2 years later, a perma-ban unban request
Changing my vote to a -1 on Server 

+1 On discord  if you can proove you have changed on there and hopefully you will get a chance on server
Ingame Names 
Sharky / [Red]Sharky / Hysender / Wizard
Apple a Day keeps Mother Nuru Away 
Deathrun - PropHunt - Murder Staff member
I'm all for second chances.  It seems you've been given many second chances. Nonetheless, I vote you be allowed in the discord for a probationary period of 3 months, after which you may then appeal your unban once again. 

I personally don't remember all the details of your banning as I was still fairly new to the community 2 years ago. 

Best of luck.
(04-05-2020, 11:04 PM)dong Wrote: Not going to vote, but I would like to point out that aside from in-server things you were also banned for being a "generally bad person." An incident occurred with a female that you made leave the community because you essentially bullied her out, and a plethora of other things. And yes, before you ask yourself if I was even around for that, I was.

Edit: I'm all for second chances, but my guy the things you did aren't really redeemable in my opinion.

(04-05-2020, 11:09 PM)Scoovie Wrote:
(04-05-2020, 11:04 PM)dong Wrote: Not going to vote, but I would like to point out that aside from in-server things you were also banned for being a "generally bad person." An incident occurred with a female that you made leave the community because you essentially bullied her out, and a plethora of other things. And yes, before you ask yourself if I was even around for that, I was.

to add on to that he got her "personal" pictures and then ghosted her and bragged about having them and made her feel like shit.
Huh? I'm not entirely sure what you guys are talking about, but if it was 50ShadesofSammy this is a severe misconception of events.

This is an old event and there's posts on the old forum with my responses to it that show what happened, but I guess I'll elaborate again, I did not bully 50shades at all. The most I've done was tp her around and I stopped as soon as I noticed it annoyed her.

Nor did I brag about receiving personal pictures, or ghost her. She brought up the fact that she sent me pictures first (i hadn't said anything about it prior), and even further than that I was not the only one to receive those pictures. I'm not saying that she's any less of a human for having sent them to multiple people but if she was ever insulted for it, it wasn't me and was the others who received them.

Me "ghosting" her was not me ghosting her. I cut her off because she was toxic to me and because obviously she didn't like me so much. She constantly made public posts to berate and "expose" me rather than talk to me and discuss things that ticked her off in private. And I still couldn't quite grasp what I did wrong at all. I did not "harass" her to send me anything as she says.

I completely understand that not everyone here likes me so much, and the -1's for my past reputation is fine, but there is absolutely no need to make me seem like worse of a person than I am, especially using events that you were not involved in and do not know the entirety of. If anyone has questions or concerns about this shit I'll gladly answer I guess. I don't bully people off things, that's not who I am. Even if I was a bad person back then I was never *that* bad.

(04-05-2020, 11:06 PM)Cryptic Salsa Wrote: http://prntscr.com/rtsczl bans from gban. i will be honest i have no idea who you are but looking at how meny times you have been banned and the reasons you have been given far to many chances to change -1
Not like it changes the number a ton but 1 ban was an automated karma ban, 1 was a ban reduction, and the last 2 were the same ban but the length was extended to be permanent.
So really I've only been banned by an admin 3 unique times. Still comparatively a lot, but not as bad as the assumed 7.
[Image: laXmwYH.gif]
+1 for unban, as Supporter and to be barred from ever applying for staff
-1 don't know you personally and I'm normally aways leaned towards forgiveness, but too harrass people, (esp females, yes, white knighting right now) too the point you make them leave, I don't think I want too know you or have you apart of the community I'm involved in.
[Image: 76561197993157530.png]
honestly i wasn't there for any of that, but 2yrs is a long time and i think alot can change in a person by that time So +1 on the condition staff rank is removed
[Image: J6yUs0g]
I don't know this guy, but people deserve a second chance. Especially after 2 years.
2 years is a long time to learn from mistakes, however we want to ensure that you did indeed learn and grow from your younger self's mistakes. As such you will be unbanned from the main discord first as a probational period before you are allowed back on the servers. Please message me, avi, nuru, or fish to be unbanned as I don't know your discord username. My username is Nicoli#6969
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