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I said I would
Ingame Name: [red]Ashe | Satin Bow
I try not to change my name around too much.
Previous names : De_meCinere || Ashe & [test]Ashe | Clown Queen  - First name upon joining and longest lasting name.

Steam ID: 

Time Played: 198 hours 

When First Joined: October 22, 2021 ~7pm :)

Availability (Approx. times you play, and time zone): I'm active daily, but when I get on varies. My time zone is EST

Rank Desired: Trusted

Current Rank: Donor

What can you do to help the community?: Being active daily, I can be there when no one else is available. I'm helpful and patient, letting fun continue but still keeping players in check when things get rowdy. I give to those who need and those who deserve, making new, behaving players feel welcome to return. I have also been trying to catch the donors who aren't keeping up with how things are handled, hoping they will check themselves before they wreck themselves.

Why do you want to help the community?: Knowing that everyone has their own lives going on, and being on to see the chaos. I'm tired of sitting around when I could do more. Supporting communities I've come to enjoy and dedicate my time to is what I do.

Have you previously been banned? (Link relevant posts): No (Never been banned from anything for that matter)

Have you previously applied for staff? (Link relevant posts):  No

Do you have a way to record video or take screenshots?: Yes, and I am working on finding a better method of recording w/ editing. Youtube removed their editor so I'm most likely going to buy an editing software.

How did you find us?:  After getting bored of minecraft, I reinstalled gmod after a long 4 year hiatus. Prop hunt was always my favorite, so it was the first thing I looked for. Dinkleberg's was the most active and I believe one of the few public, American servers.

Other:  I do have staffing experience, in prop hunt specifically. The old server I was a part of was under the tags EG Gaming. It wasn't pleasant but I stuck around as long as they kept me (which was about two months). I have been learning over time and I thought of applying for a bit now, but I didn't feel I was ready. I can see a use for myself with how things are being handled by fellow donors... I want to do better.

Even if I'm denied, I will still do what I can.               Thank you for the chance

-Apologies if my info is rather short. I wasn't sure what to say since my actions should speak louder than my words. :)
Every day is a Monday
[Image: 41110189_y4Mzae3yD3FXyeu.png]
Well this is something I expected. I'm sure no one will be surprised to see this app. Welp, lets move on with it. 

If this app had come a month ago I'd be against it. 

However in the last few weeks I've seen you constantly asking questions, helping staff out, pinging, watching for ghosts and problem children and really I think you've done a good job improving and striving to improve. I've noticed your progression and constant urge to try and do things correctly rather than wing it like some donors tend to do. You've been a big help and I certainly think this would be in our better interest to let you learn more through the rank of Trusted. 

Give your Gmod more power though. Watching your ban requests at two frames an hour hurts my soul. 

+1 from me.
[Image: wattson-apex-legends.gif]
[Image: 6jCIuUl.gif]
Okay, we knew this was coming.

Although the beginning of your donor status was a bit of a rough start, I really know that you really want to help. You have learned to relax when it comes to handling trouble makers and have chilled with the bind spam and even have learned not to step over staff.
You really did improve yourself and how you used your donor status. 

Just a few key points:
-You've been a constant on the server.
-Learned how to use your donor abilities. 
-Used those abilities respectively. 
-Know when to ping for staff.
-Active in the community, forums, and discord.

These are all great and positive things.

My only concern is how you'll gather evidence. It's a constant need to record everything while you are in-game. I understand that sometimes you can lag while recording and that when you tab out the recording stops, these are some issues that need to be fixed.

Other than the need to fix the recording bit I give this a +1

[Image: ezgif-com-gif-maker.gif] 
[Image: Screenshot-2.png]
+1 let's gooooo I was hoping you'd make an app soon because you're one of the more logical donors I've seen on PH and easily support this. Also totally gotta get that tattoo!
I have some questions, and a small concern that needs raised.

Can you remain fair to all, as in punish those that are friends as well?
I ask this because when on yesterday (yes i know you're avoiding things but its important to still be fair as a staff member) you were a bit too lenient with friends/members you know well. Myself or darkkran had jumped up to the task because you semi joked it off. Things like "Nooooooo.... guys dont do that... you know better big dumbo"
If you got staff, can you remain fair?

Are you going to be able to gather evidence? This is EXTREMELY important here with dinks, throughout all four servers.

Can you handle trolls fairly well? This one is asked, because as a female, and as staff, this doubles up. People will gang up, scrutinize, etc. They're assholes. Do you think you can handle it? And if not, do you think you have the ability to recognize when it's too much and to pass it off, or ask for higher up? (This one I partially think so, but I am asking because in the heat of the moment sometimes yesterday I saw some hesitations.)

I know people are going to be like
Yes. I am. But take into perspective I'm extremely picky over staff, and I prefer quality over quantity. You can tell someones character by asking questions like I do, and this is what brings my votes. Learners are wanted, not know it alls, etc.
(12-08-2021, 07:05 PM)Mother Nuru. Wrote: I have some questions, and a small concern that needs raised.

Can you remain fair to all, as in punish those that are friends as well?
I ask this because when on yesterday (yes i know you're avoiding things but its important to still be fair as a staff member) you were a bit too lenient with friends/members you know well. Myself or darkkran had jumped up to the task because you semi joked it off. Things like "Nooooooo.... guys dont do that... you know better big dumbo"
If you got staff, can you remain fair?

Are you going to be able to gather evidence? This is EXTREMELY important here with dinks, throughout all four servers.

Can you handle trolls fairly well? This one is asked, because as a female, and as staff, this doubles up. People will gang up, scrutinize, etc. They're assholes. Do you think you can handle it? And if not, do you think you have the ability to recognize when it's too much and to pass it off, or ask for higher up? (This one I partially think so, but I am asking because in the heat of the moment sometimes yesterday I saw some hesitations.)

I know people are going to be like
Yes. I am. But take into perspective I'm extremely picky over staff, and I prefer quality over quantity. You can tell someones character by asking questions like I do, and this is what brings my votes. Learners are wanted, not know it alls, etc.
Regarding fairness, I have and do mute and gag friends. Yesterday was a long day, but as long as I was on, and had warned friends to chill, they usually stopped for quite some time, that's why I hadn't gagged.Today is a bad example of this though, as I was managing chaotic chats left and right. Darkkran joined during this and assisted where my attention wasn't. (I was working with my OBS here and there)
 A good example of my fairness is with Nazu. I warned him on both his mic spam and his questionable topics. I've gagged him a lot, and did hand my evidence of this to staff. I gave him warnings to chill, as him and I both knew he was on thin ice.
(I normally give two warnings to anyone, excluding slurs)

As for handling trolls, I'm fully aware they just want attention, especial the ones who come at me for my gender. I warn them like anyone else and move on. I don't believe in treating trolls like criminals, feeding into their need for attention. As for being overwhelmed, even when chats are cursed and constantly chaotic, I've learned to just use text chat till there's a moment to speak. I hand the situation off when the chat turns to illegal topics (cp, zoo, hentai(I personally view hentai as borderline cp)).

I understand why these questions are important, looking at past experiences and current ones. I know Zom and Koshka are here and have probably answered to the same questions. I see what they deal with when it comes to angry/horny trolls. I have defended them, and hate hearing and seeing that nasty harassment. It's my least favorite aspect of servers and online activity. I am prepaired for it though.
Every day is a Monday
[Image: 41110189_y4Mzae3yD3FXyeu.png]
My vote for this application will have to be neutral 0.

Point being is that you had an improvement towards the last couple of weeks being a good donor. Asking questions getting answers and applying them and overall getting a better grip of how things and procedures go. My reason of voting neutral is agreeing with Núwù. She pointed out that you are very popular along the regulars in the sever and have good acquaintances with many others. This will change being accepted into staff (if you do) because you will have to treat everyone as equal even fellow staff members to know what rules should be followed. I just want to see that you will treat everyone fairly from staff/regulars to new players and the occasional troll that roam about. Apart from that I have no big issue from you being accepted into the trusted role.
Good Luck

[Image: helluva-boss.gif]
(12-08-2021, 03:24 PM)???❶➂ⓐᵉ Wrote:
My only concern is how you'll gather evidence. It's a constant need to record everything while you are in-game. I understand that sometimes you can lag while recording and that when you tab out the recording stops, these are some issues that need to be fixed.

I've worked with my OBS and made my keybind easier. I've also boosted my heapsize and other launcher configs to help with recording a smoother game (even though I need to fix my tabbing out issue now).
I have been recommended video editing software so videos will not be as long soon.
Every day is a Monday
[Image: 41110189_y4Mzae3yD3FXyeu.png]
I'm not good with words but I'll try to give my thoughts as best as I could

I consider Ash to be one of the most responsable donors at the moment in the server, she takes time to have fun and also assures that every thing as in order how it should be in the server.  When theres moments were things get out of place she will try and get it fixed.  Some times it seems that she tires herself out(I believe she needs a bit of break too much screen time bad for eyes :p) but she is determined to keep the server a fun and healthy environment.
I saw one of the replies mentioning if she will be fair to all, I may not be her biggest friend, but, I can confirm that there have been moments were she has even told me to chill out so in my opinion I think I would do good in this part.
I can also say that she has been handling trolls, mic spammers and all with a strong composure no mather how bad the situation gets.
I remember her posting something about donors(I can't remember much but I know it talked about like their roles and such)(also can't find it right now) but this person took some time of her life just to help others on her same rank(and I believe it should have been something that everybody else should have read) and I believe that act of leadership is really important when it comes to being part of staff members
This may seem like it's all biased but believe when I tell you that I feel that Ash is worthy of being staff and I knoe she will do great
+1 I wanna see Ash receive the Trusted rank not as a friend but as another player in the server.
(12-08-2021, 08:52 PM)[red]Ashe | Satin Bow Wrote:
(12-08-2021, 03:24 PM)???❶➂ⓐᵉ Wrote:
My only concern is how you'll gather evidence. It's a constant need to record everything while you are in-game. I understand that sometimes you can lag while recording and that when you tab out the recording stops, these are some issues that need to be fixed.

I've worked with my OBS and made my keybind easier. I've also boosted my heapsize and other launcher configs to help with recording a smoother game (even though I need to fix my tabbing out issue now).
I have been recommended video editing software so videos will not be as long soon.

I will always help with any kind of video editor/OBS setup if anyone needs it

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    This is Dinkleberg's GMod, a gaming community based in Garry's Mod. We have a Trouble in Terrorist Town, Prop Hunt, Murder, and Deathrun Server. Come check them out sometime.