.Add("EntityTakeDamage", "ReduceFallDamage", function(ent, dmginfo)
    if ent:IsPlayer() and dmginfo:IsFallDamage() then
        dmginfo:ScaleDamage(0.25) --Fall damage multiplier

D. Any combination of the 3
should either have to buy it or autoget it after a certain amount of hours because like

i don't want white names having it because 80% of them go on to do something stupid smh
[Image: TWQlDjL.png] 
-courtesy of a sarcastic fish

[Image: t2X0SiD.png]
-courtesy of milk(2)
If someone plans on staying, they can always ask for someone to buy them one. There’s nobody here who’s that much of an ass, right? Kappa
[Image: b_560x95.png]
lowering gravity is an awful mechanic because you can’t opt out of it if you dont want to take 10 years to jump off a small ledge, double jump is just as disruptive and terrible

that being said i’d be fine with lowering the price of a jumppack to 60k or something just out of reach that people are encouraged to play for more than 2 seconds to get such a useful tool
solution E: Make the jet pack boost but not slow fall
Solution A: Reduce the value of the jumpack's jump so it doesn't go as high as the ceiling.
solution F: (my favorite) allow the jetpack to slow fall but not boost high

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