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donor man bad
(05-18-2021, 01:41 AM)MillyDilly` Wrote:
(05-17-2021, 10:35 PM)raw nug eater Wrote:
(05-17-2021, 10:22 PM)Akaza did nothing wrong Wrote: snip

Now, if we address the kick command line, we find, "Don't kick people unless they are MassRDMing. or they are consistently RDMing." Well, considering the person who reported me ADMITTED IN THIS THREAD, that they were consistently rdming each-other, and very likely others, in the name of "fun" I think we can say based on those two things this was justified?

Shid never rdmed anyone the entire time nopleez had already rdmed 2-3 but suddenly he kills you and thats an instant kick verses nopleez who had massed? i dont think thats quite fair to shid but i want it to be a reminder im using this thread as A. showing you kicked someone for a SINGLE possible not even rdm whilst other people were rdming more than once.-
-and B. that donors do this alot and im specifically calling out someone but i wont name them who kick after you rdm once and proceed to kick you on that one rdm and do it without even asking staff or letting the staff add slays as, that is bad. on my time of ttt recently i have been kicked 3 times by this person wether the rdm was on propose or by accident over the course of three different maps and i would rather dm an upper staff but i dont really know who i can talk to.

but getting back to the main point, it was a single rdm verses the 10 more that was ignored but when it went against you a single time that determined an instant kick.
I never said "give him a strike" or "strip his power" this is a report of an unfair kick against shid so it can be brought up again incase you do anything a second time. 
and yes i can agree the ttt donor guidelines are broad but (this is a big but) you would still think that you would maybe be unbiased and kick the real mass rdmers like amaurtsu but instead you kick the guy that killed you for "ffa of traitor" i don't know what this means but ill assume its some form of rdm.

you were biased
im not saying you deserver to gain a strike or lose donor

EDIT: added the logs from that round

Hey, I'm back after a long day and your reply confuses me greatly, could you explain a little bit because I think I may be making accusations which aren't true, but I am basing this off of how you have responded. I apologize if I have said anything false so far as it is not my intention to do so.

Anyways, time for the meat and potatoes. So you're saying Nopleez and Gang are two people who rdm for fun, but then in this reply you are saying along the lines of, "they rdm'd 3 people, why not kick them?" Well, two reasons, 1)I didn't see them RDM anyone, nobody complained, and I am not actively searching for such behavior because I am not staff, which is why it makes sense for me to only act upon what I witness and what directly effects me. If I was staff, you'd RDM twice and then get banned, I don't agree with constant slays unless the RDM was consenual, it's your karma not mine. And 2) I had only been on for a round or two? I was trying to bide the time before I had to go to the dentist, wasn't planning on staying.

Now, here's where I believe our views cross and do not mix well. I do not believe 'just for fun' RDM should be a thing UNLESS it is made publicly visible that they are going to be doing so. I was slain the other day for someone who was throwing props at their friend getting killed by me because I didn't know they were joking around with one another. For that same reason I also believe there should be more rules regarding such things in order to prevent unnecessary strife cause in the name of fun by two people just trying to vibe and have a good time, right?

The above is why I think you, yourself, are biased as you tell me I am because, 'it happened to me' so to speak. You're telling me, "hey these guys do it for fun" and then suddenly the story changes to, "but they massed so why didn't you do anything to them???". This is a type of confirmation bias, you are trying to elude the broader part of a story that not even I know by only including the tidbits that suit your belief, am I wrong? As I stated before, I never saw them RDM or saw anyone complain, which is why I'd like people to come out and speak for what they saw with nopleez and gang so that if they did infact massrdm or only do it for fun, or maybe not at all, it would tell us the full story to what you're saying.

Remember when I said I may accuse you of things that aren't true? That was it, but please note again that I said I don't know the full story and I'd like to, but at this point can we both agree this thread is basically pointless? My points have been made, yours have been made, can we all go back to being friends yet? I'm honestly disinterested with this at this point and would like to end the thread, if staff would close the thread and make a decision as to what is to come I'd be very glad.

Again, sorry to any inconvenience I have caused anyone.
(05-19-2021, 07:48 PM)raw nug eater Wrote:
(05-18-2021, 01:41 AM)MillyDilly` Wrote:
(05-17-2021, 10:35 PM)raw nug eater Wrote:
(05-17-2021, 10:22 PM)Akaza did nothing wrong Wrote: snip

Anyways, time for the meat and potatoes. So you're saying Nopleez and Gang are two people who rdm for fun, but then in this reply you are saying along the lines of, "they rdm'd 3 people, why not kick them?" Well, two reasons, 1)I didn't see them RDM anyone, nobody complained, and I am not actively searching for such behavior because I am not staff, which is why it makes sense for me to only act upon what I witness and what directly effects me. If I was staff, you'd RDM twice and then get banned, I don't agree with constant slays unless the RDM was consenual, it's your karma not mine. And 2) I had only been on for a round or two? I was trying to bide the time before I had to go to the dentist, wasn't planning on staying.
Well what really happend is noone complained about the rdm, but thats because as the group of people we were having fun with it and we werent attacking players like you who didnt want that. Also yes donors are not staff but you did use your power to kick him altho you yourself say its 2 rdm then a ban but in dinks TTT mass rdm is 3+ and you kicked him for 1, which is below both of those.

"2) I had only been on for a round or two? I was trying to bide the time before I had to go to the dentist, wasn't planning on staying."
i don't understand what this has to do with this.

Now, here's where I believe our views cross and do not mix well. I do not believe 'just for fun' RDM should be a thing UNLESS it is made publicly visible that they are going to be doing so. I was slain the other day for someone who was throwing props at their friend getting killed by me because I didn't know they were joking around with one another. For that same reason I also believe there should be more rules regarding such things in order to prevent unnecessary strife cause in the name of fun by two people just trying to vibe and have a good time, right?
there are rules and we make it public aswell as avoiding people like you who don't want to deal with rdm for the omega memes.

The above is why I think you, yourself, are biased as you tell me I am because, 'it happened to me' so to speak. You're telling me, "hey these guys do it for fun" and then suddenly the story changes to, "but they massed so why didn't you do anything to them???". This is a type of confirmation bias, you are trying to elude the broader part of a story that not even I know by only including the tidbits that suit your belief, am I wrong? As I stated before, I never saw them RDM or saw anyone complain, which is why I'd like people to come out and speak for what they saw with nopleez and gang so that if they did infact massrdm or only do it for fun, or maybe not at all, it would tell us the full story to what you're saying.
"the tendency to interpret new evidence as confirmation of one's existing beliefs or theories."
There is no new evidence, i havent changed anything. Yes they do it for fun but it is still technically RDM and it was said aloud in vc multiple times for example "Did the famous nopleez just RDM!!!!?!?!?!?" or "why did you just rdm him" - from lemon; And i want to ask if you want people to come and speak up why then proceed to ask for the thread to be closed? (prefer a discord answer). The original point of this report stands that others were rdming it was said in vc multiple times yet you kicked someone for 1 even when you say yourself that 2 is the limit and in the rules its 3 and if you didnt know it was 3, future reference.  

Remember when I said I may accuse you of things that aren't true? That was it, but please note again that I said I don't know the full story and I'd like to, but at this point can we both agree this thread is basically pointless? My points have been made, yours have been made, can we all go back to being friends yet? I'm honestly disinterested with this at this point and would like to end the thread, if staff would close the thread and make a decision as to what is to come I'd be very glad. 
well here's your "clarification" before the thread gets locked.

I do not believe this thread is pointless, i believe it got pointless when we all dragged it out more than needed. and if you are disinterested like i already said we have been dragging this on why not just leave it be because as i said and im repeating it: I DO NOT BELIEVE YOU SHUOLD LOSE DONOR OR BE ISSUED A STRIKE. That point should have been clearer but that's my fault. This simply was an informational report on an action that was believed to be unjust to the player shid.  and if you mean my rambling about another donor im sorry that's someone else im not accusing you of those things. 

In short: this thread wasn't pointless it was an informational report on what i and others believed to be an unjust action against shid and i donot believe you should be issued a strike nor lose your donor rank, that should have been made clearer. Please in the futuer ask a staff member through discord before just out right kicking someone or using your donor powers in general so this doesn't happen again and the argument won't continue (and no im not demanding you do this im not telling you to use your donor just next time you feel that you need to if you need to please ask staff through discord.
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Man just needs to be told to not do it again, that’s really all that this needed.

Matt_St3 / Strongrule / Spartan001295
Forum Admin - Resigned TTT Admin
[00:04] matt_st3 (Strongrule) [traitor] has damaged Taliban Tom [detective] for 4.9999999349555e+14 HP with an unknown weapon
(05-20-2021, 09:02 AM)matt_st3 (Strongrule) Wrote: Man just needs to be told to not do it again, that’s really all that this needed.

I wholeheartedly agree Matt. The reason I've let this sit for a while is all initial evidence shown to me seemed you did this out of malice. My job is to enforce our rules and policies from an objective standpoint. I see you were just trying to be helpful and I really appreciate that. I think good donors help us find more potential staff. However there are too many variables here that make it difficult to justify a kick for RDM, the best thing to do is reserve your kick for cheaters or blatant mass RDM, then to report it on the forums with recorded evidence. At this time we will not be issuing a strike or removal of donor. Please exercise more caution with your donor permissions. If you have any questions please reach out to me on steam or discord.
The local Sega & Sonic fanatic.
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