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Slaying people into oblivion
So I understand the frustrations of allowing a potential hacker, an obvious mass rdm'r, or otherwise douche who is for what ever reason going up for a ban request, to just run a muck while you file the complaint. 
But it leads to some strange incidents. 

Last night an individual signed on and was promptly slain with the reason "nice aim bot mate".
Then slain again.
Again ....
Now i'm getting messages in staff chat saying I might as well just ban him if I think he's going to be slain for ever. 
So I calm the man and discuss what's going on. I then realize. This man has caught that 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 slay.
So I do some digging, find the ban request. 
It was closed for lack of evidence. 
So the man was NOT found guilty of hacking, but was otherwise still left to serve an innumerable amount of slays.

Can we just like, not do this? 
Fspec, kick, much more valid options.
Shit i'm not even sure if you're allowed to perma slay some one.
But since it's a matter that has come up, I would now like to discuss it.
                                                                                                TTT - Test Mod
                                                                                  PH - Just a guy who nukes rooms
People shouldn't add slay infinite slays like this, especially when no evidence was taken. From what I remember, Fish said this effects loading with the databases or someshit, idunno. But if the Ban Request was closed and there was no punishment handed out, remove the slays.
I'm sure this is the person that we are talking about.
If you have any questions regarding the server rules or anything else, send me a forum PM.
Resigned TTT & Deathrun Admin.
[Image: 1199184.png]
I must confess, I do give soft bans for mass RDMers when staff are not there and I have valid evidence. Same goes for hackers if I can film them, and only if.

I can discontinue this attitude immediately if it is not allowed.
Pandas are cute as hell, don't you forget that.

[Image: x1iAjZQ.gif]

[Image: 76561198228770820.png]
Exactamundo sir.
Thanks for the input.

I feel like there can be some valid and overtly extreme cases. Like a man who came on and stated "Hackerz is here" then wiped half the server in 15 seconds with head shots. Probably a valid reason. But that guy you think might be clipping, or he might be aim botting or maybe have 10kcsgo hours, maybe, not sure. Probably not.
Then again. I don't get to make those calls that's just my input and you should be no means take it as the in place rules.
                                                                                                TTT - Test Mod
                                                                                  PH - Just a guy who nukes rooms

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