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10/27/2022 TTT Incident
I will have to check my recording archive but I believe you were also involved in a time when door spam was happening on cruise where people were warned for it. (I think it was on 8/13/2022) Claiming that "its a feature." that time as well. To see that you still think its okay to spam the doors that create global sounds is a bit concerning.
Hi poop maniac,

In short, Epicguy has explained it well. This was in short, "trolling", that was fairly punished in my eyes. It was non-malicious and a small trolling moment that was abused to the limit and lead to said ban. I do not agree with the statement that this was abuse as I see as a rightful action taken by @Jammin  and I agree that MOTD and the guidelines are not fleshed out well, but that comes in with *staff discretion*, that allows all of us to think what is a rightful punishment for said players or individuals. Thank you for making this post but no, I do not think jammin abused the awarn system. 

(10-30-2022, 11:58 PM)Barton’s Wrote:
(10-30-2022, 10:13 PM)Norm Minder Wrote: is there a tldr

People were  doorspamming, got warned for it, is now arguing about it because it isn't explicitly stated in the rules. A dramatic oversimplification but probably close enough.
Oh, I was actually playing TTT when this happened. I typed in the admin chat that people are door spamming, and it was dropping  my fps to really low. It was extremely loud. They spammed the door almost every single round. I don’t think Jammin did anything wrong by giving them a warning .

He told him to stop before giving the warning . And he didn’t 
I agree that Jammin was within his rights to issue the warns/bans after numerous verbal warnings and then force-spectating people who kept it up. It's pretty funny at first but when you do it every round for the whole map it gets mad annoying.

For the future however, I think we should establish either a specific warn preset for door spamming, or decide on an existing preset that this falls under (exploiting, w/e). I think for door spamming in particular, 2/4 points would be more appropriate.

That said, I believe this is something relatively easily fixable in Hammer, so it might soon not be an issue anymore anyway.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
This explains the 17 Discord pings I received.

I'll respond with a more formal defense when I have time, but trolling was the best fit under our current point-based system in terms of a warning that I could issue. I confirmed with the TTT admin prior to issuing any punishment, that the six-point trolling warning was the appropriate punishment to issue. That alone should alleviate any concerns of me "abusing" in reference to the warnings issued.

As for me using FSpec, the noise was loud enough that sound-based KOSs and other communications in a communication-reliant game were being interfered with. I issued verbal warnings first, granted not in the most glamorous way, and only took action when my requests as a staff member were completely ignored by the offenders.

Furthermore, awarns were only issued after round 3, after FSpec and CSAY were used as ways of issuing very clear verbal non-logged warnings. Those who continued to engage in such behavior knew what they were doing, against staff instruction, and earned what they had coming to them.

On the conversation of whether a 6-point warning is appropriate, I tend to agree that a slightly moderate version for minor trolling or map exploits would be more appropriate. I recommended a potential reduced warning be implemented in the future, maybe 2 or 4 points. I would encourage anyone upset by their points to appeal their warnings in the appropriate subforum.

Again, I'll post a more complete response later when I get time. Thank you.
[Image: dan_ceebeast_gif.gif]

Discord Admin - April 2021 - March 2023
TTT Moderator - February 2021 - March 2023
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Thank you poop maniac this is truly enlightening.
[Image: ?]
Good morning everyone, I'm glad to see that it the end it seems I was, indeed, mistaken. Thank you everyone for the respectful discussion, I withdraw my abuse complaint. I'm happy we were able to clarify this issue accordingly. Have a wonderful day, and I look forward to seeing your elaboration later Mr. Jammin :)
the only sneaven ill be sent to... iis when ill be snalone with you

[Image: 6db.jpg]
this report is at best a shitpost.

at worst its a malicious attempt to frame/discredit/undermine the Dinkleberg's TTT staff.

absolutely attrocious. you could have solved this easily, and not like this.
Incepimus, Nunc et semper.
This means that "we begin, now and forever", and translates as "always we begin again"
What this actually means is that we should always strive to better ourselves, because tomorrow is a new day.
I hope you take it to heart. Remember, an improvement, no matter how small, is improvement.

-1 door spamming for map wide loud squeaky sounds is definitely trolling or you can even go as far to say map exploiting for giggles (aka trolling!). I don't know why it's so funny for some of yall to mash the use button on your keyboards until you start to sweat from the labor but it's actually incredibly annoying. Continuing to do so after being asked not to means the warns here are justified lol
I was there as well. I had joined with Norm and was wondering why I started getting 5-10fps periodically. Unfortunately, I don't record when I'm not on the PH server so I can't just dump a vod here, but poop was definitely told to stop door spamming. FPS issues stopped once he was warned.

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