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Travis Trusted Application #2
just from what i've heard about you and from reactions in this thread i dont think you would enjoy your time as staff, unfortunately.
We're just a giant ass
Cheeks are made of children
Old was just a fad
Shit on all the billions
Due to the concerns that have been brought up community/staff members of all levels and other information that has come to light. I must alter my vote to a -1 at this point in time. No ill will is meant by this vote change but I cannot ignore the concerns of those that will have constant interaction with you. Best of luck going into the future.
[Image: 64017c939475b62a042ca559d80eb3fc-png.jpg]

Important Memes                                                Make sure to make the day.                       
Matt is Matt
Monke Resign 
Staffing in 2021 
Fish Fun
Travis Army
Before I say anything, don't take this as an attack. This is coming from someone who has become your best friend after all this time.
I'm saying these things coming up, as they're issues that need worked on.

I myself don't see the drop in time as a bad thing. However, other things that have been brought light in your replies alone are concerning. You attitude that comes off in them is of someone who no longer cares. I know you do, but the way you're handling everything, is an action of someone that doesn't.
You can be very narrow minded with how to handle things, (point back to my first response on here about the aggressiveness) and sometimes refuse to see the other side of things. This is a big issue, and while I know you'll work on it, right now it's at an all time high due to the things you're going through.
On top of mentioning the things you're going through, you're highly stressed and have taken a break from server. Thats fine and acceptable, we all do at some point take a break. However, being staff added onto your current stress, it's going to increase tenfold.
Are you able to handle that?
Sometimes you can be far too direct and blunt, and you also have an issue from time to time with knowing when to stop. Example A being the issue with Dong. This is something easily fixable, and I hope you do.
There's also an issue that has been brought up amongst some of us, something about you planning to make some big changes/cause turmoil. For this one, I want a direct answer on where this came from, etc. This is something we can't have, as we have enough issues and drama as is. So please explain this.

I await your answers.
Can't comment on recent behavior on the PH server but Travis has a lot of experience from previously being a mod to running his own server for a short while. That's pretty important and useful.

I'd also like to note that Travis was very helpful when I was PH Admin. He offered some advice on how to deal with certain situations and also advised me on certain players and what to expect from them, especially as I wasn't familiar with them. This was done even when he was running his own server and had absolutely no reason to help out with me and Dink's server. This speaks greatly for me and can help to give you an idea of what kind of person Travis is.

Ultimately though, the decision is up to Dink and the active PH staff members and players. Not me or any TTT players.
Can I get full information on what is meant by "cause turmoil"
[Image: b_560x95.png][Image: clapclub.jpg?width=1202&height=519]
To specify, the cause of concern that most are talking about, was something about going head to head to fight someone that was going to be admin, and if things didn't work, You know how to create a following, and would leave and they would follow. Right along those lines basically. I summed it up.
I understand the concerns about how I am and how I've become recently. The concerns about my attitude are well warranted due to how adamant about my opinion I can be. I feel like I'm a reeasonable person and have done my best to open myself up and try to listen to other people's perspectives on issues and will always continue to work on that. As for staffing adding onto stress, staffing doesn't stress me out. It's quite fun for me and is something that I would look forward to because of how I enjoy doing it and keeping the server calm. Becoming staff would not add on extra stress. Knowing when to stop messing around with people is something that I normally pride myself on and that was merely a slip up that I had. I apologize for that and will work on myself for that. What I truly have an issue with is that people think I'm ready to cause drama. The reason I said anything of that nature is beause literally everyone that is friends with me on staff has complained to me about how things are on the server. They've complained about how things have gotten swept under the rug and how things aren't done the way it should be done. The only things that I meant in that I would go "head to head" with a would-be admin is that I would merely stand my ground on situations and not back down. As for the "following" I'd create, it was more of a culture change that I would try to bring about as I would try and help people understand that it's okay to stand up for themselves and not just let stuff get swept under the rug. I can promise I have no intentions of starting my own server again. It's more stress than it's worth and all I wanted to do was fight for what was right here. I have my suspicions on what conversation has been brought to light and will send one Moderator the full context of the conversation. I'm more disappointed that nobody even told me about anything until about 6 hours later after it started to surface. This should've popped up before as most of my talks happened before I even applied for staff. For this reason, I'm rescinding my staff application and am asking it be locked and archived. I don't care about the position anymore. I just want people to realize that I actually do care about this place. It was my home for months. I love the game mode of Prop Hunt and am sorry for causing any issues in my time here. Have a good day.

[Image: b_560x95.png][Image: clapclub.jpg?width=1202&height=519]
+1 for me! damn good guy to play around on PH! knows the rules very well and enforces them properly. Fun to be around and to pester on :D GOOD LUCK BUDDY!
[Image: 5dh4Yx7.png]
+1 But I think this thread is dead #lock #archive
[Image: DJ7hsWH.jpg]
I don't know where this started from. I've known Travis for a while, and he's been one of the best staff members on Dink's ever. I don't understand where everyone is getting at his staff style is "aggresive". He gets the job done. He gives fair warnings and handles every situation exemplary. I mean, he's not afraid to speak his mind, but that's not a bad thing. He calls out people when they should be called out instead of letting things sly, and he takes criticism, too. I've called him out on shit he was doing wrong on the server when we were both mods and he stopped. What baffles me is how people say he can be hostile and still be one of the most popular guys on PH and TTT, where he doesn't even play. And to go on "the create a following" thing. He's not some persuasive, manipulative piece of shit. He's just some guy a lot of people like. It's not like Starky and Penguin tried to make a server, also.  Personally, I believe Travis will make a great addition to the staffing team, not only as a guy who can help run the server, but as a guy new players can look up to.

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