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Staff Applications
Ingame name: [blue]Trash
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:223658414

Time played: 96 hours on the server (4 days)

First joined: About 2 months ago. I joined the server and really enjoyed the people here and started to play it more often. 

Availability(Approx. times you play, and time zone): (Eastern time) Monday - Thursday; 5pm-10  Weekends; Whenever I'm up or not busy. 

Rank Desired: Trusted

Current rank: Master (very close to regular)

What can you do to help the community?: 
I can help new players get to know the game as well as keeping ghosters, hackers, ect. out of the server and make sure everyone is following the rules in the server while still enjoying themselves. I'm also able to record if anything happens on the server. 

Why do you want to help the community?: 
This is the only game and server I play on gmod. It is my favorite server since the people here are nice are very welcoming when new comers join in. Id rather not have the community ruined or brought down. This is a really fun community and I have memories here, so I'd like to give back and help it out. 

Have you've been previously banned?(Link relevant posts): No

Have you previously applied for staff?(Link relevant posts): No

How did you find us?: When I first got gmod, I watched a lot of prop hunt videos and decided to play some. I clicked on a random server and ended up on Dinklebergs.
                                                                                                    ~ Sincerely Trash 
Easy +1. Probably is on more than anyone else anyways and is always following/reinforcing the rules. Hates cheaters. Is creative and easy to play with. Have never had to get after Trash for breaking any rules. Lets give Trash a chance on the staff as Trusted.
[Image: 64017c939475b62a042ca559d80eb3fc-png.jpg]

Important Memes                                                Make sure to make the day.                       
Matt is Matt
Monke Resign 
Staffing in 2021 
Fish Fun
Travis Army

I see Trash on the server all the time and I suggested that he apply. I think he'd make a great staff member due to his knowledge of the rules and illegal spots and his helpfulness toward new players that I've seen when I've been on with him.
+1 easily , active , knows the rules , and fits the spot
Trash has already proven himself to me on the server. In addition to helping out when I'm online, he helps while I'm offline too - he's contacted me several times on Discord already to report troublemakers, something I greatly appreciate.

Trash, keep up the good work and I see no reason to not give you a staff position at this time.

By the way, add me on steam

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About Us
    This is Dinkleberg's GMod, a gaming community based in Garry's Mod. We have a Trouble in Terrorist Town, Prop Hunt, Murder, and Deathrun Server. Come check them out sometime.