Discord Unban Request (both channels)
Ingame Name: Dildo Shwaggins

SteamID: Not applicable (unless it is, but I didn't get any server ban to my knowledge)

Who Banned You: Either Foxka, Deadpool, or Dakota

Reason For Ban: Shitposting in gaming setups/NSFW

Length of Ban: Indefinite

Reason for Mods to Unban: So, to keep this short and sweet and not an essay to trudge through, I was having immature but what I believe(d) to be harmless fun in the aforementioned Discord channels. I'd like the ban to be either reduced from indefinite (as I believe it stands now). For Setups, I promise to actually use it for what it's meant for and for NSFW I'll keep it more chill. 

Have you been banned before (Link relevant threads): Nah, just these Discord bans

Other: I do feel the gaming setups one was fully fair and square, however I feel like I was banned in NSFW for things a lot tamer than what some people have post (especially since it was all drawn stuff the bot found). Either way, I'm mostly asking for a reduce if not an unban. 
[Image: frieren-fall-winter.jpeg]
Sorry you posted some nasty shit in nsfw that I'll never be unable to unsee
Isn't that kinda the topic of that thread

Matt_St3 / Strongrule / Spartan001295
Forum Admin - Resigned TTT Admin
[00:04] matt_st3 (Strongrule) [traitor] has damaged Taliban Tom [detective] for 4.9999999349555e+14 HP with an unknown weapon
I only have one thing to say:

You screw my friend. Good luck on the unban.
I'm the last of my kind. I must train to become stronger, faster, smarter.

[Image: giphy.gif]
Alright guys, no posting NSFW stuff in the NSFW channel
No posting things that aren't SFW in NSFW please, thank you.
For real thought why don’t we discuss what he posted. Instead of giving a vague answer and ingnoring this hoping it will go away.
I'll admit that I did post fake computer setups in the setups channel and used the bot to get some (drawn) gore for NSFW. I even incitied discipline. However, I did not get any formal warning I would be banned nor did I expect a permanent ban, thinking I was holding back enough to be only temp at most.
[Image: frieren-fall-winter.jpeg]
For the whole Gaming Setups ban, ya, the ban is fairly Justified. For the whole NSFW ban, it is the NSFW chat, if it isn't ilegal, then it shouldn't get you banned. A little bit of gore isn't gonna kill you, and drawn? really? It isn't like you are on facebook or twitter browsing your feed, then you see someone you know in a vehicle crash with there bottom half twisted up, it's just some nerd who wanted to express themselves in some way, albeit twisted, and they probably torture animals, but it ain't bad. And ya, a warning would of been suitable for the NSFW stuff. Gaming settups though, dildo walked himself into the ban.

+1 to an unban from NSFW, there isn't enough people posting in there anyway.
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