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Brahmas Demotion App.
Ingame Name: Brandeaux

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:506830256
Discord Tag: brandeau0

Time Played: 554 hrs

When First Joined: Apr 30, 2023 10:05 PM

Availability (Approx. times you play, and time zone): after 5pm cst mon-thurs, pretty much all day fri-sun unless stated otherwise.

Rank Desired: Trusted

Current Rank: Donor

What can you do to help the community: I can promote healthy engagement with staff and users alike. Limit drama and toxicity. As a TTT staff member I would like to improve our overall community health and wellness, finding ways for even our most troubled individuals in the community to discover a healthy mindset with both themselves and the people around them. Naturally I will be due diligent with the grunt work that is associated with being staff but I like to stress major importance upon community involvement. I would also like to slowly get some experience or insight into development and the more technical aspects of running a TTT server. 

Why you want to help the community: I have spent a fair amount of my life the past several months on this server and have come to see a wide arrange of issues affect the community and I hope that my involvement can help improve things. I care a good amount about the server for what it has done for me personally and the people I have come to meet along the way. 

Have you been previously banned? (Link Relevant Posts): May 14 2023 Awarn threshold ban, December 31, Awarn threshold ban. No posts to link.

Have you previously applied for staff? (Link Relevant Posts): No

How did you find us?: Randomly picked among gmod server list one faithful afternoon.

Did you fill out the required scenario questions for rank you are applying for? (Links under requirements in format thread): Yes

Other: I know not everyone may be supportive of my staff app and I am open to feedback from everyone. However, I do really come at this with the best of intentions and hope both staff and users can put their trust in me to be a healthy addition to this team.
+1 don't let his fake beef with brahma scare you from supporting this dude
I'm at a +1/+0. I'm the one who gave out the most recent warning in December which was related to teaming, before that warn I think you had like 3 or 4 warns. Since the last warn towards the end of December I haven't noticed any sort of bad behavior so there has definitely been an improvement on that front so +1 for that, but the warns still do raise some concerns which is why I have the +0.  

Good luck man (•‿•)
[Image: FZxEbKr.gif]
I'll start off by saying he is relaxed and chill most of the time , has a good understanding of the rules , pretty involved in the community even in discord and forums, can't say i see something alarming as it is now so with that said +1. Tho i might be bias as we are friends kinda in a way.

P.S He told me he would leak our dms if i didn't +1
[Image: crimson.gif]

Carson sweats too much.

[Image: 1V8jMf6.png]
-1 irritable noob.
[Image: unknown.png]
Hi friend, I'm having trouble supporting this as I haven't seen much behavior from you that has benefitted the community positively lately, and as of right now, I have no reason to believe you'd fit in with the staff team.

I have not been entirely active on the TTT server for the past few weeks. However, before then, any time I'd see you on, you'd be getting into all sorts of things and I do remember a few people complaining to me about your immature behavior while playing.

I'm going off your recent behavior elsewhere as I believe that when applying for staff your behavior in all parts of the community should matter, and right now, I do not believe that you've shown improvement in that area or that you are capable of limiting drama, and promoting healthy engagement in the community as you claim. 

For example (and just to be clear, I am not bringing this up to continue the situation in any way, I am using your behavior during the situation as only an example of why I doubt your claim), you recently heavily escalated unneeded drama and further harassment to all parties involved in the Reina and Hoy situation both in the Discord during the conversation, and by posting an unnecessary thread on the forums that only served to continue something that had already begun to settle down.

Also reading this message as I was looking back at the situation, once again, shows a bad example of being able to promote healthy conversations;

[Image: wyoXrwY.png]

Not to mention your recent verbal warning to cut out sexual topics that were making people uncomfortable in the general chat of Discord.

With all of that said, I am -1 on this.
[Image: ac7pbrI.png]
- courtesy of coco <333
(04-06-2024, 08:02 PM)bab Wrote: Hi friend, I'm having trouble supporting this as I haven't seen much behavior from you that has benefitted the community positively lately, and as of right now, I have no reason to believe you'd fit in with the staff team.

I have not been entirely active on the TTT server for the past few weeks. However, before then, any time I'd see you on, you'd be getting into all sorts of things and I do remember a few people complaining to me about your immature behavior while playing.

I'm going off your recent behavior elsewhere as I believe that when applying for staff your behavior in all parts of the community should matter, and right now, I do not believe that you've shown improvement in that area or that you are capable of limiting drama, and promoting healthy engagement in the community as you claim. 

For example (and just to be clear, I am not bringing this up to continue the situation in any way, I am using your behavior during the situation as only an example of why I doubt your claim), you recently heavily escalated unneeded drama and further harassment to all parties involved in the Reina and Hoy situation both in the Discord during the conversation, and by posting an unnecessary thread on the forums that only served to continue something that had already begun to settle down.

Also reading this message as I was looking back at the situation, once again, shows a bad example of being able to promote healthy conversations;

[Image: wyoXrwY.png]

Not to mention your recent verbal warning to cut out sexual topics that were making people uncomfortable in the general chat of Discord.

With all of that said, I am -1 on this.

Hi Bab,

To address this, I have already issued an apology for that comment in my original post, tensions were high and I was defending someone who I thought was receiving unwarranted hate from both staff and users. To which it was continually being brought up that because there were women in the conversation that I should quote "take how women interpret my words in stride" instead of presenting valid points about how people weren't being unfair to a user. It is not a common occurrence for me to really issue insults unless I am doing it in good fun to people I am on a personal basis with, or I am being dogpiled by a group of people who refuse to properly engage with me. You can take that as you wish.

Also, for the record, the situation had not deescalated. There was a lack of consequence/understanding between parties that left it in the air, with unacceptable behavior being let slide. There seems to be a bit of a double standard in the regard of "escalation," when it was staff members who decided to escalate the situation to where it had, after numerous extensions by myself and others to try and resolve the situation. I felt this was a situation that needed further comment to reach a proper conclusion that was later reached. Limiting drama is not just about limiting conflict, it is about creating proper resolution to conflict.

As for the verbal warning I received. I brought up eastern religious/meditation practices as a joke to a discord staff member to where they interpreted that as very explicit sexual conduct and then I corrected them. I don't think that was really something I should of gotten warned for but regardless it was verbal and the conversation was well beyond over and I didn't care to argue about it. I don't really think either of these things are something that can be used against my character but feel free to correct me.
I think Brandeaux has a good heart, and mind is in the right place, for that I'm willing to give a positive rep. I haven't been very active lately though so im not going to give a Yay or Nay but I would feel comfortable with them being staff.
-1 i had to give you a verbal warning for talking in-depth about edging on discord a couple days ago and you publicly called a group of women "ape brained" because you disagreed with their point. you don't seem like someone who would be fit for staff.
(04-06-2024, 09:55 PM)reina Wrote: -1 i had to give you a verbal warning for talking in-depth about edging on discord a couple days ago and you publicly called a group of women "ape brained" because you disagreed with their point. you don't seem like someone who would be fit for staff.
I've already largely addressed this in my post to bab, but to add. I did not bring up edging, necro did and the only reason I said anything about it was to correct. I was being informative. 

Also yes, having a bunch of staff and other women escalate a harmless situation filled with good intentions into a witch hunt towards someone based off nothing, does in fact warrant being called out. I do regret the way it was said, I was frustrated having to deal with multiple unreasonable people simultaneously, who decided to resort towards slander and insults long before I did. but I digress.

I don't particularly enjoy seeing people promote harassment in this community. I also have found enforcement of the conduct of discussion to be very inconsistent about what is "undiscussable" I have been pretty quick to correct every time I am made aware of what can be discussed without creating conflict about it and issuing proper apology when it is the case that I am wrong about a situation. I again fail to see this as an issue of my character.

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