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Due to Recent Events
To the Dinkleberg Community,

I am writing this letter with a heavy heart to express my sincere apologies for recent instances of toxicity, over-enforcement of rules, and slurring within our community. I understand that my actions have caused distress and hurt to many members, and for that, I am truly sorry.

First and foremost, I want to acknowledge the impact of toxic behavior within our community. Toxicity can poison the atmosphere of any group, undermining trust, unity, and mutual respect. My behavior fell short of the standards we should uphold in our interactions with one another. Whether it was through harsh language, disrespectful comments, or negative attitudes, I realize now the harm it has caused to the overall well-being of our community.

Furthermore, I must address the issue of over-enforcement of rules. While rules are essential for maintaining order and promoting a positive environment, there is a fine line between enforcement and overzealousness. In my efforts to uphold the rules, I may have crossed that line, leading to an environment that felt stifling or unwelcoming to some members. I recognize that my actions may have deterred participation and hindered the sense of inclusivity that is vital for our community to thrive.

Lastly, I am deeply sorry for any instances of slurring that may have occurred. Language has the power to uplift and unite, but it can also be wielded as a weapon to hurt and divide. Any derogatory or offensive language used by me is inexcusable, and I take full responsibility for the pain it may have caused. I understand that words have consequences, and I am committed to learning from this experience and being more mindful of the impact of my language in the future.

Moving forward, I am dedicated to making amends and rebuilding trust within our community. This starts with a sincere commitment to fostering a culture of respect, kindness, and understanding. I will strive to be more empathetic in my interactions, listening to feedback with an open mind and taking constructive criticism to heart. Additionally, I pledge to approach rule enforcement with fairness and moderation, ensuring that our community guidelines are upheld without stifling individual expression or creativity.

In conclusion, I want to express my deepest apologies to each and every member of the Dinkleberg community affected by my actions. I understand that words alone cannot undo the harm that has been done, but I hope that through genuine reflection, accountability, and positive change, we can rebuild our community stronger than before. Thank you for your patience, understanding, and continued support as we work towards a brighter future together.

Former Admin
[Image: ?]
I appreciate the heartfelt and verbose/articulate apology. However, I do not forgive nor do I forget. I will be seeing you in court. Have a lovely day.
[Image: lDo6UQl.png]
[Image: fkzTG3C.jpeg]
This world is made of hate and war

The sun smiles at you with eternal malice
I expect you to step down immediately.
who trying to queue up in siege?
Does anyone want to play golf?
???????? ??????
(03-20-2024, 05:29 PM)Harmless_Potato Wrote: Does anyone want to play golf?
are poor people allowed on the course
(03-20-2024, 06:15 PM)Foxka Wrote:
(03-20-2024, 05:29 PM)Harmless_Potato Wrote: Does anyone want to play golf?
are poor people allowed on the course
[Image: ?]

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    This is Dinkleberg's GMod, a gaming community based in Garry's Mod. We have a Trouble in Terrorist Town, Prop Hunt, Murder, and Deathrun Server. Come check them out sometime.