Unban The Kernal
InGame Name: Kernal Cornflakes

STEAM ID: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198016875396/

Christmas Fish Banned me

T on T RDM 


We were playing on a map where we all spawned together and were later opening the ladder, I thought it would be hilarious to jihad and kill like 15 people, some of those people were Ts, and honestly I wasn't really thinking about them getting caught in the blast my bad. But honestly I know I was just a master rank but like come on do ranks other man Moderator and Donor not mean anything? I didn't get a warning or even a chance to answer all the reports Christmas Fish jumped the gun in my opinion with a perma ban, I had no history of rdm. It wasn't even an rdm and leave. There needs to be a step by step process for this kind of shit. 

And no I've never been banned before.
@"Christmas Fish"

So you jihaded on trappycottage, you killed a shitton of t buddies and you got banned, gg. Though we need to be more consistent on how we handle this situation in particular.
[Image: Untitled-1.jpg]

I dont think a permaban is deserved, he didnt hunt down his t buddies or kill them with intent or anything. Maybe give him a week or 2, maybe even a month, but he likes the server and is a nice person, I dont think its fair to never let him back on again for 1 mistake. Also, you should wait until all the reports are done before doing anything drastic like permabanning someone, some of the traitors mightve forgiven which mightve saved him from a permaban. Personally 9/10 times if i report someone and they apologize for their actions in the report i forgive the report.
Dont look so blue
Everyone was warned multiple times not to mass RDM on Trappy cottage. Not only did you not listen, you used a Jihad in the main room when everyone was stuck and killed 3 T buddies and almost killed a 4th by doing 90 damage.

Also we do have a process for this kind of thing, its called the !motd

Mass RDM Punishment:
Mass RDM is defined as 3+ intended RDMs in a single round/
- All Offences: Permaban

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[Image: tenor.gif]
-1 I realize how tempting it is to jihad in that situation, but on must restrain thy self. I might be okay with a reduction on the ban though.
Drunk on my newfound ascension!
Staff provided warnings to not jihad in spawn. You didnt give any warning to t buddies. From my point of view, you rdmed 3 and attempted rdm on a 4th. For me this is perma.
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Who those -3 votes on papa's post, I upvote it because he actually deserved it and that seems reasonable response to the ban. I am -1 the unban appeal. Whether you're a master or not, you still have to follow the rules. You make it sound like "I'm a master rank, I can rdm. I can break rules, yay!" Dude, sure some staff breaks rules, but at least they take the punishment. And you said it yourself, you didn't care if you killed your tbuddies too, so I believe you deserved this ban and considering you were already warned of it.
If you never seen me before, then ignore me. Just focus on your job.
If you need to know why I'm here when I don't play the server, just ask.
If you want to know why Nicol is Nicole, then its because Nicole is secretly Nicol.
In my defense I joined in late before the warnings.

I still think a o to 100 real quick permaban is still a little silly. I'll take like a month ban but I think the mods should ban the way christian does. I've seen him let some mistakes slide to the point where someone rdms a couple rounds in a row and then he gives them a timed banned not a perma ban. I just think it was a little hot headed to go straight to the perma ban.
Thats because constant rdm is a ban of staff discretion..... and this is mass TonT rdm
[Image: Untitled-1.jpg]
I wouldn't mind a month ban ( Í¡° ͜ʖ Í¡°)
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