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Alora/ Flonne's Mod App
Ingame Name: Flonne
Past name:★ Alora ★ (Gametracker shouldn't show any time with this name tho.)

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:116637398

Time Played: I Currently have 513 hours.  

When First Joined: I joined August 18, 2018

Availability (Approx. times you play, and time zone): I work Mondays-Fridays, and able to get on after I get off which the times vary per day, The earliest I've been on, on a work day, is 2 pm CST, but for the next couple weeks I'm going to have Mondays so along with the weekend I'm going to be available whenever then.

Rank Desired: Mod

Current Rank: Tmod

What can you do to help the community?: I usually record and post hackers / ghosters on the forums and try (major emphasis on try) to help out with ban requests. I also try to get on for at least an hour or two a day, If I'm unable to get that day or for an extended period I usually let others know.  When another staff member joins I usually fill them into what's been going on like if a person has been gagged for a round or if someone is ghosting.

Why do you want to help the community?: It's hard to play the game with people screaming the N-word at the top of the lungs while they're running around in circles outside the map as a knife on clue, while this is the most extreme example, It doesn't change the fact that If there are people breaking the rules it makes the game less fun.

Have you previously been banned? (Link relevant posts): last time I check I haven't been banned, Unless I have, which if that is the case then it should be joke bans

Have you previously applied for staff? (Link relevant posts): Yes:
Trusted app:
1st Tmod app:
2nd Tmod app:

How did you find us?: As I have stated in my past apps, I just picked a random server and stayed around

Other:  After a decision has been made for this application, I'm going to change my name back to Alora since everyone is still calling me that (without the stars of course) that and to prevent further issues
The smol an frigil coffee addict
[Image: 86a906c81529bb510b2cfb0162a3035c.png] [Image: 83315f5c55d2650bb8f111e855b7c85c.png]

You asked me after you got tmod, what to improve on.
I told you that you were too strict, and needed to learn to loosen up and enjoy your time staffing and in server more, and learn what to let slide, and what to crack down on. It was my only complaint, besides improvement on ban request videos.
Since then, when I play with you, you have achieved this, and are STILL working on loosening up and you're back to cracking jokes with players like you used to as a regular player. I'm over the moon about this.
You do amazingly with time, almost daily.
You execute commands properly, and at the right time.
You're well known in the community.
You catch hackers and ghosters with ease, and the ban requests that do you have improved tenfold and I never have issue with them anymore.
You always let me know or other staff know, like you said, about people that have previously been gagged/warned/etc when they get on server, or before you get off.
You keep us up to date with everything, and you do exceptionally well at your job.

My only thing to work on from here on out, is keep loosening up, and enjoy your time here as you have been. I'm happy to see the old Alora back.
I'm proud of you.
+1 for now possible chance of it changing later, I feel like you're ready because you're really good at catching people and I hope you have the confidence and determination to be able to get the Mod and it would be a great addition to the PH Mod's.

Good Luck Alora ^-^

Edit - changed it to +1
Resigned Ph Trusted March 11th 2019 - February 12th 2020

“When someone loves you, the way they talk about you is different. You feel safe and comfortable.”

― Jess C. Scott
I honestly don't have a good reason to give you a -1.

That sounds like an odd introductory sentence but it's true, I really can't think of an area for you to improve. That may be in part that I haven't been on server with you or practically anyone this month due to occupational things. There's been no negative chatter about you from anyone, and you do good on reporting incidents. 

Having said all those things, I can recall you being helpful with finding illegal spots and helping with maps along with other improvements for the community. Your involvement has helped to level the playing field in PH on various maps and your contribution is noticed.  (yes, there's others who contributed too but this is Aloras app so ya'll can bugger off until it's your turn)

It's a +1 from me kiddo. 

You've been steadily improving, and asking for guidance from your peers. You've been a great addition to the community and to the staffing team. keep up the good work, and keep an open mind. 

Best of luck, and see you on the field when I see you
You're dependable, active, you know what you're doing and are not afraid to ask questions. You have loosened up a good deal since becoming Test Moderator and I feel you have done that position well. I'm proud of how far you've come.
[Image: Nicol_dumb.jpg]
Nothing happened here.
This is a easy +1.
I think your defiantly up for it. Your fluent with cmds, have the time, and are great at catching those baddies. Giving you the perks that come with mod will only make you better staff in my eyes. Slightly echoing what nuru said, try to enjoy yourself more. Other then that keep up the good work.

good luck.
1+ for sure - Not much I can say that staff havent  :) You have the green lights from me

FYI I think u enjoy killing XD
Ingame Names 
Sharky / [Red]Sharky / Hysender / Wizard
Apple a Day keeps Mother Nuru Away 
Deathrun - PropHunt - Murder Staff member
I haven't really played with you much but when i do i see that you have worked on the inappropriate binds and sayings but since i haven't played with you a lot its going to be a 0 for me.
[Image: giphy.gif]
I may have only talked to you a few times since I've came back but when I was playing on other accounts and you would come on to play/ handle situations you were always pretty level headed and appropriate with punishments.This is an easy +1 for me! Good luck and I hope you get it.
[Image: giphy.gif]
You meet or surpass all the requirements to become moderator. Your proof gathering, consistent time playing, able to stay cool when under stress, presence on the discord, and good attitude have been noticed for quite some time.

Easy +1 from me as well.
[Image: 64017c939475b62a042ca559d80eb3fc-png.jpg]

Important Memes                                                Make sure to make the day.                       
Matt is Matt
Monke Resign 
Staffing in 2021 
Fish Fun
Travis Army

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    This is Dinkleberg's GMod, a gaming community based in Garry's Mod. We have a Trouble in Terrorist Town, Prop Hunt, Murder, and Deathrun Server. Come check them out sometime.