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Your Discord Username: Shaye

Your Discord User ID: Shaye#0203

Auttaja Punishment ID: sorry i don't know

Ban Length: forever

Appeal Type: yes

What would you like to tell us: i made an alt once after i was perma'd for beefing with Foxka, my comment was uncalled for and a LITTLE toxic, I apologize i'd like to shitpost in #TTT Again, thank u.
Discord ID - 154069517994164224
Retired gay boy
Yes I still play!!
[Image: image.png]
Since you can't use Auttaja in the server, I'll add info on your ban here.

Auttaja Punishment ID: Original was 988293990797328, after the tournament it's now 1017288098017296.
Ban reason: 6 strikes reached - Harassment, suicide joke, slur usage, automatic strike for slur usage, NSFW link, and slur usage.
This is going to be a long reply, so get comfy.

To start with, this is a definite -1 from me. There's a lot of reasons for this, and I will explain them all.

I'd say the most obvious one is this is far from Shaye's first, second, or even third unban appeal. Despite all the chances she has been given she always repeats the same mistakes and ends up in the same situation. Shaye makes promises that she has learned her lesson, that she won't do it again, that she knows what she did wrong and is sorry. Yet it's not long before she does it all over again. At some point you have to accept that someone is not going to change. Shaye has demonstrated that she does not have any intention to adhere to the same rules as everyone else. If Shaye is unbanned from the Discord server, you can rest assured we will see her making another appeal soon down the road when she breaks the same rules for what will seem like the 100th time.
I staffed for a TTT server in the past. It was called Skyz Gaming. Don't get me wrong I have nothing but regret that I wasted my time helping that server considering what eventually happened there, but I still learned a lot from the experience. For one thing, I dealt with people just like Shaye. We had a player who would constantly break the same rules and get unbanned just to repeat those mistakes. Some time after the shut-down of Skyz TTT I saw this player on another server where we both became regulars. They of course had not made any progress, receiving warns and ultimately bans for the exact same rule breaking.
Some people can change, and it's important we give them second chances. When you give someone a 6th or 7th chance and they cease to change their behavior, it's time to stop giving them more chances.

My other reasons might seem more personal, but I assure you they are coming from a place of reason. As a quick forefront, while what I am about to discuss did not occur in the Dinkleberg's Discord server, it still feels relevant to the matter at hand.
Shaye has made me the target of her harassment quite frequently as of late. When I first joined Dinkleberg's TTT Shaye was actually one of the people to help welcome me to the community. She was nice to me, and I enjoyed playing on the server with her, but that quickly changed. She went from joking and bantering with me to ignoring me very quickly. I tried not to take it personally and moved on. However, when I returned from a hiatus, she had gone from having a seeming ambivalence towards me, to outright hostility. She would insult and harass me when we were both on the server. To this day I don't know what caused this shift in her attitude towards me.
If you need any proof of this, I will provide my most recent interaction with Shaye, where she started an argument with me by calling me insults, over what she perceived as a False KOS, and attempted RDM.

Footage provided by Chibill at my request (Thank you, Chibill):

7:16 - I initially KOS Shaye. Nothing of significance occurs prior to this time.
10:01 - Shaye dies and I say it is 'deserved' (as despite the KOS, she managed to walk around without anyone attempting to carry it out). The argument begins here and Shaye begins with insults right out of the gate.
10:52 - While Chibill is handling her report, Shaye further instigates the argument in text chat.
11:29 - Shaye repeats her initial insult in text chat. After my clapback the argument ends. Chibill continues handling the report.

While this is only one instance of my interactions with Shaye, I can assure you this they all follow this formulae. Shaye becomes upset over something ultimately unimportant and begins insulting and harassing me.
She continues this behavior outside of the TTT server. After a recent event took place in the Discord server, most of the people involved (including me) had further interactions in the "Salt Mine" Discord. Once again Shaye decided to attack me over something she believed to be far more personal than it truly was. I, unfortunately, cannot provide any context, as I was banned from that Discord for "chat spam." (A provably false reason, as can be attested by others in the server, in case you feel this undermines my position on this matter in some way)

Considering the timing of these events, and Shaye's sudden desire to be unbanned from the TTT server, it would seem safe to assume at least some of the reasoning behind her appeal is rooted in these events. It would not come as any surprise if she were to instigate further hostilities in the Discord server between her and myself. I'd prefer to avoid this entirely, if at all possible.

To reiterate, and make a concise version of the above for those uninclined to read a large wall of text, I am giving this appeal a -1. Shaye has repeatedly broken the same rules and shown no desire to stop doing so. She constantly flames and harasses, starting fights, and the posting of this appeal seems at least somewhat connected to recent events that paint it in not so earnest lighting.
Whether you agree with me or think I'm completely wrong, I'd still thank you for taking any amount of time to read or consider my response here.
(08-31-2022, 06:25 PM)Kaiwan Wrote: -snip-

I don't see anything relevant to the Dink's Discord or this ban appeal. I'm not sure why you brought TTT and Salt Mine drama into this thread, but I think it'd be best not to turn this thread into one revolving around Shaye's behavior in TTT. It would also be greatly appreciated if this thread doesn't become entirely about Kaiwan's post.
(08-31-2022, 07:38 PM)Reina Wrote:
(08-31-2022, 06:25 PM)Kaiwan Wrote: -snip-

I don't see anything relevant to the Dink's Discord or this ban appeal. I'm not sure why you brought TTT and Salt Mine drama into this thread, but I think it'd be best not to turn this thread into one revolving around Shaye's behavior in TTT. It would also be greatly appreciated if this thread doesn't become entirely about Kaiwan's post.

The entire first paragraph is wholly relevant. I made it very clear why I brought up every point. If you read it you would understand them.
I think behavior in one of the gamemodes that the discord server of the community that involves said gamemode is relevant. I'm not voting because I hang around Shaye a lot but I think any kind of behavior recorded in TTT or other gamemodes should matter in an unban request to be allowed back into the hub of the community
(08-31-2022, 06:25 PM)Kaiwan Wrote: I, unfortunately, cannot provide any context, as I was banned from that Discord for "chat spam.”
no you weren't lol, you were just trying to start shit there and it has no relevance to this thread as reina said

+1 as its been almost 3 months since Shaye’s ban and it was just a silly ass argument that doesnt matter anymore—its really so much easier to just not argue with people and ignore them rather than engage with dumbassery and hopefully your time away has helped you realize that
Not commenting on the unban request itself at this time, but just going to comment on some of the things being posted so far. This thread is not going to turn into drama-filled cesspool that is not relevant to the topic of Shaye's discord unban appeal for Dinkleberg's. Any outside drama(i.e something that happened in another discord) should not be the center of attention for this thread and frankly should not even be talked about here. I say this because other than the fact that it is an external discord, the actual context around that situation can easily be distorted and create unnecessary drama. Also as noted, that is a personal thing, that can be handled with the relevant people in dms for that discord. Kaiwan, If you truly think it has some relevance to Shaye's unban request(which to make clear, I really don't think has any relevance), I'd recommend dming Jammin or Kap about it rather than having a scenario where we going back and forth here. 

As for behavior on TTT and other parts of the Dinkleberg community, I think it's ok to make a note of it as supplemental/supportive context or reasoning of why you are +1ing/-1ing if it has any relevance, but I don't think that should be the dominant conversation or factor talked about here since this is a discord unban request so those points should primarily be brought up and discussed in a civil manner rather than this just being about Shaye's behavior on TTT, for example. Imo TTT and Discord are ultimately apart of the same community but they're separate entities with their own type of environment so just because someone behaves a certain way in one environment doesn't necessarily reflect how they'll act in another type of environment all the time. But if it is relevant it can indicate a pattern of behavior if it's consistent across the different environments and if someone may change(I.e in a general context: intent, toxicity, harassment, etc). 

 As for comments I deleted, I really don't like deleting comments unless I have to but the trend of them started to become counterproductive and we're not going to derail the thread by trying to "ratio" someone's post or have the thread cluttered with comments that give no relevant context to their +1s and/or -1s since it doesn't add anything productive to the topic at hand.

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