i honestly don't know what to say...
Ingame Name: DJ Diamond bear >:(

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:110260122

Who Banned You: @Everyjuan

Reason For Ban: using my pointshop to lag and fly

Length of Ban: forever

Reason for Mods to Unban: See what i don't get is, the spot wasn't even unreachable and everyone can get to it (on FROZEN PRISON i'm pretty sure) I was never warned by him so i don't know why i was banned forever without warnings, i did this with Christian and others when they were on and when they saw me doing it they never told me "hey that's exploiting, don't do that" or something like that. And Everyjuan is probably gonna have proof that i did this, so i've gotten to this spot before by climbing up a mountain and sliding up it, then i jump up there and jump to the other side of it.

Have you been banned before (Link relevant threads): https://www.dinklebergsgmod.com/site/sho...p?tid=3542

Other: i never used this to get into spots that are unreachable to other players, i just feel i should have been warned before i was banned, i never knew it was exploiting in the first place. And someone said that you have to have a jump pack to do it, No that is not true you can do it with and without a jump pack. I've tested it.
If there is anything you wanna get on, make sure it's not my bad side.

[Image: cool-wallpapers-25185-3585291.jpg]
[Image: 20180111101452_1.jpg]

This is the spot you reached.  You know not to exploit, you've been here for a while, and there's no way you didn't think that was exploiting/glitching.

Also, currently your ban is only 1 day.
It's only 1 day? oof, and on the other side of that is a hill that you can slide up to get there, i'm kind off thinking there is two different maps that look the same but im pretty sure this is the map with the little hill you slide up to get there. and it's whenever i open my pointshop, i can't control it, if i don't want to fly then i have to not open my pointshop ever again.
If there is anything you wanna get on, make sure it's not my bad side.

[Image: cool-wallpapers-25185-3585291.jpg]
Uh, I’ve been on this map while you and some other staff were on at the same time, and I recall them telling somebody, I don’t remember who, that being on that roof is an exploit, so either you’re not telling the truth about not knowing that it was an exploit or you have memory loss or something. Not only that, but you admitted to using a pointshop bug to cause you to lag up to the roof and I’m oretty sure that itself is an exploit that shouldn’t be used.
[Image: giphy.gif]
but i cannot control the pointshop lag when i open it, and i didn't know being up there was an exploit.
If there is anything you wanna get on, make sure it's not my bad side.

[Image: cool-wallpapers-25185-3585291.jpg]
But you opened it to get up there, am i wrong?
The top of the prison can be reached, easy. You don't even need a jump pack to do it. The only thing he did wrong here was use the pointshop to jump higher. Even if it's a spot you can get to, it's exploiting. You're using the lag from PS to your advantage.
former admin2
no i didn't open it to get up there on purpose, i was gonna open crates and clear out my inventory because last night i opened like a bunch of minor crates and didn't get anything.
If there is anything you wanna get on, make sure it's not my bad side.

[Image: cool-wallpapers-25185-3585291.jpg]
so you jumped and while jumping you opened up PS to open some crates...randomly...knowing exactly what that does?

i just opened the ps and it flew me up there, i was gonna go hide in one of the cells because i was by one of the openings
If there is anything you wanna get on, make sure it's not my bad side.

[Image: cool-wallpapers-25185-3585291.jpg]

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