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Papa Milo unban request - This was not me
Damien the olim apap account is mine and I have never denied that however the 3 that were used on that day were not mine
ok ladies and gentlemen, hears is my response to the allegations to help to prove to you all that I’m innocent, its slightly long with it being 2.8k words so, sit down get some nice hot coco or popcorn and enjoy

I am writing to you today regarding the allegations about the alt accounts that somebody made in my name. After reading this I hope that you will see that not only do these alt accounts use different grammar and sentence structure  than mine I normally use. They have also taken multiple points that I have and have completely flipped them. Because of that it will be obvious to you that I did not write these. And that the only reason that somebody would write these as you will see would be to discredit me. As every single point they make Is completely factually wrong and would be the worst possible take for me to make. The only thing you will have to assume through this analysis is that I am a rational human being. By that I mean that I follow a logical consistency. What this analysis will help to prove is that the poster of these alt accounts beliefs are opposite of mine and it would not make sense if all of my beliefs changed within a single night. As that would be extremely unlikely.

The first post I will be discussing is olim8841 post on syns application as this is the easiest post to show that it was a quick past job. It is obvious that this is just a smear attempt because it uses my original text as part of my first response on Syn’s application where I said “-1 generic answers, definitely put some more thought into your answers, and i'll change my mind”. In my original post I said that however I also stated that if he expanded upon his answers that i would change my vote. And when he did change his answers I did change my vote. Another part to note is that this was a quick copy paste job which can be seen by the change in font size. However I don't know why I would feel the need to post this at all. I haven't talked to Syn since this and quite frankly I completely forgot about this. Why would I feel the need to repost part of the original post with no context to Syn with a point that I think he has already addressed and fixed. What's also odd with this post is the font change as I have not ever posted a post at that font size before. Another thing that is odd with this post is that it is the only post made by these fake alt accounts not in my application for trusted. It seems like this was made to try to stir up conflict. And to make me look angry and jealous and not rational.

Next post we will be talking about is olim8841chat GPT post. Where it links back to pandas post about how I would mess up some of the rules essentially especially when it comes to my maturity and how I would rdm someone. In my original response to this I asked for clarification to this and when he gave it to me I took that criticism to heart and accepted it however I was not sure that I rdmed that person repeatedly. This can be seen in my response to him. However this post takes the stance that first off I did rdm that person which in my original post I did not believe that which is a contradiction. And not only did I rdmed them but that they deserved to be rdmed. I have never said that somebody deserved to be rdmed I have never supported that idea. I have had people targeted rdm me before and I know how bad it is. The only time I have ever supported rdming someone was between me and Toxicvoid over a discord joke and we were both in on it and were fine with it. Excluding that I have never supported the idea of actively rdming someone and I do not know why I would completely change my argument on this stance and why I would change my position on this issue. And not only change my stance but to say that he deserved it which s a appalling thing to say. And it would not make sense to do, which makes the more logical option to this statement that I did not say this and that someone else did and that they are trying to frame me. Another thing is that I have never had a giant Ai script write sone giant text for my posts before, why would I do that now it does not make sense. Now I’m sure some of you are going to say that this was ai but I can assure you that it is not its taken me over an hour to right just up to this part alone.

My next key point about this post is that of my idea of my responsibility within my original posts and these fake ai posts has completely changed. As I said before where I accept and take criticism these fake alts do not they say that the criticism should be ignored.

The next post to look at is the post after laced calls me out for the account being made yesterday, which it was. It is obvious after all as it says the date the account was create in the account profile. It is known when somebody joins the server, it is not some hidden information about when someone joins. So I do not know why I would  want to try and deceive people and say the account was made before it actually it was. Another interesting fact about this post comment is that it says and I quote “that's not true”  no period or nothing look at my other look at any of my other posts on my main account and you'll see I don't shorthand posts I will often write them out kind of excessively and it'll be in full sentence syntax. I would never just type in shorthanded of a sentence because of that this post looks odd to me and I hope this helps you to see that this was not my alt account because I do not write like that.

When it comes to these alt accounts look at their IP address because  it is not my computer's IP address, and it is not my phone's IP address. It is a completely different IP addresses than mine. That should have been enough evidence to begin with but because it's not I'm going to continue to write every evidence of how those posts themselves could not have been mine.

As I said above the grammar of these Alt accounts is not how I would write. The grammar in these Alt accounts has varied wildly. One of those alt accounts used chat gpt's  to write out their response, while another used copy and paste on my old post and another used shorthand which is something I do not do. This shows the grammar is not mine and if I was to make an old account it would be written like how my main account is written. People's grammar does not suddenly change out of nowhere. I would have to really try to perfect each post to make my grammar change,  however those posts are written pretty quickly I believe looking back at them so it would not be something I would  be thinking about doing at the time. I want to clarify. I say believe here because I'm looking back at the time logs on each post because I didn't write them. As I said before, why would I make the most obvious alt account names and why would I make the most obvious bait comment on them, especially for trying to get my post supported. Why on Earth would I do that? if you believe that I did this please in mind that if I was clever enough to think about changing my grammar of all things while making these alt accounts why would I not be clever enough to change the name of them or make them try to blend in. Which whoever made this account clearly didn't want to do. If I was making an Alt account to be used for boosting I would want to make him hidden and subtle and not stand out. But whoever made these clearly didn't want that they wanted them to stick out like a sore thumb. not only did they stick out by their usernames but also how they responded they used Chachi PT to make a giant text they were trying to get caught clearly, now why would I want that? If my goal is to become trusted, why would I want to have my old accounts get caught,  because that would make me look worse.

But besides that let's look at the original posts from these fake alt accounts starting with the fake alt of doctordinkelberg.  which is an interesting name because I haven't gone by the name  doctor in quite a while, it's been over 5 years for me now since I even used that name on Steam and quite frankly I forgot that I even used it begin with. But I know that my memory cannot be proven so I will just ignore that point of evidence. But what's really interesting with this fake alt account is their response to why I should be trusted. They talk about how they've never personally experienced any RDM from me which is interesting claim to make to begin with because I have rdmed people and that's not something I have that denied. What is also interesting is that they claim I just want to make this place better. That statement It's extremely generic and bland, it almost like something you would see from a corporate account not something a normal person would say, especially on a more relaxed Garry's Mod server. I don't know why I would speak this robotically. I often use long sentences when I post so it is interesting to me that this alt account used short posts instead of the much more long drawn out posts that I normally make. What is also interesting is the period placement, in my normal posts most of the time often I will just put a period before  the words and & but and capitalize those words. However these Alt accounts did not seem to do that. But besides that

The content of the old account is questionable at best. The alt account says “you're all getting too caught up on minor issues a big +1  from me”.  This unconditionally goes against everything that I have been saying in every single one of my previous posts in both of my applications for trusted. I have never tried to downplay any issues that somebody has about me. I have always looked at their criticism and accepted it and I have tried to learn from it. Now while I have asked for examples from some of the people who have criticized me, I have never outright denied that those criticisms were valid. Look at both of my previous applications for trusted, I have tried to accept every flaw that has been pointed out to me. I have never tried to downplay any of the  criticism that has been brought against me. These are two diametrically opposed viewpoints. The fake alt saying that RDM should not be a big deal goes completely against what I have been saying now while I was not 100% sure that the example they used about RDM  from me happened. That is very different from me saying that RDM is okay. I have never tried to claim the RDM is okay. I have complained to voidzz about people repeatedly rdming me. It does not make sense for me to now believe it is not a big deal. Let's not forget the fact that I was permabanned from the server 5 years ago for mass RDM. I know that it is a big deal, so I do not know why I would say that RDM is not a big deal. Especially as my post before all of this happened I said that  I would love to hear people's criticism of me so I can improve. why would I now instead be saying that the criticism against me is not valid and that I should be immediately be made trusted. It goes against what I have been saying for the past two months that being that I want to hear your criticism so that I can learn from it and grow. This is another example of why this was most likely not me that was writing for these Alt accounts.

Now, lets look at the most damning piece of evidence that this was not me. That being the whole concept of the Imsorrydinklebergs account. After Laced gave me the simple instruction that being do not make another alt account or your main account will be banned. And what is my immediate response to this, it is not to say sorry on the main account, no it is apparently to make another new Alt account called Imsorrydinklebergs just to say sorry. Almost like I am trying to get my main account banned by batting Laced to do it. Why would I do that? If my great idea to get made into trusted by using alt accounts and that failed because it was extremely obvious that they were “mine”. why would I then try and bait my main account into getting banned. Why would I not use my main account to say sorry. It does not make sense for me to do this. And while this is happing “I” also start swearing at Laced like its 2018 and start saying that I hate this community. Which for the record I don't. I’ve always loved this community after being perma banned from this community i wanted to join back to this community because I enjoyed it so much and again after a 5 years hiatus from Garry's mod I join back with this community again. This is the only server that I play on I don't use garry's mod for anything else. To me G-Mod is Dinklebergs gmod. I don't think that someone who hates this community would spend hours of there time writing up this long response which is currently over 2.2K words. Another thing to note is when I didn't get trusted a month before this I did not freak out but instead thanked people for the criticism because it will help me grow and become worthy of the role of Trusted. Why would I immediately regress into a basic child and start throwing a temper tantrum this time because I didn't get the role. It doesn't make sense for me to do. It is much more logical that this is somebody else doing this, especially with them making a new account just to piss everyone off at the end and to get my main account banned. Why would i do this, because I would know that if I did this my main account would be banned.

Now while I can continue and go on, Gabe has suggested to me that I end it hear as most people probably wont read all this but if you do thanks. The last thing I would like to mention is the fact that I am doubling down on this not being my fault. If you look at the responses to this most people don’t believe me and suggest to just admit fault, because if it is found out that I lied than my reputation will be tarnished forever. What I would say to this is that it would be so much easier to just admit fault after all I have been told that this is essentially guilty until proven innocent. However the reason I am not admitting fault is because I genuinely did not to this. That is why I have spent hours writing this 4 page 2.7k explanation showing that it was not me. Ask your self would a obvious troll spend hours working on this to try to show their innocence. I don’t believe so they would just move on to the next server.

Either way I hope that this will help you see the truth that I did not do this.

(also to confirm that the olim apap account was mine and I take responsibility for that account but it was not used during this situation)
Was poop maniac banned again?
+1 for reduction bcuz he wrote a whole ass essay im not gunna read it but I love the effort. also this whole forum post is so good its like a detective novel
(06-12-2023, 03:53 PM)Kickstone Wrote: +1 for reduction bcuz he wrote a whole ass essay im not gunna read it but I love the effort. also this whole forum post is so good its like a detective novel
Well laced told me to prove that those posts were not mine, well to do that I would need to be thorough so I was.
So to be clear, you only made one alt account to troll about the forums, the other 2 day-old alts used to support only your application and to downvote someone elses are not yours, and that someone else is conspiring to get you banned by making 2 alt accounts to impersonate you with IP addresses linking to computers located in Guam and the People's Republic of China. Do I have everything straight?

Sounds believable to me, +1 for trusted
[Image: dan_ceebeast_gif.gif]

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not quite the one alt acount i had "olim apap" was made a month ago and i used it because i have 2 steam accounts with G-mod on it, at the time i didnt know it was against the rules, and i just had my laptop connect to that account. if you look at it I never did any trolling with that account. but yes the other 3 alt accounts were not mine those were the accounts named Thedoctordinkelberg, olim88421, and imsorrydinkelbergs. those 3 were not mine
(06-12-2023, 05:27 PM)Jammin Wrote: So to be clear, you only made one alt account to troll about the forums, the other 2 day-old alts used to support only your application and to downvote someone elses are not yours, and that someone else is conspiring to get you banned by making 2 alt accounts to impersonate you with IP addresses linking to computers located in Guam and the People's Republic of China. Do I have everything straight?

Sounds believable to me, +1 for trusted
Where was it stated that the IP addresses were located in Guam and China? Sorry if I missed that somewhere.
[Image: 1RYjIUk.png]
I will unban you if you agree to hand write this on paper and post the screenshot on this thread "I will not use an alternate account in the Dinkleberg's Gmod community" 10 times for every alt you've been caught using (so 40 times)
(06-12-2023, 06:22 PM)Gabe Wrote: I will unban you if you agree to hand write this on paper and post the screenshot on this thread  "I will not use an alternate account in the Dinkleberg's Gmod community" 10 times for every alt you've been caught using (so 40 times)
I would do that but I have only had one alt account so… if you want me to write it 40 times for that one alt I would but those other 3 accounts were not mine

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