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Der König of MG42
Hia lads, I'm not new to the server at all, but I do think i should make one of these because i can.

Commonly I will join the server if im off from work (Rather irregular working hours) and feel like playing TTT, more often then not i'll go play other games as well (Duh) wich are often WW2 themed, the whole reason I do this is because i have a weird facination of WW2 and in particular what those Germans were up to in terms of technological advances, that said i do feel the urge that i absolutely do not support nazism or faschism, i just really like some of the things they've built (Like their late-war tanks and their "Wünderwaffen" like the V2 rockets). I have some of my standard binds that refer to WW2 in a certain way through a quote i heard in another game (Like my "proven" bind after killing a T), or an actual wartime quote.

IRL I have some socialization issues i've dealt with ever since i was born and after a good bit i finally was able to learn that i am autistic. Not bigtime, so i dont have any meds for it (Didnt know there were meds for it beforehand), but it does severely mess with my life as i'm locked in the walls i've built around myself unconciously and i have social issues like not knowing how to approach others etc. I take out most of my frustrations on this by playing games probably excessively, but its how i deal with it. In server i have problems diffrentiating jokes from being serious and my normal tendency of staying quiet and just going with the flow to avoid sticking out too much can mean i do miss things said in voice chat or that i dont know how to reply of wich then i'll simply dont respond. If i have you on my friends list on Steam or whatever, if i dont talk to you ever its normal because i dont want to be a bother to anyone, hell people've told me its fine if i message em and i still wont due to my own fear of being a pest. Autism also "forces" me to rather strictly follow the rules and has the extra habit of being strict to others as well so if i come over as a tightass or anti-fun police, the more you know i suppose.

Going away from annoying stuff, I'm an European and i live in the Netherlands, this has an frustrating affect on my ping as it is always around 120, so with the normal Gmod shitboxes i also have rather slight connection lag (I suppose? Lots of my shots dont connect or just do 0 damage and sometimes it reached a point where shitboxes arent the only culprit). I've graduated from school and currently work a pretty good paying job at Forbo, wich creates plastic flooring in all sorts of shapes (Like wood planks, marble tiles). In my free time other then gaming i build model kits of vehicles i like, wich can range of tanks, planes, helicopters and cars. (Currently building a Jagdpanzer IV).

In the server i furfill the role of Moderator wich i do with alot of fun, It has its ups and downs but hey, i support the server in a way that doesnt cost money XD (I... dont like to donate, originally i had the excuse of not enough money but that ship has sailed, now i dont because... I dont..?).

TL;DR: I'm a Dutch cunt that says hi. Also some serious stuff.
Resigned Staff since 03-26-2018.
Welcome to the server, dutch cunt (^:
You're autistic?
Time for people to randomly shit on you because you cant do your job because of the slightest imperfection.
Hmm, never would have thought of you as being autistic, you don't seem like it at all really. My brother is autistic and he is waaaay different. He can't even really talk, he can say some words but has to sound them out and most of the time you can't tell what hes saying. I guess hes on the worse end, but I digress. I also has socialization issues, and I'm not even autistic or anything. I've been getting better but I'll still randomly get nervous while talking to people, and sometimes don't know what to say so it ends up being awkward. It's a shame.

You seem to really be into World War 2, and I'm sort of surprised you have such a fascination with german things since y'know, they steamrolled your country... anyway, I really like World war 2 as well, I just like learning about war in general. I've got a model sherman, tiger, and T34, but I haven't gotten around to putting them together.
[Image: giphy.gif]
My brother's autistic and I recently caught myself joking about it to him. He doesn't care, in fact he makes fun of himself for the meme but it really does conflict with his social life. He's incredibly intelligent and interesting, but socializes very little and never really does anything with people. He's a normal guy, though.
Yeah autism has 0 affect on intelligence and further we're like normal people only we have a diffrent mindset, hell Stephen Hawking could be autistic and the dumbest person alive could be autistic.
Resigned Staff since 03-26-2018.
It is not okay to literally tell people their opinions are wrong because they disagree.
[Image: 400px-MG42.jpg]
If you have any questions regarding the server rules or anything else, send me a forum PM.
Resigned TTT & Deathrun Admin.
[Image: 1199184.png]
Welcome to the community. :) *basic reply because it is a intro.*
I'm an introvert too, hardcore introvert actually. Hard to talk to people in school, never like to be center of attention. But my aunt is also autistic but she is really smart. She has basically taught herself about 2 or 3 other languages by just watching movies and games and its actually really cool. Im pretty sure most people on the server can relate to being introvert/shy or anything like that. But it doesn't change my view on you at all, still an awesome player and good staff member. Welcome to the TTT community and hope you stay.

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