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Ban this fool
Offender's Name: Vin

Offender's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:85186201

Potential Witnesses: InfernapeK

Reason to Ban: Mass RDM and attempted RDM across several rounds, targeted RDM on me
Targeting on me:
[Image: image.png]
[Image: image.png?width=785&height=51]
[Image: image.png]

Mass RDM/attempted mass:
[Image: image.png]
[Image: image.png]2x attempted RDM
[Image: image.png?width=1093&height=747][Image: image.png]RDM x2 (Xeto and Tea)
[Image: image.png]
[Image: image.png?width=812&height=433]
[Image: image.png?width=732&height=747] (3x RDM on me, Doommaster1997, and thattrainguyjoel)

Not all the stuff that happened but definitely enough to ban
"Be excellent to each other and party on, dudes!"
guy doesn't learn LOL 


Logs are from August 20th from the 22nd-23rd Hour from ttt_drugbust to ttt_fastfood

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