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Murder Command List
Welcome staff and Donors to the Command list
Here you will find ways of using your powers and to withhold the law to fight the crime.

Each role plays there part to keep this server safe.  And each role has there part to play. Please note that Test Mods up have the powers of trusted. Trusted arent able to do the things Upper staff can.
To use ulx commands, you can use the prefix ! before any of them. I.E. - !gag <name> will execute the command named. You may also open your console with ~ and type in ulx gag <name> and the command will execute this way.

You may also open the ulx menu, by doing !menu, or opening console with ~ and typing ulx menu.

Note, another command that all have access to, is status. Use this in the console command only, with ~, and type status, and hit enter. This will list all connected players, their id's, connection status (Connected, connecting, etc), and their time connected. This is useful for many things such as gathering ids, checking for afks, or etc.

Here we Go 


Gag - This revokes a specified players microphone usage. Use ungag to undo this. (!ungag DirtyDan)
Mute - This revokes a specified players chat usage. Use unmute to undo this. (!unmute DirtyDan)
Kick - This kicks a player from the game. Be sure to ALWAYS state a reason on a kick with !kick <player> <reason> I.E. !kick DirtyDan afk
Stopsounds(ss) - This is to stop all current playing sounds from playing on the map. This works for map music, mics, and player taunts.
Teleport(tp) - This will teleport the player where your crosshair is aimed.
Profile - Opens the steam profile of the specified user in the steam overlay.
Who - This is similar to the status command used in ulx.
Bring - This brings the specified player to you directly, unlike teleport, which puts them where the crosshair points.
Slay - This is used to kill the specified user. 

Test Mods

Slap - This is used to slap the specified player.  Mostly used to slap a prop out of an illegal spot. You may specify amount damage with this command as well. When left blank, the damage is zero. (!slap Sharky 10 does 10 damage)
Ban - This is used to ban a player. Note that tmods can only ban up to 24 hours. You must specify the ban in the menu, or by typing it. (!ban Sharky 1440 bans for a day)
Slay - This is used to kill the specified user. 
Csay - This is used to put an announcement in the top center of all players screens.
Csaycolor - This is used to put an announcement in the top center of all players screens, but in color. 
Bring - This brings the specified player to you directly, unlike teleport, which puts them where the crosshair points


Dban - This pulls up the list of disconnected players from the current map. This is used to ban players that have left recently/to avoid punishment. You can also easily copy names/ids this way.
Getcommandtable - This prints the list of commands that the specified user is running, into your console.
Ban - This is used to ban a player. You may specify the ban in the menu, or by typing it. (!ban nuru 0 is a permanent ban)
Banid - This is used to ban an id, useful for ban requests. Be sure to specify the ban reason.
Unban - This is used to unban a player. Note the only time unban should be used is to unban a temp ban for a ban request or to fix your own bans. Otherwise you need administrator permission to unban.


Goto - This teleports you to the player specified. Note: This only works so far in third person(!3p) and with hunters/large props.
Send - This sends the first specified user, to the other specified user.
Freeze - This freezes the specified user, only physically. (!unfreeze to remove)
Fban - This freezes the specified user upon trying to ban. Useful for hackers.
Ragdoll - This command turns the specified user into a ragdoll, rendering them motionless, and unable to do anything. Similar to freeze. (!ragdoll nuru to ragdoll, !unragdoll nuru to remove it) best used on hackers to render them useless while setting a ban if you don't use fban
Strip - This strips a specified user of all weapons, including melee. There is no way to undo this, so use it wisely.


Gag - This revokes a specified players microphone usage. Use ungag to undo this. (!ungag DirtyDan)
Mute - This revokes a specified players chat usage. Use unmute to undo this. (!unmute DirtyDan)
Kick - This kicks a player from the game. Be sure to ALWAYS state a reason on a kick with !kick <player> <reason> I.E. !kick DirtyDan afk

Also note that if you put the * instead of the name it will happen to everyone.

Some Commands are only acessible in !menu

Please Note that if you are caught abusing these commands and a staff Abuse or Donor abuse is filed it will then result in punishment that either DirtyDan or Dink will see fit.

Staff should aim to warn as much as possible
Donor doesn’t have kick?

Matt_St3 / Strongrule / Spartan001295
Forum Admin - Resigned TTT Admin
[00:04] matt_st3 (Strongrule) [traitor] has damaged Taliban Tom [detective] for 4.9999999349555e+14 HP with an unknown weapon
(02-17-2020, 02:29 PM)matt_st3 (Strongrule) Wrote: Donor doesn’t have kick?

Forgot  about that  nice
Ingame Names 
Sharky / [Red]Sharky / Hysender / Wizard
Apple a Day keeps Mother Nuru Away 
Deathrun - PropHunt - Murder Staff member
didnt trusteds get slay last night? or was that only tmods and up?
I'm pretty sure trusted can force change maps cuz I've done it on multiple occasions or did dink take that?
[Image: e2d.jpg]
(02-17-2020, 08:06 AM)Sharky Wrote: Donor

Gag > This revokes the person from using the Mic and should only be used when needed for e.g !gag > Sharky< with reason. Type !ungag > User < 
Mute > This also revokes the person from using chat  and also should be used if needed for e.g !mute Sharky with reason. Type !unmute >user<
Kick > This is to kick a specific player if afk for e.g > !kickSharky <

pls fix big ass letters
(02-17-2020, 09:02 PM)RussEfarmer Wrote:
(02-17-2020, 08:06 AM)Sharky Wrote: Donor

Gag > This revokes the person from using the Mic and should only be used when needed for e.g !gag > Sharky< with reason. Type !ungag > User < 
Mute > This also revokes the person from using chat  and also should be used if needed for e.g !mute Sharky with reason. Type !unmute >user<
Kick > This is to kick a specific player if afk for e.g > !kickSharky <

pls fix big ass letters
Ingame Names 
Sharky / [Red]Sharky / Hysender / Wizard
Apple a Day keeps Mother Nuru Away 
Deathrun - PropHunt - Murder Staff member
Tmod and up has freeze command. Unsure if trusteds have it
(07-17-2020, 05:44 PM)Penguinslayer4 Wrote: Tmod and up has freeze command. Unsure if trusteds have it
we do
[Image: e2d.jpg]
(07-17-2020, 06:09 PM)happy Wrote:
(07-17-2020, 05:44 PM)Penguinslayer4 Wrote: Tmod and up has freeze command. Unsure if trusteds have it
we do
you're a trusted?

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    This is Dinkleberg's GMod, a gaming community based in Garry's Mod. We have a Trouble in Terrorist Town, Prop Hunt, Murder, and Deathrun Server. Come check them out sometime.