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Hiya. I'm Bina, and I'm 22, living in the middle of the US.
I used to moderate Sona Chicago's PH, Murder, and Stop it, Slender up until the servers closed down.
I'm one of the Sona tryhards that migrated over. So far I'm loving the community and hope we all have fun playing together.
Your never a try hard when I’m online though cause ibalways blow you ? ily
Welcome to the server! Enjoy your time here, gamer!
My Maps
been here since September 2016
Bina never lets me live in game :( even if i beg
                        ~Squeaks Heart
Never... and I mean NEVER get around Bina and a vending machine. I don't care if you are both hunters or if you are both props or if one of you is a hunter and the other is a prop. SHE WILL USE THE VENDING MACHINE TO MURDER YOU IN HORRIBLE INCONCIEVABLE WAYS...
(06-02-2018, 03:41 AM)ErBear25 Wrote: Never... and I mean NEVER get around Bina and a vending machine. I don't care if you are both hunters or if you are both props or if one of you is a hunter and the other is a prop. SHE WILL USE THE VENDING MACHINE TO MURDER YOU IN HORRIBLE INCONCIEVABLE WAYS...

It's fine, Bear. I haven't done anything like that in at least a week.
(06-02-2018, 03:43 AM)§3LeatherDaddy Bina Wrote:
(06-02-2018, 03:41 AM)ErBear25 Wrote: Never... and I mean NEVER get around Bina and a vending machine. I don't care if you are both hunters or if you are both props or if one of you is a hunter and the other is a prop. SHE WILL USE THE VENDING MACHINE TO MURDER YOU IN HORRIBLE INCONCIEVABLE WAYS...

It's fine, Bear. I haven't done anything like that in at least a week.

It will never be fine again ;-; -sits in the corner stroking my worm while having vietnam flashbacks-
Oh yeah, my dude Bina and I go way back. Like when she crushed me with a vending machine, violated me with a shotgun, poked me in the butt with a knife, flung me into space multiple times, and is actually the reason why I have trust issues with the phrase "it's ok". Good times.
 A S T H E T I
Hi, Bina. Welcome to the forums! Hope you continue to love our community and if you don’t, let me know what I can do to fix it!

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    This is Dinkleberg's GMod, a gaming community based in Garry's Mod. We have a Trouble in Terrorist Town, Prop Hunt, Murder, and Deathrun Server. Come check them out sometime.