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Mass RDM bans
Hello, i have a bit of a short suggestion,

We should reduce the amount of time on mass RDM bans, unless they are coupled with other offenses, to 2 weeks.

Most of the unban requests we receive are accounts of "accidental" (neglectful) mass RDM, such as throwing an incend into a hallway and people walking into it.

Also, I find it better to give the players another chance without having to take the extra and unneeded steps to make an appeal, they likely will not be repeat offenders anyways because of being banned in the first place.

The only exception to this would be if the player is actively being a jerk to the other players on the server and intentionally mass rdming to troll, instead of just being negligent on the rules and whatnot.

I think that, ultimately, this will be benefecial to the playerbase and encourage players to return more often

Thank you for reading.
I propose that the staff make use of their own discretion as allowed by the rules and not ban for accidental Mass RDM. There were times when I was a Mod that instead of banning someone, I simply added three slays because that person did it on complete accident or the mass RDM was caused by neglect. Basically, if there was no malicious intent, I wouldn't ban unless the situation desperately called for it.
(03-05-2020, 08:59 PM)the shrowl Wrote: I propose that the staff make use of their own discretion as allowed by the rules and not ban for accidental Mass RDM. There were times when I was a Mod that instead of banning someone, I simply added three slays because that person did it on complete accident or the mass RDM was caused by neglect. Basically, if there was no malicious intent, I wouldn't ban unless the situation desperately called for it.

THIS is why we have staff, to think. Incend mistakes, especially when it did that weird thing where everything above it even a mile up burned, or other mistakes do not necessarily warrant a perm ban. But I am opposed to getting rid of the perm ban for mass. Way too many trolls will continue to come back. If we look at the unbans for mass, a lot of the ones that are simply mass and the guy doesn’t cause some kind of fight in get a very reduced ban or sometimes just unbanned. The ones that stick are usually trolls, argumentative in the request, have a history, or some combination thereof.

Matt_St3 / Strongrule / Spartan001295
Forum Admin - Resigned TTT Admin
[00:04] matt_st3 (Strongrule) [traitor] has damaged Taliban Tom [detective] for 4.9999999349555e+14 HP with an unknown weapon
My stance on stuff like this was different in the past, but today, I believe that permament bans should be handed out VERY sparingly. I think the name "permanent ban" has lost it's meaning, if you ban someone permanently, you NEVER want them to come back, and that ban will still be there in twenty years if they don't appeal it and the server still exists.

TTT alone has banned 10,000 people permanently. That is 10,000 unique players that can NEVER EVER join this server again unless they go through the appeal process. To put that into perspective, at the time of writing, there are only 17,000 people that have this game open right now.

The Compact Gamers community had a system where the maximum length ban you could issue was a six month ban. This was plenty of time for the player to be punished, reflect on their actions, or forget about the server, but it's not permanent, and if that player is interested in playing TTT again a year later, they won't find a ban message given to them over a year ago for something they don't even remember doing.

Now, two weeks for mass? Maybe a bit on the short side, I would personally opt for a month, but I agree that permanent bans are way, WAY overkill.
(03-05-2020, 08:59 PM)the shrowl Wrote: I propose that the staff make use of their own discretion as allowed by the rules and not ban for accidental Mass RDM. There were times when I was a Mod that instead of banning someone, I simply added three slays because that person did it on complete accident or the mass RDM was caused by neglect. Basically, if there was no malicious intent, I wouldn't ban unless the situation desperately called for it.

That is what staff are supposed to be currently doing, using thier judgement on if the player is malicious or not.... if they are only perma banning unintentional mass rdmers that are good to play with beforehand then that is an issue
Some people (like me) have an issue with spray control. Should we punish them two people who are on the other side of a T because of spread with a perma-ban? I don't feel that it is entirely fair to make a permanent punishment for angering the RNGod. It should be noted that I feel fire control is completely different from spray control. In instances such as this, where it is completely accidental, or where they are dumbasses who walk into an incend and then report you (which was one of the things that happened with one of my permabans), or who come around the corner at the same moment you shoot an explosive barrel to pop it safely, and it kills them, you should AT MOST get a slay.
On a sorta related note, we need to have people go through the rules and remove some of the more retarded ones (Preventing the detective from getting DNA being only sus, anyone?), and streamline what is left. Also make following KOSable with warnings.

Also, some of the mods are doing some retarded shit.
Last night, I was propkilled INSTANTLY by a mod (not naming any names *cough*Lycan*cough*) on my T round. He ended up giving himself a single slay. On a related note, the propkill detection system seems to be broken, as I was not told who killed me any of the 3 rounds I was instantly propkilled the moment the round started.
Also we need to have staff on at ALL times during peak hours ( after school/work).
I had to kick TWO people today for extreme racism and highly aggressive comments.
[Image: phzdad0ules31.jpg]
I had almost always used discretion on this as staff. If they have a good attitude and seem apologetic, I'd usually let them go with however many slays for people killed. If they're an ass or a troll about it that's when permaban is justified I think.
[Image: frieren-fall-winter.jpeg]
Make me community manager and I'll make it happen ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
(03-05-2020, 10:35 PM)Saitama Wrote: Some people (like me) have an issue  with spray control. Should we punish them two people who are on the other side of a T because of spread with a perma-ban? I don't feel that it is entirely fair to make a permanent punishment for angering the RNGod. It should be noted that I feel fire control is completely different from spray control. In instances such as this, where it is completely accidental, or where they are dumbasses who walk into an incend and then report you (which was one of the things that happened with one of my permabans), or who come around the corner at the same moment you shoot an explosive barrel to pop it safely, and it kills them, you should AT MOST get a slay.
On a sorta related note, we need to have people go through the rules and remove some of the more retarded ones (Preventing the detective from getting DNA being only sus, anyone?), and streamline what is left. Also make following KOSable with warnings.

Also, some of the mods are doing some retarded shit.
Last night, I was propkilled INSTANTLY by a mod (not naming any names *cough*Lycan*cough*) on my T round. He ended up giving himself a single slay. On a related note, the propkill detection system seems to be broken, as I was not told who killed me any of the 3 rounds I was instantly propkilled the moment the round started.
Also we need to have staff on at ALL times during peak hours ( after school/work).
I had to kick TWO people today for extreme racism and highly aggressive comments.

low staff count, so yeah that might be difficult

as to your responsibility for each bullet you fire, that's how that works yes.

Matt_St3 / Strongrule / Spartan001295
Forum Admin - Resigned TTT Admin
[00:04] matt_st3 (Strongrule) [traitor] has damaged Taliban Tom [detective] for 4.9999999349555e+14 HP with an unknown weapon
The only times I've seen someone banned for mass via incendiary was either 1. Doing it multiple times despite being warned. @Penguinslayer4 remembers. Or 2. They did it intentionally, well aware of what they did. Staff are encouraged to use discretion in nearly all aspects. Perhaps some mistakes happen, but we aren't robots. I fully believe in perma banning someone who intentionally RDMs multiple people. They ruin the fun of the game for multiple people. If they desire to come back they can make an unban request. The act of making the request itself shows an actual "want" to be unbanned.

Also nobody should be getting banned or slayed for crossfire @"Saitama" . I'm not sure what you even mean.
[Image: b_560x95.png]

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