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TTT Admin Application
I'm retiring from staff. It has been a good run.
+1 Though you'll have to give up all those qualifications if you want to become admin. We expect you to be on-call 24/7, 365 days a year. Your starting ban quota will be 20 minimum a week. Good luck!
[Image: ?]
+1 I don't know why this was moved to shitposting. Trundler is one of the most influential members of the community of late and could further benefit the community with his experience with past communities and general expertise with handling a community.
rdmed me on niphouse -10000000
harassed me +1
[Image: fact_checked-1.gif]
Under the assumption that this isn't a shitpost, you will have to prove yourself to the larger community that you can be a leader by applying for normal staff and making your way up the ladder. Regardless of community approval, Dink is the ultimate deciding factor on an Admin, not the other admins. I can guarantee you he won't say yes to someone if they haven't been an active staff member. I will say that being Admin isn't all it's cracked up to be. More often or not you'll be the one to blame for each and every problem. 

I certainly don't recommend it but good luck nonetheless. 
[Image: b_560x95.png]
You own a house??? IN THIS ECONOMY???
[Image: image.png]Don't take anything I say seriously

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