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What keeps you going?
I'm feeling some random cheesy bullshit feelings right now and it just got me wondering, what keeps everyone going? Like, in general, career, school, mental/physical/emotional, all that, is there anything specific?

For me, it can be broken down to me, my mom, and a few friends
The me part is I've just always been ambitious, and I rise through ranks on any game or community I'm apart of, which sounds a little cocky but it's not it's just something that happens because I know how to be invested in these kinds of things without exhausting all of my energy on it, and just have a way of typing/talking/acting in ways that people can relate to, but also still sounds intelligent, I think?

My mom is constantly, and always has, been telling me she knows I'll succeed, and is just very uplifting, I adore her more than life.

My one irl I don't talk to anymore but he used to be m y best friend and we just made so many plans when we were littler, I've always had huge aspirations because of him. Same with the url friend, honestly. He's always going places and getting shit done and I'm always trying to keep up.

And lately two people here have had me just on a rampage of self improvement for various reasons, great friends, all that jazz. One is just my best friend in general and always helps me with everything and just is wonderful as a person, and the other I have told about my plans in life and just tells me they believe in me and are proud of my progress and stuff. I'ts the little words that really do it, the ones that are just in passing.

The more I type the cheesier I feel and this is mostly a stupid ramble so I'll just reiterate the title.

What makes you keep going in life?
[Image: TWQlDjL.png] 
-courtesy of a sarcastic fish

[Image: t2X0SiD.png]
-courtesy of milk(2)
What keeps me going?

Tbh that's a difficult question. Of course, my family and friends want to see me succeed but honestly, I do it for myself. I love the challenge and reaping the rewards of accomplishment. I keep moving forwards because I know it will enable me to keep doing the things I love to do. Playing video games, driving cars, and making friends is just the top layer of what I love and if I keep going I will have more opportunity to do those things.
[Image: Bry-Donor-2.gif]
mostly spite, to be honest. I dont really have a lot to live for right now as it is with my chronic illnesses.
gaming ig saves me but honestly i dont really know, the meds help with my mental health but my body is fucked and no doc believes my pain being a child and all.
[Image: 4kcofo.jpg]thx fish[Image: Salsa_UwU.jpg]
Oof. lol

My cat. After my great gramps passed away I didn't want to exist anymore. He was my family, he was the one who took care of me when my parents weren't around or off drinking and in jail. He passed shortly after my high school graduation and it was devastating for me. Honestly, I am still not over it. I decided to rekindle my relationship with my mom, which is still hard. But she knew I was in a super bad place since I was in and out of the hospital and did start taking a lot of drugs (seriously kids, don't do them). So, she bought me a tiny little tux kitten, and she has been my entire life since I got her. I sorted my shit out and having something to take care of really helped me take care of myself. It was amazing.

My kitten is 9, she is my best friend. Without her I am lost. She is what really keeps me going. Coming home to her is amazing, being able to do class from home and having her sit behind my head purring seriously makes all my stress and worries fade away.
Go away
Pretending to be staff as a donor.

Serious answer is my purpose in life is derived from religion. I'd be happy to discuss in PM further but i'm not going to get into it on a thread :)
[Image: dan_ceebeast_gif.gif]

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I enjoy always attempting to better myself no matter what I do in life. While it honestly can be a toxic self personality trait (i.e. things never being good enough for me) I also find that it keeps me grounded and gives me a genuine purpose to never be complacent in a situation as I find complacency to be extremely boring.
[Image: rdm-corp-squarelogo-1446787792629.png]
3 Things:

1. Screwing around on the internet for sure
2. Coffee
3. School
I'm not sure honestly. I don't really feel like I have a purpose in life but I don't ever have feeling of wanting to die or not exist. Maybe it is the journey to find purpose that keeps me going. Hopefully I will find that purpose.
[Image: bb6.jpg]
It's weird, but fixing things and getting things to work is a huge drive for me. I love taking something, be it a computer, a car, a lawnmower, anything, and learning to fix it when it breaks and properly maintain it so it doesn't break again. I have no idea what it is about it, I guess it's the feeling of being the only one around that can take this useless thing and make it magically useful again. I also get paid to do it, which is a super huge plus.

I also love contributing to something, being one of the many many pillars to hold something up or push something forward, especially with computers and BOINC, since I know a lot about that already.

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