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saltychapdaddy for Trusted
Ingame Name: saltychapdaddy

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:424003048

Time Played: Around 6 Days of in game time, 100+

When First Joined: May 5th or 8th I believe

Availability (Approx. times you play, and time zone):  EST, Usually around 10 P.M. to 2 A.M.

Rank Desired: Trusted

Current Rank: Regular

What can you do to help the community: I believe that I can help out the community by promoting a fun and inclusive environment.

Why you want to help the community: I just want to make sure everyone has fun time on Dink's without dealing with toxicity; as trusted, I would do my best to help deal with these issues.

Have you been previously banned? (Link Relevant Posts):  No.

Have you previously applied for staff? (Link Relevant Posts):  No.

How did you find us?: Browsing through TTT Servers

Did you fill out the required scenario questions for rank you are applying for? (Links under requirements in format thread):  Yes.

Other: Yes, I am aware that I do in fact cause a lot of chaos as a player in the community (micspam, claiming RDM rounds exist, etc.) If that is why I am denied, I can respect that; however, I think as a staff member, I would be able to handle situations that occur in a professional manner that would leave the majority of the people involved in said situations happy.
+1, made the sex room a whole lot hotter ;)

All in all, though, salty is a good, laid back guy and I think he'd be a breath of fresh air in the era of seriousness that we're currently in.
Gonna go ahead and give this a -1, and ill list my reasons for this below

- You flame trolls and troll yourself, I do not think I would be able trust a staff member that would continuously incite events like that.
- I have not seen you try to help staff out when help might be needed.
- I do not think that you would be able to keep your cool if someone was going after/harassing/targeting you.

There is definitely more that you can work on, but those 3 points are what stick out to me at the moment. You are good dude and you get along with players well, but I think you need some more time before I can see you fit to be a trusted on the server.

EDIT: Also, you aren't that active on the forums, I recommend making an introduction post and also put up some ban requests to help your cause to becoming trusted

In any case, good luck on your app
I'm always lifting, on the server and off, my gains keep me going!!

2013/14-Present (6+ years with this beautiful community!)

And Remember kids, never skip Leg Day!
You're funny as fuck and one of the people I enjoy playing with sometimes, keyword sometimes. When trolls are on and actively going after staff you don't waste time in joining them because it seems like the cool thing to do at the moment. I've also been personally pinged that you were causing rdm rounds not even less than a week ago. You're fine as a player but I think you need a certain level of maturity to handle staff.

Test Moderator on Dinkleberg's TTT.

"You guys are fucking cancer."
Yeah man I enjoy having you on the server but you were talking about how you wanted to get the most warns on the server yesterday. You also troll a lot. If you are serious about becoming trusted you need to behave on the server and have some time on the forums. Its a hard -1 from me right now. I'd like to see you work on this though and if you do I'd see me plus oneing a future application.
While other have raised concerns my main one is in relation to what you said in your app:

“Yes, I am aware that I do in fact cause a lot of chaos as a player in the community (micspam, claiming RDM rounds exist, etc.)“

As staff you have to act as a model for other players. You cannot simultaneously attempt to uphold the rules and punish players for breaking them, while you yourself break them. You admitting that you take part in these activities is an automatic -1 from me and it will continue to be one until you have completely stopped doing them.

TLDR: You cant try to enforce the rules while breaking them. Big -1
[Image: ehzhie1yovv21.jpg]
Alright so I am gonna -1 rn look like everyone said your fun on server sometimes but you have caused issue and you haven't really done anything to show you are staff material that being said however in time you can you just need to show everyone that you can change like I was a troll myself and I tried to become staff 2 early and it got shot down now im also not saying you need a pencil stuck up your ass and to stop having fun but just show us you can be more mature and down the line you could be staff :D
I actually wouldn't mind having you on the staff team, with the intention that you just bring it down a notch. I personally don't take staffing too seriously, I play the game to have fun first and staff second, so it isn't bad to have a meme side but at the same time you just gotta know when to let it out. Look at ceebeast for example. That dude used to get on my nerves all the time but now he is doing an excellent job as trusted. For now -1, But I think next time as long as you just work on those improvements I would do an easy upvote.
+1 More staff that understand the "just here to fuck around" crowd would definitely benefit for the server, as they can help resolve conflicts between them and the more serious crowd.

The sun smiles at you with eternal malice
I do think youd make great staff but right now I'd like to see you tone down the chaos you take part of. You're alright to play with but I just think ya gotta chill out a bit before trying to staff the server, so for now -1

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