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2 Weeks For What?
In the video you posted I can clearly hear someone in your call telling you where props are (or at least aren't), which isn't allowed, it's that simple
(01-19-2021, 09:13 PM)RussEfarmer Wrote: In the video you posted I can clearly hear someone in your call telling you where props are (or at least aren't), which isn't allowed, it's that simple
thats not true. look in the top right and you can see when we talk. noone is talking about props unless it was in game chat. please pay attention to details if youre gonna chime in for no reason

Just out of curiosity what has MissPauling Contributed other than being rude and just lowing my reputation for no reason?  Just lingering to make my rep as low as possible when i didnt even do anything?
(01-19-2021, 09:13 PM)RussEfarmer Wrote: In the video you posted I can clearly hear someone in your call telling you where props are (or at least aren't), which isn't allowed, it's that simple

Upon first watch of the video I thought the same, but after watching it again you can see that it's someone in the game talking about "if you dont find them Im gonna be surprised" or whatever talking about how it's hard to find them. The only audio this video doesnt grab is guineas but they're a hunter so they cant exactly be the ones giving information on props that would be considered bad. I am interested to see other evidence imo though.
(01-19-2021, 09:13 PM)RussEfarmer Wrote: In the video you posted I can clearly hear someone in your call telling you where props are (or at least aren't), which isn't allowed, it's that simple

I re-watched as well and this is incorrect.

The people talking in-game are honestly doing more ghosting than these two, just based on this video at least. the other person in the discord was talking more about the stuff they were getting in their crates rather than the game itself. It at least confirms that they weren't ghosting on those two kills for sure. Like Happy said, It's likely they just doubled back after they realized that the prop they saw was a person, or to double check a spot they missed. I can't count the amount times I've done that over the years. I don't blame Pixie for being sus though, because that would have peaked my radar as well had I been in her shoes. What I would like to know though is stuff that happened prior to this clip. I'll wait to say any more until the rest of the evidence is posted.

Just everyone keep it chill in the meantime. Thanks! <3
In the video you posted there's mention that you don't have any video proof, yet here is a video. The question I have is why record a mere 3 min 30 second video? or was the video longer but cut down? I'm looking for information and not making any accusations. 
From your video the major suspicious action I saw was the book in the corner, you turning away only to whip back and blast them. Is it singularly enough to keep this ban active? I do not believe so. 

What led to this ban. On 14 Jan 2021 the 3 of us along with a handful of other players were on bitnanner and I witnessed behavior that led me to suspect you of ghosting, however it wasn't concrete that is why I merely listed you both on our watchlist and didn't swap you at the time. Now you may say "where is the evidence", the fact is that I don't have a recording of this (how convenient lawl silly tmod) as I apparently hit the wrong hot key to start my program. I know right, what a noob. 

Taking into consideration the evidence presented at this time I will give a +1 for an unban due to lack of evidence. 

It's fine to hunt your friends but as you can see, there's been problems with people ghosting here and it's not taken kindly. 

See you on the prop field
I'm with The Triangle on this one, with the lack of solid evidence. I will give a +1 on the unban.

As of right now all I have to provide is the reason we felt like there was some sus stuff going on which is the second to last round on underground railroad map recorded from my end. Earlier in the game I pointed out in a VC that You and Guinea were friends and you had removed each other. I only knew this because of previous listings. So we started to watch because it came across as suspicious that you two had removed each other.
It's just one round from my perspective that I caught of Guinea, it just struck me as odd and prompted further watching.
(01-20-2021, 01:29 PM)gebriel ❥ Wrote: I'm with The Triangle on this one, with the lack of solid evidence. I will give a +1 on the unban.

As of right now all I have to provide is the reason we felt like there was some sus stuff going on which is the second to last round on underground railroad map recorded from my end. Earlier in the game I pointed out in a VC that You and Guinea were friends and you had removed each other. I only knew this because of previous listings. So we started to watch because it came across as suspicious that you two had removed each other.
It's just one round from my perspective that I caught of Guinea, it just struck me as odd and prompted further watching.
Yeah based off of this and what they had posted yesterday I still stand by what I say 100%. I look forward to seeing what Pixie posts but this is really odd and I do find it sus.
Go away
(01-20-2021, 01:29 PM)gebriel ❥ Wrote: I'm with The Triangle on this one, with the lack of solid evidence. I will give a +1 on the unban.

As of right now all I have to provide is the reason we felt like there was some sus stuff going on which is the second to last round on underground railroad map recorded from my end. Earlier in the game I pointed out in a VC that You and Guinea were friends and you had removed each other. I only knew this because of previous listings. So we started to watch because it came across as suspicious that you two had removed each other.
It's just one round from my perspective that I caught of Guinea, it just struck me as odd and prompted further watching.

The problem I have with this video is he is consistently continuing to look through that train even after killing pixie. He is consistently picking up props or shooting things he finds that could potentially be props. Was any warning given whatsoever to them? According to yalls staff guidelines, whether it be being told where props are or suspiciously gaining large amounts of kills, they would have needed to be warned and forceswapped if you guys had evidence of ghosting as their first actual punishment. So far Im seeing staff say "I didnt have enough evidence so I didnt force swap."
I've only just got a chance to get in to reply as I've been at work all day but let's clear up a few things:

1. I was not salty about being killed, I've been playing this game a long time. If I got that salty every time I died I'd be a very unhappy person and I certainly wouldn't be in the staff position that I am in. The reason we were looking at you two is that several other staff had raised their concerns about you previously. So the fact that you claim to not know what ghosting is doesn't make sense. Also the fact that we noticed you had unfriended each other also made us suspicious that you were trying to hide that you were friends in order to get an advantage.

2. Thank you for providing the video, while it only shows part of the round, it shows the part that we were most suspicious about. Guinea whipping around to kill me, it looked like he didn't see me and was then told 'hey you've missed that book in the corner' as he whips around and kills me instantly. Then going on to kill the last prop, can I point out that Guinea got no kills that round until after you were dead, which also looks suspicious to us. 

3. At the end of the day we are here to try and keep the server as fair as possible, no one likes to play with or be killed by a cheater. The staff team are human and try their best, in this case I thought I had done what was right based on what I saw. Looking back on it, was I a bit hasty? Yes. I don't claim to know it all or get it right all time but I am big enough to own up to my mistakes. Did I think you were helping each other out in the game yes, but I can't back that up and that's on me. So I am recommending that you both be unbanned, however that will be up to the other mods as I cannot decide on a unban request that involves me. 

4. When Guinea contacted me on steam last night I asked them to bring this to the forum and explained that all unban requests must be completed here, they continued to message me, you then messaged me on discord and eventually tried to call me on discord, after being told that DMs were not where this could be dealt with. You also messaged two other members of staff on steam/discord/forums. This is not ok, I get that you were both annoyed about what happened but it was a bit much going after staff in their private messages. I know you weren't aware of this but it was 1am for me when you were calling/messaging me.

I will leave this in the hands of the other mods, I do apologise that things went this way but I would like you do be more respectful in the future as we are only trying to do what we think is best for the server.
[Image: unknown.jpg]
1) the video is so short because its a program that records the past few minutes. up until now he never needed to record more than 3 and a half minutes to get a cool clip from a game.
2) I said before we removed each other cause last time we got pushed to the same team. so we figured that if we were off each others friends list we could play in peace. which we though was going fine till we got banned.
3) I'm sorry for trying to contact people ive never been banned from any servers and going through this process sucks, i was tired of people coming in here and just harassing me because they dont know how to look at evidence.
4) in the video I personally say "Shit theres no video to prove we didnt" then guinea clips the video and said to me "shit i have shadowplay i got the clip right now"
5) I Just wanted to add that in my name i have TTV meaning i stream on twitch, now I know this probably doesnt mean anything to you, but i dont stream prop hunt cause i dont want stream snippers and i dont want guinea to find me. a lot of rounds guinea didnt even kill me or vice versa, we didnt even give our locations to each other. Like i said I just think its fun to watch my friend run right past me and call him a dummy and watch him get flustered. thats about it. late night keks

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