I was banned???
Ingame Name: Mallakk

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:58849867

Who Banned You: Queef

Reason For Ban: Toxic/ forgot to ban from 6 months ago

Length of Ban: perm

Reason for Admins to Unban: What I did was not all the bad but the reaction dong had was the reason i was bannned

Have you been banned before (Link relevant threads):  yes for like 2 days


About 6 months ago i was demoted for tmod with no warning or talking to [Image: c5a4f56c3101a47917a71f893a899780.png]
The main reason for this was my interaction with Dong the night after he was denied Tmod. What i did was call him bad staff and poke at him for not getting tmod, while very mean and toxic in my mindset at the time I was simply joking around with another staff member. [Image: 784e07aa0292cdb2a6636bafa53f13d1-png.jpg]

I had a lot written out about how I was banned for Dongs reaction to what I said and not what I said you can see that paragraph here if u want

But as i think about if Dong did go through with it that night, even though I didn't know he had issues, that I don't know how i would be able to cope with that. His reaction isn't what make my action toxic or not, they just were. This was almost a year ago since then a whole lot has changed in my life, I'm not going to try to defend myself here. I just want to acknowledge i was wrong, state that I didn't know how badly i was hurting him, and say I've changed a lot. I don't have ill will towards people I just existed in a toxic environment for so long that that's just the way i talked to people. Since the start of this year I've been removed/removed myself from a lot of these toxic environments and I've still got a ways to go but I'm not nearly as bad as before and for the 9 months since this incident I've had no issues with anyone else, I think that speaks for itself that I've worked on being nicer.
Curious as to why additional action was taken so much later

Matt_St3 / Strongrule / Spartan001295
Forum Admin - Resigned TTT Admin
[00:04] matt_st3 (Strongrule) [traitor] has damaged Taliban Tom [detective] for 4.9999999349555e+14 HP with an unknown weapon
For now +1 he was demoted for his actions and he was grown enough to apologize to Dong for them. An apology Dong seemed to have accepted according to those screenshots.
[Image: J6yUs0g]
little slow on the draw there queef...

obvious +1. Shouldn’t have been banned at all if you’re going to wait that long to do it in the first place
[Image: giphy.gif]
This was supposed to be done at the time of the demotion as a temp ban. Additionally, a few people requested it since the recent events, as the actions in question seem as toxic if not moreso than others. The action in question is attacking someone who was feeling down and depressed, to the point of them feeling suicidal. I wasn't there at the time of the incident, Gabe (and some others) were and will respond to this thread later. What happened, as described to me, was very severe and is why this was meant to be a ban in the first place.

I don't think there's a statute of limitations to driving someone towards suicide if that's what happened here.

This also doesn't mean a reduction is out of the question.
[Image: iOq71ag.jpg]
Yes the situation was severe and he was demoted over it. Unless meant as a permanent or very extend temp ban, it would have easily expired by now anyways. Still curious as to why mallack was punished now, in light of actions by others.

Matt_St3 / Strongrule / Spartan001295
Forum Admin - Resigned TTT Admin
[00:04] matt_st3 (Strongrule) [traitor] has damaged Taliban Tom [detective] for 4.9999999349555e+14 HP with an unknown weapon
(08-25-2019, 02:58 PM)matt_st3 (Strongrule) Wrote: Yes the situation was severe and he was demoted over it. Unless meant as a permanent or very extend temp ban, it would have easily expired by now anyways. Still curious as to why mallack was punished now, in light of actions by others.

Maybe he had an opinion recently that didnt go unpunished
Ah, the people that were there for that were Gabe and I.

I won't put words in Mallakk's mouth about what was said to not discredit him, I'll speak on how I reacted though. I was so shocked at what you had said because it did not come off as a joke, it came off as a malicious attack to Dong and I didn't even understand why you even felt the need to "joke" (didn't come off as that way) to someone you haven't even spoken to. I remember dm'ing Dong about it to try and alleviate what was said because I was concerned Dong would actually kill himself after that. 

This is about all the information I can give, just how I portrayed the situation. 

If he was supposed to be banned when he was demoted, mallak should at least get a reduction.
I'm not sure why a guest would get banned for personally attacking someone while they are at a moment of weakness but you all think staff should not be?
[Image: iOq71ag.jpg]
im sorry i like you but i have to -1 you can joke about wanting to do that to yourself but you dont ever say it to another person
[Image: 4kcofo.jpg]thx fish[Image: Salsa_UwU.jpg]

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