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I can't do shit
What? I don't see how that is a coherent response to my comment. You were welcomed into the community. I don't know where the "I should have done more bad things-- jk" sentiment even comes into play. You never actually listen to the advice given to you.
Yea this is a no from me chief. As a silent observer of what went down in discord (except the dms) I was not impressed with what I saw. It would've been very easy to say "I can't deal with them, I'm going to do something else" but you kept pushing and pushing which in turn made others push too. Not saying they were right to but you had to power to make it stop by avoiding the situation. Combined with the other issues you've caused in discord and the several times before you've been muted shows a trend. Honestly, in my opinion, you're lucky you didn't get banned from both accounts when you used an alt to evade a mute. Take the time to actually learn from what has happened cause so far you have failed to do that.
Ex TTT Mod Dec 14, 2019 - Dec 14, 2019
Ex PH Mod April 14, 2019 - January 20, 2020
Ex PH Mod May 9, 2020 - May 27, 2022
Proud member of the RDMS
Ex Forum Admin May 6, 2022 - May 6, 2022
Former PH Map Editor

(06-03-2020, 04:58 AM)Lt. Star Wrote: Yea this is a no from me chief. As a silent observer of what went down in discord (except the dms) I was not impressed with what I saw. It would've been very easy to say "I can't deal with them, I'm going to do something else" but you kept pushing and pushing which in turn made others push too. Not saying they were right to but you had to power to make it stop by avoiding the situation. Combined with the other issues you've caused in discord and the several times before you've been muted shows a trend. Honestly, in my opinion, you're lucky you didn't get banned from both accounts when you used an alt to evade a mute. Take the time to actually learn from what has happened cause so far you have failed to do that.
Ok about this alt thing. It was a stupid move. I wanted to be involved in the community with the alt. besides that alt I had is deleted. I am not even using it anymore. and Yes I didn't get permabanned but for the fact I made stupid moves was that people were trolling me. If I wasn't being trolled. I would have been fine but no I caused shit to go down and have A VERY VERY LOW CHANCE ON BEING FUCKING STAFF. So, no more alts for me and no shit. I just want to be a normal guy and just having fucking fun. is that a fucking problem at all?

Ok so I have made a decision to just never use mic. I will just never talk, never do anything, and never get involved with anything. This is what is causing my life to get worse. I just want to be a normal person who wants to be staff and who wants to help out people. not make drama worse and having to deal with people who are drunk and talk shit about me. for a fact that I believe that it can happen is never. My possibilities are at -1% so far so I can't do this anymore. I can't do more harm than good. I can't make life easier and better for me. so if you want to talk to me. just don't personally. I feel very hurt right now.
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"Inspiration comes from within yourself. One has to be positive. When you're positive, good things happen."
- Deep Roy
(06-03-2020, 05:02 AM)Happy Mirror Wrote:
(06-03-2020, 04:58 AM)Lt. Star Wrote: Yea this is a no from me chief. As a silent observer of what went down in discord (except the dms) I was not impressed with what I saw. It would've been very easy to say "I can't deal with them, I'm going to do something else" but you kept pushing and pushing which in turn made others push too. Not saying they were right to but you had to power to make it stop by avoiding the situation. Combined with the other issues you've caused in discord and the several times before you've been muted shows a trend. Honestly, in my opinion, you're lucky you didn't get banned from both accounts when you used an alt to evade a mute. Take the time to actually learn from what has happened cause so far you have failed to do that.
Ok about this alt thing. It was a stupid move. I wanted to be involved in the community with the alt. besides that alt I had is deleted. I am not even using it anymore. and Yes I didn't get permabanned but for the fact I made stupid moves was that people were trolling me. If I wasn't being trolled. I would have been fine but no I caused shit to go down and have A VERY VERY LOW CHANCE ON BEING FUCKING STAFF. So, no more alts for me and no shit. I just want to be a normal guy and just having fucking fun. is that a fucking problem at all?

Ok so I have made a decision to just never use mic. I will just never talk, never do anything, and never get involved with anything. This is what is causing my life to get worse. I just want to be a normal person who wants to be staff and who wants to help out people. not make drama worse and having to deal with people who are drunk and talk shit about me. for a fact that I believe that it can happen is never. My possibilities are at -1% so far so I can't do this anymore. I can't do more harm than good. I can't make life easier and better for me. so if you want to talk to me. just don't personally. I feel very hurt right now.
This may be off the topic of this thread but I'm going to try and help you. First I can tell you are getting upset and it is not the correct response to this. Perhaps you should step away from the forums for a while and come back after you occupy your time with something else. Also I never said you couldn't have fun, after all that should be why people are in this community. And another word of advice, if this server is causing you actual problems with your life, leave. I mean it. After all I left when things got to be too much, others have too. Some come back and are able to have fun again. Sometimes stepping back and seeing who you really are is a massive help in getting things straight. I don't mean any of this to sound mean, I'm giving my honest thoughts on how to help you cause I know its helped me.
Ex TTT Mod Dec 14, 2019 - Dec 14, 2019
Ex PH Mod April 14, 2019 - January 20, 2020
Ex PH Mod May 9, 2020 - May 27, 2022
Proud member of the RDMS
Ex Forum Admin May 6, 2022 - May 6, 2022
Former PH Map Editor

As Star is saying whatever is happening in personal life should take priority. I'm not quite sure what the fuck is going on, seeing as I just woke up, but as far as I've seen from reading these responses it seems like you told someone to kill themselves and I'm not quite sure that this kind of action was warranted. However I can not give you benefit of the doubt for the simple fact being that prior to this you have other wise flipped out at staff (I will not name names) and otherwise made someone uncomfortable enough to see to it that you had an action taken against you. For me it's -1 because if something is bothering you that is causing you to take it here, while we are here for you, I do not think taking aggressions out on other players is a particularly good option for trying to handle that.
-1 you always tag me for stupid shit to troll and cause drama
-1 unban
+1 reduction to 1 month

You've told numerous people to shut up, go to hell, or just insult them when you clearly do not know them. You've been warned about your behavior numerous times in discord, in DM's, and have even gotten yourself banned on TTT for your behavior. I see a pattern not of change but of increasing aggression.  

I believe a month should be sufficient time for you to pull yourself together. If you stir up trouble after that I am completely in favor of a permanent ban. If you decide to create an alt AGAIN, I move to immediate permanent ban with no appeal for at least 1 year. 

Do not bring your real world problems here, this place is ment to be an escape or a place to relax not to be harassed by people they don't know.
'I just want to be a normal guy and just having fucking fun. is that a fucking problem at all?'

This right here ^ is the problem, you need to realise you were in the wrong, that you deserved punishment and that giving attitude back is exactly the opposite of what you need to do.

I am so sick and tired of you causing problems in the discord and servers. You do not think before doing or speaking. Your unban request shows zero effort and a lack of understanding. This has been an ongoing saga with you. You were extremely lucky that staff were lenient with you the last time you caused problems in the discord, even when you made an alt to evade your punishment. You have now shown that you did not learn from that. 

You have been given advice my many people including me over the last couple of months and you ignored all of it. You need to learn when people are joking and when its not a joke. You join in with jokes you don't understand and then take them too for or get offended. Some of us have been around each other for quite some time and are able to joke about things as we know each other well, but you jumping in when you don't even know what we are talking about makes no sense.

So lets go to the DM you sent Meemo, yes he's a pain in the ass and likes to joke around but telling someone to die and go to hell is never ok! I don't really understand what you thought this would achieve!? You may be one of our younger members but you are old enough to understand right, wrong and consequences. 

'I caused shit to go down and have A VERY VERY LOW CHANCE ON BEING FUCKING STAFF'

You're damn right, you have no chance of us trusting you with staff, you got yourself banned from TTT and discord in one day! You would be a terrible example to our player base, you have given us  absolutely no reason to think of you as staff potential. We need calm level headed people who can take situations and make them better not throw fuel on the fire.

Lastly stop blaming other people for your actions! I have had half a server hurl abuse at me while staffing and I never once bit back, I handled it calmly and I realise that only I have control over how I feel about it. I can take it on the chin and ignore it because it really means nothing to me or I can get upset and make it worse by retaliating. 

You tend to choose the second option which backfires on you. 

Stop trying so hard in the areas that you do not need to (looking cool to others) and make an effort in the ones that you should (being a nice person and a good friend).

As for what we should do with this ban, I am really stumped. At the minute you have not shown enough remorse or understanding of what has happened for me to recommend an unban or reduction at this time. -1

[Image: unknown.jpg]
Happy, you keep saying you want to learn from your mistakes but then when people do try to help, you ignore it. You say you want to get unbanned to learn from your mistakes but I think this ban will help you understand what you did was wrong and how you can fix yourself so it doesn’t happen again. You say you just want to have fun but you try too hard and think that insulting people is a way to fit in. It’s not. I think you should take a break and think about what happened and how you can change for the better because every time someone has tried to help you, you say you will work on it but there is no evidence of such happening. -1 for unban
[Image: lDo6UQl.png]
[Image: fkzTG3C.jpeg]
Look man, you're getting way too worked up over a Garry's Mod server. Stop being so melodramatic. Why in the name of God would you not use your mic ever again? That's a little much for one series of bans. The secret to these communities is to just NOT care too much. I'm not saying you should disassociate, but if you start getting upset over something happening then walk away. I support a reduction possibly, but only if you still have to serve a month ban. You frankly need the break. Take time away from the server/discord/whatever. If you're still able to be active on forums, then try it out. Just don't sound so ... emotional in your replies. Don't make it a stream of conscious. You aren't a bad person.
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