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first try
(11-25-2022, 03:42 PM)LemonTiara Wrote:
(11-24-2022, 09:31 PM)tiefling lesbian Wrote: snip

You know, I was really gonna stay quiet about the JOKE of an answer this was but your response right here also shows you don't entirely know the guidelines. If Quantum had just loaded in, he was right to give a verbal warning first BEFORE he gives an awarn, specially if he didn't know it had happened before he joined/no one complained that it had been happening. That you "didn't know" he was staff for whatever reason is a bullshit excuse when all it takes to know, like rand said, is to press tab.

You have things to work on before you are fit for trusted IMO.
I didn't say he handled it incorrectly? I just said that I wasn't aware he was staff at the time. Yes I am aware rank is shown on the scoreboard, but he had only gotten on recently and I hadn't opened the scoreboard since then.
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(11-25-2022, 03:14 PM)Lapis Wrote: +1

Those who are -1 and using what was said in discord are all hypocrites. Ive seen so many mods/admins/trusted say some racist as shit in that discord lmao so whatever she said shouldnt even matter. if what tiefling said in discord is enough to not get her trusted, alot of all should be demoted for the same.
This is so true, let's rdm lapis
[Image: image.png]

Y'know, if you had wanted me to post my take on this application, all you had to do was ask nicely. 
I think I should start by saying these replies have turned into an absolute shit show. Tiefling, the biggest thing you need to work on (imo) is to stop replying to every other comment someone posts. Just let people say their piece, and only respond if it's REALLY necessary. The context doesn't end up mattering if every point of criticism or -1 ends up with you replying, because then it just starts to look like you arguing. It's not great. 

The other two things I think are important to talk about would be why I was mentioned and of course the drama between Tiefling and Birddog. 
I didn't even know any of that was happening, but it hardly surprises me. It is NOT relevant to your application, though. It's entirely off-topic and just seems like you throwing shade at current staff. I don't have any love for certain staff members, but dredging up something like that isn't helping you get accepted. 
As for what happened with Birddog, yeah that was kind of a fucked up thing to say, it really made me do a double-take. I've definitely seen people say shittier things in the Discord or on TTT without it affecting their chances at staff, though. This community has a huge issue with blowing things out of proportion when it involves someone they don't like, and sweeping things under the rug when it involves their friends. I think what Tiefling said to him should have no bearing on this application. 

Now, with that out of the way, I can actually give my own thoughts towards Tiefling's application. I'm actually neutral on it. That is to say, I'm giving it a +0. Tiefling comes off as very impatient to me. I think she'd be very quick to give out punishments as a staff member, and maybe not scrutinize the evidence. When she forms an opinion she seems to stick to it, and while that isn't necessarily a bad thing, it is a negative if it means you aren't diligent in collecting evidence when handling a report. If Tiefling could work on moving past this, I think she could make a good staff member, but I think this application is definitely too soon in her journey through this community. 

In the future though, I'd definitely prefer to not come back from spending a week with my girlfriend to see 11 alerts on my account when I haven't even been particularly active. Thanks.
Nothing I’ve seen you say comes close to anything I’ve seen current staff say. I’d just chill out with the edginess in discord and I think you’d do well. You were one of the individuals I really was hoping would make some tweaks and go for staff and I can recognize your efforts in doing that, with that said you’ve got my +1
(11-25-2022, 08:16 PM)Kaiwan Wrote: A) Tiefling, the biggest thing you need to work on (imo) is to stop replying to every other comment someone posts. Just let people say their piece, and only respond if it's REALLY necessary. The context doesn't end up mattering if every point of criticism or -1 ends up with you replying, because then it just starts to look like you arguing. It's not great. 

B) I didn't even know any of that was happening, but it hardly surprises me. It is NOT relevant to your application, though. It's entirely off-topic and just seems like you throwing shade at current staff. I don't have any love for certain staff members, but dredging up something like that isn't helping you get accepted. 

C) Tiefling comes off as very impatient to me. I think she'd be very quick to give out punishments as a staff member, and maybe not scrutinize the evidence. When she forms an opinion she seems to stick to it, and while that isn't necessarily a bad thing, it is a negative if it means you aren't diligent in collecting evidence when handling a report. If Tiefling could work on moving past this, I think she could make a good staff member, but I think this application is definitely too soon in her journey through this community. 
I'm on mobile and I'm not even sure if there's a way to multi quote a post so I've lettered each point for simplicity

A) The two main reasons I reply to a post are to clarify something, either something I said that wasn't clear enough and led to confusion or something someone else said that is inaccurate, or to ask for additional information from feedback so I can know what to work on from it. I think it's fair for me to be able to provide my side of things or to defend against claims that aren't accurate. If a piece of criticism or an accusation is accurate, it should be able to hold up under scrutiny. Regardless, there are plenty of posts in both applications I either havent responded to, have done so privately, or have responded to simply to acknowledge that something needs improving.

B) I wasn't the one to ping you, and I don't know all the intricacies of the forums so I wasn't aware you were still getting pings. It was simply one of many examples of current staff making similar or worse jokes than I do on the server that no one bats an eye at; I chose that particular example because it involved the person accusing me, which I felt made the accusation disingenuous. The point wasn't to throw shade at other staff, but simply to point out that shitposting and banter is normal among much of the staff and shouldn't be a disqualifier for applications.

C) I can see why it could appear that way from casual interactions, but I am extremely diligent when it matters. When I'm making reports and ban requests, I look for as many details as I can. Most times I get RDMed I check the logs and death scene if necessary to make sure I didn't miss something, and forgive reports that were simple accidents. The same would apply to my staffing. It's true that I tend to stick to my opinions, but it doesn't mean that I ignore or don't seek out evidence, I do my best to base my opinions on as much information as possible.

This reply form is ssogod damn laggy on mobile
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(11-25-2022, 09:17 PM)Battons Wrote: Nothing I’ve seen you say comes close to anything I’ve seen current staff say. I’d just chill out with the edginess in discord and I think you’d do well. You were one of the individuals I really was hoping would make some tweaks and go for staff and I can recognize your efforts in doing that, with that said you’ve got my +1
Literally 1984
Retired gay boy
Yes I still play!!
[Image: image.png]
+0, I don’t know you too well, but I’m all for more staff. There are many times when there isn’t staff on and chaos ensues. I can say though with certainty I remember playing a while ago with you and the few times I’ve played with you recently your behavior has definitely improved. I’m not going to speak on any of the previously mentioned issues that others mentioned as they do not involve me, but it appears there may be some things that may need to be ironed out before others believe you are fit for staff. Good luck!
don't staff unless you plan to hate playing garry's mod 
also known previously as "yeat"
I can't take an L, they just don't exist.
queue more yeat
[Image: gBkzZod.png]
(11-26-2022, 09:57 PM)tiefling lesbian Wrote: burp
excuse you
Can't comment for behavior on server, and don't really care about discord actions.  But, I think what Skullfire brought up is an important point.  A good amount of your responses in this thread cross the threshold of what could be reasonably argued as defending yourself.  It seems like any time you get called out on something you do defend yourself, but then you also get into petty dick-measuring contests whenever you can.  For example, instead of defending yourself against Skullfire you instead chose to attack him and then spent 90% of the interaction going after him.  Then there was Quantum who you couldn't resist getting a little dig in at in your response when you said: " I barely see you on the server so I thought you were another donor at the time as no warning was given to the micspammer."  You enjoy starting fights/belittling people and are unable to take criticism without dishing it back towards the person who voiced their concerns in an inappropriate manner.  I do not think you will be able to effectively staff until you can get that under control, since you will inevitably face a lot of criticism, much more than you do now as a regular player.


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