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Recent staff punishments
(07-15-2020, 07:10 AM)Raider Hanks Wrote: Jesse it’s a racist attempted reference to Asians. Also, there’s nothing nosey about your curiosity. The server is supposed to reveal this information. Everyone is so vague it’s hard to know
I would of taken screenshots/video evidence  if I was there and see if the person tried to do some shit like that again. That sort of racist behavior is totally not acceptable, especially if they exhibited that sort of behavior more then once.
Another staff getting demoted? I love this community honestly

So far some of my friends get banned in TTT, Now some of the staff are being demoted for doing random shit. What kind of community have I walked into?
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"Inspiration comes from within yourself. One has to be positive. When you're positive, good things happen."
- Deep Roy
(07-15-2020, 08:26 AM)Red Bob Ball Wrote: Another staff getting demoted? I love this community honestly

So far some of my friends get banned in TTT, Now some of the staff are being demoted for doing random shit. What kind of community have I walked into?

You have walked into Dinkleberg's TTT | Fast download! | Staff needed

The one where drama starts; feel free to sit back and relax. It wasn't always like this until drama was always so consistent. Now we have a retired admin speaking for the community.
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O̶n̶l̶y̶ ̶t̶r̶u̶s̶t̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶r̶s̶e̶l̶f̶
Alright, I am going to give my two cents as an outsider. I do not fully comprehend what happened, and I have not looked into the evidence that brought the punishments about that once again has thrown TTT into a fanfare. I personally think if you are going to go in on an alt to ruffle feathers of your fellow staff, you should probably let the admins know, but that is my personal opinion.

Why I didn't get involved in any of this other than containing some of the more blatant shitposting on forums, the first half of the week at work is always kinda rough and has long hours making me overall unavailable throughout the day. The second reason, it is a TTT issue and I am a PH Admin and should not have a say on how TTT functions (my personal opinion, take it as you will).

I see many people going after Nicol with either his rank or himself personally. I am going to say this once, he is trying, you guys are expecting him to do something by himself that at least two or more admins would watch over. Also, he did not make this decision alone, he talked with other experienced members of the community before speaking with Dink with their ideas, thoughts, and conclusions. He did not just see this situation and go to screw people over out of hatred or spite so stop thinking that is the case.

These are my thoughts/conclusions, I am now stepping back out of TTT business. I am sure you all can figure something out or discuss things through.
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Ok, I agree with Sarcasm. Then I guess the next best thing to do now is to move forward from here. I am also hoping Nicol will not get attacked for this decision anymore because it’s not going to do any good most likely. Since Noire is still staff and so is Jack I guess this will all work out somehow. Hopefully we will be able to move past this and come back tougher stronger as a community.
(07-15-2020, 12:19 PM)Sarcasm Guaranteed Wrote: Alright, I am going to give my two cents as an outsider. I do not fully comprehend what happened, and I have not looked into the evidence that brought the punishments about that once again has thrown TTT into a fanfare. I personally think if you are going to go in on an alt to ruffle feathers of your fellow staff, you should probably let the admins know, but that is my personal opinion.

Noire didn't get on an alt to mess with the staff, he got on to actually be able to play the game without the weight of staffing and being targeted. I do the same thing. Correlation does not imply causation.

Why I didn't get involved in any of this other than containing some of the more blatant shitposting on forums, the first half of the week at work is always kinda rough and has long hours making me overall unavailable throughout the day. The second reason, it is a TTT issue and I am a PH Admin and should not have a say on how TTT functions (my personal opinion, take it as you will).

Nothing I disagree with here.

I see many people going after Nicol with either his rank or himself personally. I am going to say this once, he is trying, you guys are expecting him to do something by himself that at least two or more admins would watch over. Also, he did not make this decision alone, he talked with other experienced members of the community before speaking with Dink with their ideas, thoughts, and conclusions. He did not just see this situation and go to screw people over out of hatred or spite so stop thinking that is the case.

As I said in one of my previous posts, I understand Nicol is trying. I know there's only so much you can do when you're the only admin with a nonexistent owner. My problem with the punishments given to Jack and Noire lie in the fact that this entire situation was caused by the TTT stereotype that all guests that are good at the game must be hacking, resulting in a lot of staff witch-hunting whenever there's a guest on that's doing even decently. If you don't believe me, ask Noire, who was told by another TTT Mod to "just admit you're hacking" while on his alt.

Jack didn't even do anything wrong. He's not obligated to tell anybody when somebody he knows is on an alt. The only reasonable exception I can think of is someone ban evading. Nicol should know this better than anybody, because he's seen me on an alt and not said anything per my request. Not only that, if anybody here remembers the "Cartwheel is hacking" situation, Nicol was aware that it was me and did not say anything, instead joining @"derp" and I in Discord to laugh at the people accusing me of hacking. If we can't incorporate "guilty by association" into the TTT rules, don't incorporate it into punishments. 

These are my thoughts/conclusions, I am now stepping back out of TTT business. I am sure you all can figure something out or discuss things through.

love u fish man, i'll come rdm on ph sometime

my response is in the big red
this is so hard to watch considering the higher ups always complain about lack of staff and moderation on the discord and server while simultaneously punishing two of the few capable staff
This idea that Nicol shouldn't be taking care of stuff like this and Dinkleberg should be responsible for decisions and handling of situations like this is dumb af. No matter how much I disagree with the current decision made, I still feel it's a lot better for Nicol to keep handling stuff like this in the future since he's currently mostly active within the community and is aware of what is happening within the server. You really want Dinkleberg, who is pretty much a ghost right now, to handle any drama without any knowledge or context of the people and events involved? In my opinion, people barely involved in the community should have little say regarding issues like this. The server already has a bias problem towards non active veteran staff/members. Remember when every TTT unban thread had a comment from RussEfarmer, who doesn't even play TTT, where he gave out his opinion on how every ban should be handled without any knowledge or context of the people involved which resulted in someones ban getting extended because he said so? You want every major issue right now to be handled by Dink, who is pretty much an outsider right now? (TheyAreTheSamePersonAnyways)
Regarding Jack - based on everything presented right now, it just seems like he was only punished for being friends or just talking with Noire. Pretty much everyone agrees Noires offense is pretty minor and all of the "evidence" presented that Jack aided him is negligible and debunkable. Both Noire and Jack at this point agree for the "evidence" to be made public, why wasn't then? The whole situation seems like someone in staff had a hate boner for Noire and just blew everything outta proportion, a lot more than it needed to. Kind of scummy to also punish Jack so harshly when the server is already low on staff. The dude has been one of the most active staff members for the last two months, really motivated af and had his promotion pretty much approved. If there's nothing more concrete released regarding Jack, me and many others won't be convinced this was a fair decision. Never have I seen new people, veterans and staff agree so unanimously about a decision made being wrong.
[Image: QrOFTLS.jpeg]
Since things were aired out a bit last night in a call into how this all started, I will comment on here. Im going to go against what the majority of you have said and state that I think some form of punishment was needed for both Noire and Jack. I will also put it out publicly that once I found out staple staple was Noire's alt, that rose red flags, and a discussion was held with Nicol as well as other concerned parties.

Here's how I see it, you know there's a problem when you have TTT staff come and ask you questions about a certain player and to find information on them, you know there's a problem when you have TTT players and staff telling you their concerns with a certain player on the server. Both of these tie directly back to staple staple. At this point I had known Noire had been playing on an alt on the server, but I had made no connections showing that was his alt account. Then staple staple got banned and made a ban appeal. I started having people ask who they were, and ended up having a discussion with another concerned party about the account. Then it clicked, Noire had shown me a video from the TTT staff discord saying it was him with the name staple staple. After saying to him I saw him trying to get his account unbanned, he confirmed it. This set a discussion about how he was using his alt account. From my perspective I understand getting on an alt account to chill on the server. I understand getting annoyed getting called a hacker by the staff and having them go out of their way to find evidence. But as I told Noire, if any of you are ever concerned with the behavior of another staff member, you don't take manners into your own hands. You don't get on server and intentionally rile up the staff. You don't get on server and have someone feed you admin chat so you can time your trolling so they get more suspicious of your actions. Which to bring up a point with this directly, how come it's suddenly ok to a lot of you that before it was public that staple staple was Noire, you saw his actions as trolling, but now that it's public, you defend his actions as not trolling?

As for the punishments received, I have several things to say on that as well. First, I agree that some kind of action needed to be taken against what these two were doing. You don't take manners into your own hands, you don't toy with the staff. Second, a lot of people have been complaining for awhile now that there's been a lack of action taken against problematic members and staff. We've been working on cracking down on things more and more, but suddenly when it's change or someone you like, you throw as much as you can into it to further divide people. You complain that there's a big divide, but instead of working together to discuss things, you all throw shade at each other and throw hateful garbage around. It doesn't fix anything and only leaves a bigger hole, and that's why a lot of people are giving up on helping any of you anymore, myself included. I had a very interesting discussion with someone in the community about how if you lose certain pillars of the community, it will crumble. The way that things are going and the way you all handle every decision made, it's going to crumble a lot sooner than you expect. Tangent aside, my third point is these are actions that were taken that can be reversed by Noire and Jack, through showing they can be trusted and putting effort into their staffing as they continue to staff for the community. They aren't barred from applying, and they aren't shunned from the community or permabanned. This time is more important than ever for both of them, step up and learn from what happened. If you can't see that there was any fault at all, then I can't see you getting back to where you were.

I don't want this all to fall on Nicol. He's trying, and he's asking for guidance as he learns how to handle harder situations. I'm partially to blame for leaving suddenly without making sure he was ready, but my hand felt forced because of things that were going on at the time in the community. I've been trying to help guide him as are others, but you all need to have a little patience before you lose him as an admin too.
Noot Noot ~(^-^)~
(07-15-2020, 01:38 PM)Avi Wrote: Since things were aired out a bit last night in a call into how this all started, I will comment on here.  Im going to go against what the majority of you have said and state that I think some form of punishment was needed for both Noire and Jack.  I will also put it out publicly that once I found out staple staple was Noire's alt, that rose red flags, and a discussion was held with Nicol as well as other concerned parties. 

Here's how I see it, you know there's a problem when you have TTT staff come and ask you questions about a certain player and to find information on them, you know there's a problem when you have TTT players and staff telling you their concerns with a certain player on the server.  Both of these tie directly back to staple staple.  At this point I had known Noire had been playing on an alt on the server, but I had made no connections showing that was his alt account.  Then staple staple got banned and made a ban appeal.  I started having people ask who they were, and ended up having a discussion with another concerned party about the account.  Then it clicked, Noire had shown me a video from the TTT staff discord saying it was him with the name staple staple.  After saying to him I saw him trying to get his account unbanned, he confirmed it.  This set a discussion about how he was using his alt account.  From my perspective I understand getting on an alt account to chill on the server.  I understand getting annoyed getting called a hacker by the staff and having them go out of their way to find evidence.  But as I told Noire, if any of you are ever concerned with the behavior of another staff member, you don't take manners into your own hands.  You don't get on server and intentionally rile up the staff.  You don't get on server and have someone feed you admin chat so you can time your trolling so they get more suspicious of your actions.  Which to bring up a point with this directly, how come it's suddenly ok to a lot of you that before it was public that staple staple was Noire, you saw his actions as trolling, but now that it's public, you defend his actions as not trolling?

As for the punishments received, I have several things to say on that as well.  First, I agree that some kind of action needed to be taken against what these two were doing.  You don't take manners into your own hands, you don't toy with the staff.  Second, a lot of people have been complaining for awhile now that there's been a lack of action taken against problematic members and staff.  We've been working on cracking down on things more and more, but suddenly when it's change or someone you like, you throw as much as you can into it to further divide people.  You complain that there's a big divide, but instead of working together to discuss things, you all throw shade at each other and throw hateful garbage around.  It doesn't fix anything and only leaves a bigger hole, and that's why a lot of people are giving up on helping any of you anymore, myself included.  I had a very interesting discussion with someone in the community about how if you lose certain pillars of the community, it will crumble.  The way that things are going and the way you all handle every decision made, it's going to crumble a lot sooner than you expect.  Tangent aside, my third point is these are actions that were taken that can be reversed by  Noire and Jack, through showing they can be trusted and putting effort into their staffing as they continue to staff for the community.  They aren't barred from applying, and they aren't shunned from the community or permabanned.  This time is more important than ever for both of them, step up and learn from what happened.  If you can't see that there was any fault at all, then I can't see you getting back to where you were.

I don't want this all to fall on Nicol.  He's trying, and he's asking for guidance as he learns how to handle harder situations.  I'm partially to blame for leaving suddenly without making sure he was ready, but my hand felt forced because of things that were going on at the time in the community.  I've been trying to help guide him as are others, but you all need to have a little patience before you lose him as an admin too.
my only problem in this is how high of a jump the punishment was when much worse has happened that resulted in no demotion while I agree with a punishment being handed out i don't think demotion was the choice to pick considering i think noire's one of the better mods ttt has rn and no one has confirmed if dink even oked this demotion when to my knowledge this has to go through him since its a demotion. I honestly think a firm warning with harsher consequences for messing with fellow staff would be fine
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