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Adressing the Drama
Dear Necro and Dinkleberg Admin Team,

I appreciate your message and the efforts you're making to address the current issues within our Garry's Mod community. However, I respectfully disagree with some of the points you've raised.

Regarding cheating and rule-breaking, while I understand the importance of fair play, I believe it's essential to acknowledge that the rules themselves may need review. Often, rules can become outdated or overly restrictive, stifling creativity and enjoyment for players. Instead of simply reinforcing existing rules, I suggest a collaborative effort to revise and adapt them to better suit the evolving needs of our community.

Concerning trolling and disrespect, while I agree that maintaining a respectful environment is crucial, I also believe in the value of free expression within reason. Restricting banter too tightly could lead to a sterile and stifling atmosphere. Instead, I propose fostering a culture where players are encouraged to engage in lighthearted banter while also being mindful of boundaries and sensitive to others' feelings.

Regarding server management and mods, it's understandable that not every decision will please everyone. However, it's essential to ensure transparency and accountability in the decision-making process. Community input should be more than just welcomed—it should be actively sought out and integrated into decision-making processes to ensure that the majority's interests are represented.

In terms of moving forward, while I support the idea of implementing initiatives to bridge gaps and heal the community, I believe these efforts should go beyond just superficial measures. True healing requires addressing underlying issues and fostering genuine dialogue and understanding among community members.

In conclusion, while I applaud your intentions, I believe that a more nuanced and inclusive approach is needed to truly address the challenges facing our community. By engaging in open and honest dialogue and embracing diverse perspectives, we can work together to create a community that is not only welcoming and enjoyable but also resilient and adaptable in the face of challenges.

Thank you for considering my perspective.

Warm regards,

It is not okay to literally tell people their opinions are wrong because they disagree.
(03-18-2024, 07:49 PM)Icey Wrote: u want trusted or what?
Maybe  Angel
[Image: ?]
this world is made of love and peace

The sun smiles at you with eternal malice
-1, didn't plagiarize the gettysburg address
you smell like wet diapers, probably
[Image: iKARFc2.png]
This made my blood pressure rise by a potentially lethal amount.
Just stop over-enforcing rules thanks
Ugh, seriously, this whole situation is beyond frustrating! I mean, come on, why can't we just enjoy playing Garry's Mod without all this drama weighing us down? It's like every time I log in, there's another round of nonsense going on. And don't even get me started on the admins! It's like they're more interested in stirring the pot than actually keeping things running smoothly. And those cliquey players? Give me a break! Acting like they own the place and treating everyone else like garbage. It's exhausting.

And the rule-breaking and trolling? It's like some people have nothing better to do than ruin the experience for everyone else. Can't we just play the game without all the negativity and hostility?

Seriously, it's time for everyone to shape up or ship out. I'm sick of this toxic environment ruining what should be a fun experience. Garry's Mod is supposed to be about killing T's and getting bitches, not this constant stream of drama and nonsense.

Consider this a wake-up call to everyone involved. Let's clean up our act and get back to what really matters: enjoying the game and having a good time together. Enough with the drama, enough with the toxicity. Let's just play and have some fun, okay?
It is not okay to literally tell people their opinions are wrong because they disagree.
I hear you loud and clear. This drama in the Garry's Mod community has been really getting to me too. It's like every time I log on, there's another mess to deal with. But you know what? You're right. We can't let the drama get the best of us.

Garry's Mod is incredible, and it's brought us together for a reason. We can't let a few troublemakers ruin that for us. We've got to stick together, support each other, and rise above all the nonsense.

Let's focus on what we love about the game – the creativity, the camaraderie, the pure joy of building and exploring. Sure, there's always going to be drama in online communities, but we don't have to let it define us.

We can set the example. We can spread positivity and shut down the drama before it even starts. Together, we can make Garry's Mod the awesome, drama-free community we know it can be.

Thanks for the pep talk. Let's keep our heads up and keep enjoying the game. We've got this.

Take care, and let's keep calm and Garry's Mod on!
It is not okay to literally tell people their opinions are wrong because they disagree.
Hey [Proper,

Thanks for sharing your perspective. I appreciate your passion and commitment to addressing the underlying issues that are affecting our community. You're absolutely right that ignoring the drama won't make it disappear, and it's crucial to tackle the root causes head-on.

The systemic problems you've mentioned, from abuse of power to toxic behavior, have indeed been poisoning our environment. It's essential to hold individuals accountable for their actions and prevent further harm. I agree that turning a blind eye only perpetuates the toxicity and hinders our community's growth and well-being.

Your approach of addressing the drama constructively and proactively while maintaining a positive gaming experience is spot on. Creating a culture of transparency, fairness, and respect is key to fostering a healthier and more inclusive community for everyone involved.

Let's continue to keep the dialogue open and work together towards positive change in our Garry's Mod community. Thank you for speaking up and advocating for a better environment for all players.

Best regards,

o7 A Farewell to Arms o7

Eat shit and live Damien…..

“I was in a butcher shop once and a pig’s head told me that God and the Devil killed each other a long time ago” -Evan Kelmp

+rep : ) Nov. 02 2021 - June 5th 2022

what in the god damn

Not a scar on his back...
(03-18-2024, 11:32 PM)TDawg4 Wrote: I hear you loud and clear. This drama in the Garry's Mod community has been really getting to me too. It's like every time I log on, there's another mess to deal with. But you know what? You're right. We can't let the drama get the best of us.

Garry's Mod is incredible, and it's brought us together for a reason. We can't let a few troublemakers ruin that for us. We've got to stick together, support each other, and rise above all the nonsense.

Let's focus on what we love about the game – the creativity, the camaraderie, the pure joy of building and exploring. Sure, there's always going to be drama in online communities, but we don't have to let it define us.

We can set the example. We can spread positivity and shut down the drama before it even starts. Together, we can make Garry's Mod the awesome, drama-free community we know it can be.

Thanks for the pep talk. Let's keep our heads up and keep enjoying the game. We've got this.

Take care, and let's keep calm and Garry's Mod on!

How dare you try to act like everything is fine and dandy! Are you blind to the chaos happening around us? We can't just pretend like nothing's wrong and sing kumbaya while the community falls apart! Your positivity won't fix the toxicity that's infecting Garry's Mod. We need action, not your empty words and naive optimism. Stop acting like everything's sunshine and rainbows when it's clearly not! We're drowning in drama, and you're here spouting this nonsense about sticking together. Wake up and smell the disaster!
Dear Necro,

Thank you for bringing these concerns to our attention. It's heartening to see your dedication to fostering a positive and fair gaming environment within our Garry's Mod community. While we appreciate your vigilance, I must clarify that there seems to be some confusion regarding your administrative role.

As of our records, there's no registered admin by the name of "Necro" within our team. It's possible that there's been a misunderstanding or an attempt at impersonation. However, rest assured that we are taking this matter seriously and will be working diligently with our corporate security team to investigate and resolve any potential breaches.

Regarding the concerns raised, while we acknowledge the importance of addressing issues such as cheating, rule-breaking, and disruptive behavior, it's essential to ensure that they are communicated through proper channels. The majority of these concerns, as you've outlined, appear to be unwarranted and may stem from misunderstandings or miscommunication within the community.

Nevertheless, we are committed to upholding the integrity of our servers and fostering a welcoming environment for all players. Our team will continue to work diligently to reinforce server rules, address violations promptly, and implement initiatives aimed at promoting positive interactions among our community members.

We appreciate your dedication to the well-being of our community and encourage you to continue providing feedback through the appropriate channels. Together, we can overcome any challenges and ensure that our GMod community remains a vibrant and enjoyable space for everyone.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Warm regards,
Web Administrator
Dinkleberg Admin Team

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    This is Dinkleberg's GMod, a gaming community based in Garry's Mod. We have a Trouble in Terrorist Town, Prop Hunt, Murder, and Deathrun Server. Come check them out sometime.