Dinkleberg's GMod
This has gotten very bad. - Printable Version

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RE: This has gotten very bad. - KneeGee - 09-09-2020

(09-09-2020, 03:26 PM)Henry Wrote: I've said what I can say about this. I await the decision of the staff. Please do not let the responses of other users who are named in this post have any weight on the decision about me, while I think these should have had separate posts for each of these people, I understand why they were unified. I only worry that one's conception of what I have done may be muddled with opinions about the others here. Before any decision is made, please reread all of the posts relevant to my part of this discussion without the ones irrelevant to me in mind. Again, I apologize to anyone I've made feel uncomfortable.

 I agree with Henry. I do not associate with any of these people in question. I actually do not even know Henry. There should have been a different thread for each one because none of us are associated with one another.

(09-09-2020, 03:26 PM)JesseTheUndeadCowboy Wrote:
(09-09-2020, 03:21 PM)FREEGCUBED knee gee Wrote:
(09-09-2020, 03:08 PM)JesseTheUndeadCowboy Wrote: -snip-

Yes I did say stop. I told y’all to stop. I pmed you to not target me and I will say this again you got hostile. Also you told me fuck off when I pmed you regarding targeting I’m pretty sure.

What? You are mixing up all of these three situations...

RE: This has gotten very bad. - TheUltraFish - 09-09-2020

Okay so seeing as how this is getting out of control and upon request, this thread is locked until upper ttt staff can handle this. If there is any additional evidence to be shown, please send it to one of the ttt admins.

RE: This has gotten very bad. - dong - 09-12-2020

Unlocking thread. Benny wanted to post something. Please remain calm after this is reopened

RE: This has gotten very bad. - Benny Bologna #FreeGCubed - 09-12-2020


           My name is Benny Bologna. Like all of you that are reading this post, I am a gamer. I have played the game mode “Trouble in Terrorist Town” {TTT} on-and-off for around ten (10) years. TTT is a (standardly) non-competitive game mode that relies on using stealth tactics and social deception, within a first-person-shooter framework, to realize the victory condition of last surviving team, whether it be traitors or innocents. Similar concepts can be found in the games “Among Us”, “Werewolf”, “Space Station 13”, and “Town of Salem”, among others. Due to the fast time-to-kill {TTK} in TTT, head-on attacks by the antagonizing team (traitors) are rare and usually reserved for the last few surviving innocent players. This leads to a culture of banter that could be considered more crass and vulgar than games that rely on their core hardcoded gameplay systems, due to the amount of downtime spent waiting for action to occur. In TTT, A phrase that would normally be considered offensive in a different environment, such as “fuck u bitch!”, can be viewed as a friendly and endearing acknowledgement or greeting to a fellow player. These surface-level “insults” have been normalized, on the vast majority of TTT servers I have played on over my four thousand (4000) hours on the “Garry’s Mod” videogame. Anyone that has played on a populated TTT server, let alone on “Dinkleberg’s TTT | Fast Downloads | Staff Needed”, would likely find this out within an hour.


           With that very brief personal introduction and explanation surrounding what TTT is and the culture behind it, I would like to dedicate the rest of this post to addressing every facet of this report and its replies that I am capable of responding to. In advance, thank you for taking the time to read up to this point; I would appreciate if you continued on with the rest of it, as a smear campaign of this nature must be thoroughly rebuked and riposted.

            Let us touch upon the very first thing one sees when opening a forum thread: the title. “This has gotten very bad.” As opposed to most ban request threads on this forum, it does not contain the offending name(s) of the offending party or parties. It does not contain the offending action that spurred the report. In fact, this title falls along the lines of something called “clickbait” and is (melo)dramatic, with the intent of extracting sympathy before anyone has even read the body of the complaint. For anyone that is unfamiliar with the term, clickbait “uses hyperlink text or a thumbnail link that is designed to attract attention and to entice users to follow that link and read, view, or listen to the linked piece of online content, with a defining characteristic of being deceptive, typically sensationalized or misleading” (Clickbait 2020)1. This post came less than a day after GCubed’s two (2) week ban for teaming (discussed later in the post). JesseTheUndeadCowboy likely had some adrenaline going on that affected his ability to make a professional complaint thread, possibly thinking of himself as sort of an Andy Dufresne [played by Tim Robbins] to my perceived Warden Norton [played by Bob Gunton].

            This sort of laziness and unprofessionalism extends beyond the title of the post, unfortunately. This thread jumbles together three (3) different users into a single complaint with little effort put into its formatting (as of approximately 8 p.m. on 9 September 2020). Despite having three (3) different accused individuals, he did not take the time to edit the copy-pasted formatting found in the “BAN REQUEST FORMAT - READ BEFORE POSTINGthread (Hani 2020)2 to account for this fact. Gracefully assuming that a pooled together complaint like this is not acrimonious, the first section should read “Offender Names:” and not “Offender’s Name:”. The second section should be rewritten as “Offender SteamIDs” and not “Offender’s SteamID”. The Steam IDs section also make no differentiation between which user is which. A user on Steam can change their display name, along with scrubbing their past used names and setting their profile settings to “private”. This can make it more difficult, but not impossible, to dispatch the proper punishment(s) to the correct offender(s).

            Skipping over “Potential Witnesses:” (relevant individuals will be covered later in the post), half of the “Reason to Ban:” rationale [being *toxic* towards staff and users] is not defined in either the “TTT Rules” thread (Commando 2020)3, nor the “Staff Guidelines For Dinkleberg’s TTT” document (Staff Guidelines)4. I can only presume that JesseTheUndeadCowboy meant to put “trolling”, as that is the only category that could be considered related. While the guidelines for harassment and trolling are only listed as “general”, they recommend starting off with a warning and a gag/mute (Staff Guidelines)4. I have never been given a formal warning for ANYTHING on any Dinkleberg server, let alone harassment and trolling. Without touching heavily upon the evidence presented by JesseTheUndeadCowboy in this thread (yet), staff members with the capability to apply warnings, gags, and mutes were on during these moments. JesseTheUndeadCowboy, who himself is a donor, could have applied a gag or a mute. In fact, none of the witnesses and posters in this thread, most of whom have access to these functions, have not applied a single legitimate warning, gag, mute, slay, kick, or ban,  regarding any of my actions. How does any sane individual come to the logical conclusion that a two (2) week ban is proper for this situation, knowing this background and seeing the presented “evidence”? My record is pure and speaks for itself.

            Speaking of evidence, this is what holds the most importance in deciding upon a case. The evidence posted in this thread has no sort of order; the most I could gather is that it is chronological. The evidence posted in this thread has zero context or descriptions provided to any of the thirty-nine (39) images. The evidence posted in this thread has no recordings of voice chat, which would offer further context for these conversations. The evidence posted in this thread has almost no words from JesseTheUndeadCowboy involved, despite a notable portion of JesseTheUndeadCowboy’s complaints stemming as responses to something he said. How can out-of-context statements be used in a fluid situation like this one? Why would you trust someone that revels in obfuscation and Gish galloping?

            Before getting to the veracity and sanity of this evidence, I would like to ask a question to the posters in this topic that state JesseTheUndeadCowboy is the only one with proof to back up his claims – What do you want me and the other defendants to do? Do you want me to scour days of chat logs, hoping to get parts of the story that would still be missing due to lack of voice chat? Do you know how ridiculous the notion of having to defend out-of-context and mostly tame textual conversations via counterevidence of my own is? Do you think I go around with a demo set permanently to “RECORD” on a quarter of my monitor or my NVIDIA Shadowplay™ ready to go? I have never felt any other individual’s comments on this server personally bothersome; why would I be gathering evidence on something that has no perceived importance to me or anyone else in the moment? There are many words to describe someone that does this on a regular basis. I will stick to “fink”.


            There are three (3) primary threads that can be drawn upon, with the evidence shown. I want to provide some context on each of these, before diving into every image of “evidence”. These are ordered by personal relevance to me, but each of them is important. The references to each of them will be linked directly, rather than in the “References” section, as the context is critical.

1.     On 2 September 2020, a TTT player going by the name of “Cyrus” posted a ban appeal thread (https://www.dinklebergsgmod.com/site/showthread.php?tid=12411). I did not check every piece of evidence relating to this ban, but one of the screenshots caught my eye (https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2217846583) – I was in the damage logs! This was perplexing that JesseTheUndeadCowboy manufactured evidence against Cyrus, involving me, since I never made any reports on Cyrus. I do not like being RDMed by strangers. My only interactions with him were from that same day, possibly the preceding days as well. I did not report him, because echoing the words of a user going by the name of “Biggums”, Biggums and I were having a consensual prop fight with the intent on killing each other. Logically to Cyrus, this is against the rules, so he killed the perceived aggressor, who turned out to be innocent. He then killed me, thinking I was the one that started the fight. Cyrus was well within the server rights to kill both of us. This is where Henry’s bind of “Benny Bologna: jesse posts false evidence” comes from.

       I hope people can see how infuriating something like this can be, since I did not have any negative experiences with Cyrus, and this false evidence was used against him. How much of the other evidence can be considered valid, if it took this long for me to refute something so blatantly fabricated? This comes off as having a vendetta against the accused player. Why is JesseTheUndeadCowboy seeking problems out that are not reported by the related parties and unrelated to JesseTheUndeadCowboy himself? Could he be just seeking out-of-context evidence to condemn a man? I regret not posting in that ban appeal thread earlier, as JesseTheUndeadCowboy clearly has his six-shooter aimed at me now, and he is full of courage juice.

2.     On 8 September 2020, a well-known and liked regular TTT player, “GCubed”, was banned for two (2) weeks for teaming. Without any sort of context, I joined the satirical movement “#FreeGCubed”, as I enjoyed playing with GCubed. He never caused any problems with anyone, in gameplay or comms. This movement was riffing past real-life occurrences, such as #freeboosie and #freekodak, of people demanding the release of indicted criminals, disregarding their actual guilt.

       The evidence used against GCubed was sent privately to staff and has yet to be publicly disclosed, as of 10 September 2020. The rationale behind this was that staff members feared that the person presenting the evidence would be targeted. What does this say about the status of the person making the report? The ending screenshots used as “evidence” pertain to conversations surrounding GCubed’s ban.

      Within GCubed’s ban appeal thread (https://www.dinklebergsgmod.com/site/showthread.php?tid=12493), two (2) things can be extrapolated: (1) JesseTheUndeadCowboy is the one that recorded and privately sent in the evidence to staff, and (2) this evidence is being shared with non-current staff members.

      With regards to the first piece of data, JesseTheUndeadCowboy makes a statement (post #5) saying, “Hopefully you’re not upset at me for this.” Why would he be upset at you, JesseTheUndeadCowboy? Are you more involved than just this one forum post? JesseTheUndeadCowboy also gives evidence that he was present during when the event took place, with the statement, “Rylo did kill someone who were shooting an obvious t from what I heard.” How would you know that, unless you were active on the server at the time this event took place or without seeing the video? Who would even have the intention of recording GCubed in that moment, other than someone with a grudge?

      With regards to the second piece of data, a user by the name of “malphite the adc slapper” [known as Laced Xanax] made an edit to a post (post #10) stating, “Forget everything I said above, changing my vote to a -1 after seeing what actually happened, lmao.” This user is shown favoritism and gets to form an exclusive opinion, while most users get left in the dark? Ex-staff does not mean current staff, and while this does not hold much relevance to this current thread, it demonstrates a need for an overhaul of the report process on these forums.

3.     There was a thread made about propkilling (https://www.dinklebergsgmod.com/site/showthread.php?tid=12408). Propkilling is accomplished by grabbing onto a prop with your magneto stick via the right-click button. While you rapidly fling your mouse in a direction, you press the right-click button again. The F=MA of this prop can be enough to damage or outright kill players, should it hit them. There is an alternative way to propkill that will not show up in the damage logs. This can be accomplished by swinging a prop so quickly that it breaks free from your magneto stick’s grasp. This is the primary method most people will use, as it is harder to determine who threw the prop. The thread claims that propkilling has suddenly risen in frequency.

       I have only been on this server for around a month, and I have seen this type of propkilling going on every single day by every single regular player that I can think of, including staff members. This is almost never punished, since the participants to this are usually willing, and the act itself is viewed as humorous. Unintentional crossfire that hits non-willing participants is usually noticed and punished. This does not occur frequently, in relation to the total amount of deaths that are caused by propkilling. The “evidence” that contains references to propkilling are poking fun at this thread. Once again, JesseTheUndeadCowboy was involved.


     With all that background information out of the way, I finally can dissect all thirty-nine of the images presented as evidence by JesseTheUndeadCowboy.

1. Henry is shown starting a vote asking, “do donors get away with this”. I do not know what “this” is referring to but seeing that it is on a map that is known for propkilling, that would be a safe assumption. It could also refer to making silly votes on the server. How does this indicate harassment or toxicity?

2. knee gee says, “donors are stinky”. Nobody here knows what you smell like, JesseTheUndeadCowboy. It is a joke. [A note should be made by the player “Ace1579”* [Laced Xanax] saying, “i get away with mass rdm daily”, as he is a character witness with zero evidence posted in this thread.  *https://postimg.cc/dDTSp1rc shows that Laced Xanax did use the same name as a separate player named “Ace1579”.]

3. This is me saying, to the temp mod “Dummy Thicc Noodle Lady”, that the next round is a propkill round. Literally every round on this map has several players dying to props in the central room, but I rarely recall punishments being laid out for these incidents. People are acting like this does not happen. If someone were negatively impacted by this, it would stop, and staff would not participate in this propkill-fest.

4. This is me using sarcasm to say that propkilling does happen a lot, and that the offending players mentioned in thread three (3) act like it is some new occurrence.

5. This is me saying that JesseTheUndeadCowboy is going to go out of his way to get the whole server banned for participating in the propkilling that goes on in this map. Instead of recording the propkilling that he was bothered by, he felt like this statement was the real problem.

6. knee gee is referring to my previous statement about getting the whole server banned.

7. Henry posts his bind of me saying “jesse posts false evidence”, which is something I have confirmed to be true. knee gee calls JesseTheUndeadCowboy “stinky”. Is he smelling JesseTheUndeadCowboy through his monitor? JesseTheUndeadCowboy tells Henry to stop using that bind. In defense of Henry, I believe JesseTheUndeadCowboy should stop posting false evidence.

8. knee gee says “jesse is stinky poo”. Would a rational person get offended by being called “stinky poo” in a video game?

9. Henry admits to antagonizing JesseTheUndeadCowboy. While this is not okay, the explanations on the threads I posted provide background as to why Henry thinks JesseTheUndeadCowboy is “harmful to the server culture”.

10. knee gee asks, “who we targetting and rdming?” I do not know the context behind this. Henry makes another joke about JesseTheUndeadCowboy getting the server banned. This picture, along with the prior nine (9), took place during the same map cycle.

11. Henry is equating donator status to mod. There is not much more context, from this image.

12. Henry posts his bind with his quote of mine twice. This is beating on a dead horse, and JesseTheUndeadCowboy tells him to stop, once again.

13. Same as image twelve (12), but JesseTheUndeadCowboy did not comment.

14. Henry makes a joke about how JesseTheUndeadCowboy thinks he is a “professional mini-mod”. Given JesseTheUndeadCowboy’s amount of ban requests posted within a three-month timespan, this is not an unusual conception to have about him.

15. Same as image twelve (12), but with only one use of the bind.

16. Henry, once again, admits to antagonizing JesseTheUndeadCowboy because he “think[s] [he is] annoying as fuck”. I do not condone this, even if I do personally find JesseTheUndeadCowboy to be annoying at times.

17. Henry is ribbing on JesseTheUndeadCowboy for “pretending to be a mod”. I do not know what sparked this statement.

18. Henry remarks about how JesseTheUndeadCowboy has sixty (60) ban request threads in a three-month timespan. To be fair, that is A LOT of ban requests to make in that period; this is more than most official staff members.

19. Henry calls someone a “dense motherfucker”. The context for this is unknown.

20. Henry calls out JesseTheUndeadCowboy for posting out-of-context evidence. This is about Cyrus’ ban appeal thread. It does seem that it is a personal attack; what else would it be?

21. Henry thinks that JesseTheUndeadCowboy is making Cyrus’ ban appeal thread to be about himself. Not much else to say about this.

22. Henry remarks about JesseTheUndeadCowboy acting like a mini mod. The context behind this is lost, as JesseTheUndeadCowboy’s actions or words behind this are not shown. This image, along with the other eleven (11), occurred within the same map cycle.

23. This is me telling a played named “Delta” to stop saying the “F WORD”. I can only assume I was referring to him saying “Odd Fellow”, but this was likely over voice comms. If so, why was that part not recorded, JesseTheUndeadCowboy? The rest of it involves me telling everyone to burp into the microphone, referring to a meme that started when a player was banned due to warnings given by the moderator “Cake” for burping into his microphone. While she may have been technically correct in her actions for classifying it as microphone spam, the ridiculousness of the situation made me think it had to be meme’d on. I do not participate in microphone spam.

24. knee gee is calling a user, “craigdc108”, shortened to “craig” a pedophile due to some comment that craig made. I do not know the background to this. JesseTheUndeadCowboy is shown telling him to stop, but nothing is written by craig.

25. knee gee calls craig a “pedo”. I do not know the background to this. This image, along with the prior one, occurred within the same map cycle.

26. This is me saying that someone is “about dick”. I do not know who this is about, but it is likely in reference to the user “Shaye <3”. As far as I know, Shaye <3 does not have any problems with me, and no evidence is shown of him or anyone else saying anything about this statement.

27. The user “□□ Cool Pizza” is repeatedly saying the n-word (with an “r”) over the microphone, along with other derogatory comments. It took a while for him to get banned for this, and Henry asks if “staff [are] too busy jerking off to do anything [about this situation]”.

28. Henry says, “shit staff”. This is a common phrase aimed at moderation teams, and by itself, is asinine to punish.

29. knee gee calls craigdc108 a “pedo”. I do not know the background to this.

30. Same as image twenty-nine (29).

31. Same as image twenty-nine (29).

32. Same as image twenty-nine (29).

33. Henry is making a statement about how “mods r gay”. This is a common joke, not only within this TTT server, but within most gaming communities. There is nothing wrong with being gay.

34. This is me saying that “jesse moments are now banned”. A “Jesse Moment” is when you scream into your microphone over a situation that does not warrant it. People have soundboard clips of JesseTheUndeadCowboy screaming, “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA” into his microphone, a phrase akin to naming a new save-file in a videogame. I do not see how this statement is offensive**. **JesseTheUndeadCowboy made a topic about this, after I wrote this post. He made no indication that those clips offended him, prior to that post.

35. This is me referencing the evidence behind GCubed’s ban. Why would JesseTheUndeadCowboy screenshot this, unless he was personally involved and felt like I am slighting him?

36. This is me ridiculing the fact that a regular player on this server was banned for two (2) weeks with the evidence being kept private. This evidence has still not been released. #FreeGCubed

37. This is me telling JesseTheUndeadCowboy to grow a pair. Seriously. I did mean this statement, since it is clear he intends on applying for trusted status, and he is going to have an awfully hard time de-escalating situations, if he maintains his current mindset. There are some truly heinous people out there in the world, JesseTheUndeadCowboy, and they will treat others far worse than anyone in “Dinkleberg’s TTT | Fast Downloads | Staff Needed” could hope to act.

38. This is me telling JesseTheUndeadCowboy that he “is pro-admin scum”. This was shortly after finding out that GCubed received a ban. JesseTheUndeadCowboy was particularly defensive when I mentioned anything regarding that ban. I do not actually think administrators are scum.

39. This is me stating that GCubed was banned “because admin gay”. For those of you that do not know, this is one of the worst things you can say to a person (not). Shortly after statement, squid did message me telling me to stop publicly calling out JesseTheUndeadCowboy. I immediately did so.


      A total of eleven (11) of these images involved me, Benny Bologna (3, 4, 5, 23, 26, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39). I will not speak on the behalf of the other defendants, for that is not my case to make for them.  I will say that the posters in this thread claiming that the “evidence” shown here is toxic, with regards to me, are being disingenuous and/or are being influenced by comments made in non-related images. I know that all of you have made remarks that are of the same level of “harshness”, if not worse, than I have. No, I do not have screenshots or recordings of this. I do not write down every single bad word or insult that I see and hear on these servers, since I know that an overwhelming majority of them are made with the intention of entertaining their fellow gamer.

      Before I get hit with some sort of trap card tomfoolery, I would like to state that I have called for “RDM Jesse” rounds, along with “RDM Admin” rounds. Both declarations have been put out there while administrators were on the server, yet no punishment occurred. This is because staff know I am being a moron and that no one will listen to that, since the very first thing that pops up when you load into the server is a list of rules. It would be paradoxical to think that because some player calls for an “RDM [x]” round that it is suddenly okay to break the rules, and the player base is smarter than that (thankfully).


       To preface this section, character witnesses are a poor method to use for determining guilt. A player is more likely to respond to a ban request thread, if they have negative feelings toward that player, instead of someone that has positive feelings associated with them. This has to do with the concept of “negativity bias”. “In other words, something very positive will generally have less of an impact on a person's behavior and cognition than something equally emotional but negative” (Negativity Bias 2020)5. There is no counterpoint mechanism for this on the forums. I am not going to hassle every person that I think has a positive affinity for me to post in a thread, because it is not their duty to bail me out.

       While hard evidence, such as screenshots and recordings, is always preferable to hearsay, testimonies inevitably play a role in most proceedings, whether it be for a ban request or a criminal case. One of the witnesses, “Mr. Everyday”, told me in the “Dinklebergs Gmod” Discord chat that he had given his statement, in private, to staff members. In what way is that defensible, for the accused? All information regarding a ban should be present in that thread, even if in its barest form. Someone may misunderstand a situation or not know the relationship certain individuals have, which could be pertinent to this very ban request. Only one (1) of the listed witnesses has bothered to post within the thread: Laced Xanax.

        Laced Xanax’s post (post #5) adds nothing of worth to the thread. There is no insight into his experiences with any of the accused. In fact, in one of the screenshots that JesseTheUndeadCowboy posted (image #2), Laced Xanax (shown as Ace1579) claims he “get[s] away with mass rdm daily”. If I were to take this screenshot out-of-context, how could it be anything but an admission? Is RDM not harmful to the community? He has three bans since the start of the year. One is for “teaming” (https://www.dinklebergsgmod.com/tttbans/detail/index.php?steamid=STEAM_0:1:61988625&time=1591223257). One is for “RDM and leave” (https://www.dinklebergsgmod.com/tttbans/detail/index.php?steamid=STEAM_0:1:61988625&time=1589745211). One is for “constant slur use” (https://www.dinklebergsgmod.com/tttbans/detail/index.php?steamid=STEAM_0:1:61988625&time=1580694894). I can testify that he queues songs, via the donor system, that spam the n-word (hard-r) and homophobic f-word. One of these instances occurred the same map that a screenshot was taken (image #27). I do not know if queued songs are stored anywhere within the server logs. No, I do not have a recording of this. There are too many edgy children that do this for me to stress myself. Regardless, this is someone acting as if he is a paragon of community, despite having a discernible record against him.


        For a case like this that requires nuance and understanding of the parties involved, it does not make sense for people that do not actually play with the topical players to have any say in a thread of this nature. Preferably, only staff members for relevant servers should have any say at all, outside of people with direct evidence, but I do not make the rules here. This is what leads to topics spiraling out of control before an accused player (me) can even respond. However, I will respond to players that took the time to write out more thorough posts than “+1 toxic avenger” and that I have had experience with.

            August, Burb, and Penguinslayer4: Yes, I do come onto “Dinkleberg's Murder | No Downloads/No CSS | Need Staff” and “troll” by threatening to burp into the microphone (and never actually doing it). I also tell people to kill any staff during the round, so they will not be able to punish them. What kind of player is going to think that is how it works? It is such an obviously moronic statement. I would like to think all three of you realize this, as no punishment has been administered. However, the culture of the server is different from that of TTT. It is vastly different, and I apologize for attempting to bring that over to a place that has its own zeitgeist going on.

            Fx : You are acting as if you do not participate in RDM with the friends you have on the server, such as gunning me down for calling you a “coward”. You are quick to join in on prop fights too. I never report you for these instances because I assumed you were having fun. Despite me threatening to burp into my microphone, you are one of the people that go through with it. Not only that, there have been occasions where you have flatulated into your microphone. You are also one of the individuals that will post ear-rape sound clips into the queue system and songs dedicated to me about taking phalli into the posterior. I did not know my actions were somehow more heinous than yours.

         To wind down my statement, I would like to reiterate that many different staff members have been on during these posted moments and others. No actions were taken by these staff members. I have not treated JesseTheUndeadCowboy any differently from the average player on these servers. If anything, I make sure not to trash-talk. I am not offering an apology to JesseTheUndeadCowboy. My opinion of him was neutral, for most of my playing experience on the TTT server. However, his insistence on making mountains out of prairies has become abrasive. Rather than Andy Dufresne, he is the Randall Weems [voiced by Ryan O'Donohue] to the everyman’s Theodore Jasper Detweiler [voiced primarily by Andrew James Lawrence]. He holds and gathers evidence until he thinks he can best make use of it, thinking that the accused party or parties will not be able to properly defend themselves from the deluge of dung.

         Seeing as how JesseTheUndeadCowboy is a unique entity on the server that requires his own special treatment, I have already reached out to him with an in-game personal message. The essence of that message is that I will not have any non-gameplay related contact or communications with him and have his microphone set to client-side mute. I have told him to leave me alone about any issues that do not involve him, and that if he really has a problem with something, bring it up to an admin instead of being the server’s white squire. While I did my best to make sure he was not away-from-keyboard like most of his time spent on the server is, I cannot guarantee that he read my message. JesseTheUndeadCowboy, I made sure to take screenshots of that, in case you did not read it.

         JesseTheUndeadCowboy, if you intend on becoming a moderator in this community, I recommend you grow thicker skin. Whatever server you are a part of (within a moderation capacity) will grow to despise you, as you do not seem to understand when people are joking around. People do not come here to be squeaky clean; they come here to get a little dirty and have fun, after dealing with the everyday drudgery of real-life. If someone calls you “stinky”, tell them that they are “a pile of manure”. That is how you build rapport.

RE: This has gotten very bad. - squid - 09-12-2020

-1 ban on knee gee and benny

A ban on Henry could be up for debate

RE: This has gotten very bad. - Nicol Bolas - 09-12-2020

First off, I am not reading that entire monster of a reply my apologies. 

Thank you for bringing this situation to our attention. After deliberation the following punishments will be administrated:

Henry will be temporarily banned for one week as the evidence is the strongest to support harassment.

Benny will consider this post to be a formal admin warning to discontinue further interaction with Jesse.

Knee Gee will also consider this to be a formal admin warning for the same reasons. 

I encourage all members involved to keep interactions to an absolute minimum for the foreseeable future. If someone tells someone to stop, you stop. Regardless of what other people think, if someone feels they are being harassed or targeted then it is a valid concern no matter the issue. It will be up to staff to determine the severity and handle the issue. I would also like to point out that we handle any and all concerns brought to us equally, and no one receives more or less treatment. Please bring any future issues to me or Dong. Thank you.