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PH Donor Guidelines - Updated 2022
1. Donors are not staff and do not need to use their commands if they do not want to intervene.
2. Donors should not use their commands when PH staff are on the server unless they ask staff first.
3. Donors should not !kick players without collecting evidence to make a ban request.
4. Donors should not use the !gag * or !mute * commands.
5. Donor should refrain from using their commands in a joking manner unless ALL parties involved are in on the joke.
6. Read the full guidelines if you need to question something told to you by staff.
Section 1: Donor Commands
!kick <player> <reason>: kicks a player from the server.  ALWAYS put a reason for a kick.
!gag <player>: revokes a player’s microphone usage.  Use !ungag <player> to reverse this.  !mute <player>: removes a player’s chat usage.  Use !unmute <player> to reverse this.
!vote: brings up a vote with two options.  Easier to use through the !menu popup.

Section 2: Using Donor Commands on the PH Server
1. Donors do not have to use their commands if they do not want to.
2. If you decide to intervene in a situation, please read the following:
  1. Determine what type of problem situation has happened.
  2. Check the guidelines for the proper protocols here: PH Rules
  3. Do not make up your own rules!
  4. To make a ban request for problematic players, click here: Ban Requests
Section 3: Donor Abuse
If a player abuses their donor powers, please make an abuse thread here: Donor Abuse Reports.  Punishments for abusing donor powers can be, but are not limited to, the following:
Warning: Donor is given a formal warning about proper command usage and sent a link to the donor guidelines.  Only one warning will be given per donor.
Strike: PH generally operates on a 3 strike policy.  Strikes may also be accompanied with other punishments such as a ban depending upon the behavior during the donor abuse.
Removal: Donor rank is removed and the player is given the rank of Supporter.  The Supporter rank does not have special command privileges.

NOTE: the PH admins reserve the right to give 2+ strikes or outright remove a donor’s rank if the abuse is severe enough.

Section 4: Examples of Abuse
Fastest ways to a donor abuse thread:
1. Kicking players without collecting evidence or without good reason.
2. Using donor commands on PH staff members.
3. Undoing punishments given by staff.
4. Threatening players with your donor commands outside the punishment guidelines.
5. Punishing players outside of the punishment guidelines.
6. Using !gag * or !mute *.

Section 5: Becoming a Donor
1. On the PH server, type !donate to get a link to the donations page.
2. Your donor rank should be automatically given.  If it does not automatically appear on the server after payment is processed, please contact one of the PH Admins on discord.
3. To get to the Dinkleberg's gmod discord, type !discord when you are on the PH server.

Old Guidelines - Written by TheUltraFish -

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