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2024 Return... Maybe?
Forum/Steam Name: Salty/chapman

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:424003048

Who Banned You (Staff Member or System): Gabe (I believe)

Reason For Ban: banned (Harassment)

Length of Ban: Permanent

Reason for Admins to Unban: I feel that a year has been enough time to be away from the forums.

Have you been banned before (Link relevant threads): yes, but they were never done with a thread.


If I recall correctly, I had asked for my forum account to be deleted and then 2 weeks later created a "new" one while intoxicated and called Lacer a "fucking loser." Obviously, this was an incredibly idiotic decision. He didn't do anything wrong and I was lashing out over a personal grudge, which thinking about now is silly. I formally apologize for my prior transgression towards him and anyone he is involved with, as I have reflected and concluded that kind of behavior is cringeworthy and not a true reflection of my character.

I recently started playing TTT again and I honestly find this community enjoyable like how I felt the first time I joined back in 2020, so I'd love to be able to contribute to the community using the forums. I do not intend to use this platform as a way to try and do any cringeworthy antics like I did when I was in a hardcore trolling phase, I just simply want to be involved.

Thank you for your time.

EDIT: Trying to make responses/edits on the forums is incredibly painful on my end due to it constantly giving me error codes (as it should since I'm banned) so if you want to discuss concerns and get a quick response, My DMs on Discord are wide open.
smh my head
-1 most interactions ive had with you are unpleasant and you make sexist comments often
+1 on the condition that if you ask for another ban it can't be appealed

just learn to control your vices (playing on this server) and go inactive like the rest of us losers lol
(01-18-2024, 11:55 PM)PandaInPants Wrote: -1 most interactions ive had with you are unpleasant and you make sexist comments often


Thanks for the feedback. I am sorry to hear that I've made our interactions unpleasant; what I am a little confused about is what you're talking about with the "sexist" comments and that I make them often. Could you possibly provide examples of this so I know what you're referring to?

(01-19-2024, 12:05 AM)lacer Wrote: +1 on the condition that if you ask for another ban it can't be appealed

just learn to control your vices (playing on this server) and go inactive like the rest of us losers lol

I can agree to that; and yes, with time away I learned that. I don't think I'd be asking for another ban because just to be frank, I'm in a much better mental state than I was a year ago.
smh my head
In another discord server I hung out in for a bit you would join the chat and say a lot of stuff that was specifically to make people in there uncomfortable and made lots of sexist comments claiming they were jokes or you were just drunk. These interactions made me dislike you and not want you around community members in general.

edit this was literally a few months ago not a long enough time to have turned around.
(01-19-2024, 12:12 AM)PandaInPants Wrote: In another discord server I hung out in for a bit you would join the chat and say a lot of stuff that was specifically to make people in there uncomfortable and made lots of sexist comments claiming they were jokes or you were just drunk.

That sounds pretty close to exactly how I acted right around when I got this forum ban. 

I will not defend how I behaved in the past, I just ask that you understand that who I was then is not who I am now. Again, as I had stated prior to you saying this, I respect how you stand on this appeal. 

I do not make those kinds of comments or jokes anymore, as I realized that was something that was unacceptable behavior. I'm unfortunately a late bloomer when it comes to growing and reflecting on things, so it has taken me quite some time to look back on it and try and change qualities that I value. What I value more than anything else now is respect between community members and myself, so I might still goof off and joke in the discord but I never in any way want to go out of my way to make someone intentionally uncomfortable.

Thanks for bringing that up, Panda.

EDIT: After seeing what you have edited in your post, I will make some additional comments and leave it at this.

Panda, the issue you're talking about occurred in April of 2023. After going back through messages and multiple servers because I had to remind myself of where I even was in a server with you before, that external server had an issue that involved a Dink's member I will not name and myself. That member and I had a private conversation probably sometime after you left, and that issue was resolved. I stopped doing what you were talking about, which was joking at that players' expense in a variety of manners. That person and I are still friends today.

Trying to make an argument that I should not be allowed near community members as if I were doing something that is community bannable is a rather extreme stance to take on the matter. This entire situation you're mentioning by the way happened OUTSIDE of the Dink's community, as Slater mentioned, so after some thought, I find it incredibly inappropriate that you're using external evidence to be a valid reason.

April 2023 was 9 months ago. I think most people would consider that a decent bit of time and not "a few months ago and not long enough to change."

Thank you.
smh my head
When your forum account got deleted I lost 400 forum rep.

Also why bother coming back, just to rage leave in dramatic flare in a few months? It isn't worth it in my opinion.
[Image: dan_ceebeast_gif.gif]

Discord Admin - April 2021 - March 2023
TTT Moderator - February 2021 - March 2023
Join our discord:
Just met this guy on discord seems to be alright and mature for the few days I have seen him talking so +1 hasn't called a "fucking loser" again yet
idk when the ban was but sounds like a few years and people are able to change over that amount of time

(01-19-2024, 12:26 AM)Jammin Wrote: When your forum account got deleted I lost 400 forum rep.

Also why bother coming back, just to rage leave in dramatic flare in a few months? It isn't worth it in my opinion.


First of all, thank you for the input. Even after you've resigned, I can always depend on you to give an honest, unbiased statement and I appreciate that.

I think that everyone here who knew my past knows that I had a tendency to think impulsively rather than taking a step back when it was needed. Similarly to the statement I made to Panda above, I grew up and am no longer a manchild about things not going my way. I cannot say that I fault you for having that viewpoint. You and several others lost hundreds of rep because of that impulsive decision I made to have my account deleted.
As for the "rage leave in a dramatic flare" bit: I can assure you that I won't do anything that childish again. I cannot say that I blame you for reaching that conclusion considering that I had a tendency of doing it twice in the past, so I respect that viewpoint also. 

The reason why that happened was due to me trying to be too involved... so the solution is simple; don't make the same mistake (trying to dabble in everything) a third time. 

My objective for returning would be to simply be able to give input on TTT and that's it. I have no intention of trying to make a "return" to the staff team or anything of that regard as that was what ultimately caused the burnout for me. 

Again, thanks for your honest input.
smh my head
+1 his sexist jokes are funny
[Image: image.png]Don't take anything I say seriously

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