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Fruity Staff: The Sequel
I would have to completely agree with Banana on this application, regardless of whether or not staff were joke gagging each other, staff should still have a handle on the situation on the server, which leads me to the favorite (annoying) saying of "donors are not staff". My concerns and issues from Kiwis last application are still standing here, Kiwi has been making efforts to not over step staff which is great - but she should NOT be using commands while staff are online like that. Honestly, she knows this and she knows better.

That being said: I am not isolating that single issue to my feelings on this application, since my feelings honestly have not changed since her original application. I do think Kiwi is a very lovely young lady, but I do think she needs to grow more as a smol human and allow her maturity to come. I think down the road she can be a super addition to the staff team, but that time is not quite yet.

Keep doing what you're doing, for now I am still a -1 - and I am sorry about that.

I wish you the best!
Go away
Okay, so I just read up on what happened and this incident happened 2 months ago. I'm pretty sure the staff at the time made kiwi aware what she had done wrong. So there's been major improvement since then. If we're talking stuff that happened 2 months ago there's plenty a time gap between then and now. Kiwi has become a better regular/donor these past few months. I've played along with her and seen that she doesn't leave confrontations anymore or mis uses any commands. I've had kiwi and various other donors help out with gags on when I've been on. I understand the notion of "donors aren't staff," but there are some that don't mean any harm. An ungag all to make sure that no one was still joke gagged was fine. I honestly don't see any harm in this situation where some staff were joke gagging each other. People were made aware of the situation. I'm not here to attack anyone but if anyone would take the time to hangout with kiwi while on gmod you'll see how much of a difference there is from her first application. If you're still hung up on what may of happened like 4-5 months ago, then you're not giving a player a chance to show you that they have indeed improved. I don't know what's really going on but I see a great assert here and someone whose willing to take some time out of their day to help out. Thanks for reading fetching nerds.
-1, I'm just not a fan of Chinese Gooseberry. Sorry. 

Okay, so this vote will be going off mainly Discord interaction with Kiwi, but I have had SOME in game-interaction as well.

-Pings Staff when needed
-Active in the community
-Forum Activity; knows how to make a ban request. 

-Passion over compassion (I'll explain this more in detail) 

Let's talk about my pros first; most of these are common sense so I don't feel like I need to go into TOO much detail. You're obviously someone who cares about this community and wants to make it better. This leads to my one negative thing, but this is just being VERY VERY nitpicky. I think you give me the vibe as someone who is passionate about something, but might sometimes get heated should problems occur. This isn't something that is impossible to fix; as I said, it's a very minor issue.  This is coming from someone else who suffered with the same problem of having a lot of passion but no compassion to balance it; even if you don't mean to, it just comes across sometimes as a hothead. 


I think that it's okay for us to make mistakes at times; you just have to learn from them. I think that you have. I'm going to give you a +1. I will explain why. I think that your issues are things that can be worked on and fixed as you are developing in the starting position of Trusted. Don't ever feel afraid to ask questions, because the staff team, EVERYONE, not just PH, will be willing to help you out with anything (that's feasible at least). 

Best of Luck on your App!
Hey Kiwi,

Thanks for applying!
I have seen improvement in your behavior on the server and your maturity level.
I do believe that you are capable of taking on this role. You will most likely do well with this role with all the training and hands on experience.

There are some points I need to make.

The whole situation that Banana and Starling brought up I agree with Starling and Banana on this one. I was there and I did not think it was a huge deal. You would have not known they were TTT staff. There wouldn't have been a way to tell since they do not have access on Prophunt. The only way you would have known is if you knew them on TTT, on discord, or you talked to them in the past. In your eyes it might have looked like just donors using their powers. This is why I am not going to hold this against you. You just have to remember that when you use your commands, you have to use them appropriately. Just because a couple of people are using their powers in questionable ways does not mean you should join them because they might also get punished and then you would be included as well. Protect your image in these situations and sit back. 

I have a couple of things to bring up as well. 

I think you should listen more to what people tell you and take their input. I have not had this problem specifically but I have heard around that there were specific instances that you would not listen to recommendations coming from certain people. As a staff member, you are part of a team. You need to work with your teammates no matter who they are. You have to get their backs and you have to keep communications open. I am not going to -1 specifically on these points because I do believe that these are things that can be worked on if you are accepted.
I am going to warn you though. If you do not listen to people consistently, it might come back to bite you in the end... Especially as a staff member and especially if you are still learning. Taking input from everyone who has experience staffing is always important.
You have to listen 100% to your team. 
Having decent conversations and not shutting people out when they try to give you input is critical in most situations. Discussions are important. If you do not agree with what they are saying, try to have a conversation with them. Shutting them down or leaving the situation because you might not agree to what they are saying will look bad on you in certain situations. 

I have also heard comments about you in the past being a bit sexual with conversations over voice chat on the server towards people. I am not using this as a gauge right now but I have heard that it might have been way far in the past. I have not seen it but make sure you keep up the improvements since I do believe that you have improved on this for sure. 

Again though I am not using these against you or bringing these as concerns. More of just recommendations on things to focus on. I think you have improved on these already.

Overall from what I have seen so far, I believe you are ready. I think you are capable of handling it and for that I am going to give you a shot. I know myself as well as other staff members will help you improve for sure.

+1 from me. 

Good luck on your app! 
[Image: s1bMrsR.png]
[Image: l4704yy.png]
From the small time I've played with Kiwi on TTT, I mean PH. I've noticed Kiwi, without hesitation, helps newcomers with any confusion and questions they have. She knows the rules well, ping staff when needed, and also looking through her threads she knows well how to capture evidences, that's a big pro. 
I wasn't present for the gagging situation. I believe everyone makes mistakes, but we learn from our mistakes & improve. c:
Anyways, Kiwi's passion to become staff is blazing, and I believe she deserves a chance to show us what she got.

big ol'
+1 from me

Good luck Kiwi. :')
I'm not sure if my vote even counts, but I'm gonna do it anyway.

First, you are very chill and nice person. You are always ready to help and explain the rules to new players. I have never noticed you being rude to anyone. That's exactly what is expected of staff in my opinion.

Second, you do respect the rules of the server yourself. Never noticed you break them.

And at last, I wasn't present when the situation described by BananaFluid occured. But it happened almost two months ago and it is still used against you? That seems a bit strange since none of the staff is flawless (creating a confusing situation for other players, especially if you are a staff member, is not a good idea) and you apparently admitted your mistake.

My vote is +1. I wish you good luck with your app!
I don't know.I'm not active in prop hunt .But I wanted to write about my experience playing with you.I've played with you enough for 3months maybe 4months, I don't know.You're active in forums, helping beginners ,I've never seen you get rude. I don't know about other situations.( happened 2 3 months ago) believe you'll be a good staff member.

My vote is + 0 i'm not active
First thing i want to say is everyone's opinions are valid on these apps. No matter when or what happens, things can be brought up if someone believes they are important. No hate, just help. we learn from our past so bringing up things that have happened can be important, no matter if its damming or not. It is the reality of this community.

I think you have come in leaps and strides from when you first applied. I still think you need more work and time to mature, just finish working out the kinks.
I havent been on in 2 weeks so I may have missed some things but I will still give my vote as a +0.

I just need to see you iron out some of those little things before i give you my +1. Im rooting for you little fruit.
[Image: drunk-possum.jpg]

So Possum has pretty much said what I was going to say so I’ll not repeat it all but I agree you’ve made changes and improved a lot since your last app. There are still a few things to work on. I also believe we can help you iron some of those out once you do get on to the team. I’m going to stay neutral on this as I don’t think I’m ready to give you my complete confidence but I’m definitely not at the -1 we were before. 

Good luck 

Pix  Heart
[Image: unknown.jpg]
From the last application to this one you did made progress knowing when to hold back and to know not to overstep when a situation is being handled.
You do enjoy the game and when appropriate times now, you do the correct bind and not massively spam it.
We, all are not perfect as staff members, we do get into arguments and minor miscommunication among us staff, ourselves over situations however, in the end communication and know where to help and where not to is the key to get stuff done.
We made mistakes in the past and have done so to correct that mistake and prevent another similar incident to occur.
Trusted is just a starting position that similar to donor, but its the change of viewpoint that many don't see and learn more from it.
I seen few staff member in the past that joined, including myself see the operation from a staff member's view and how to handle things on the server, forums, or discord.
From their experience first-hand the difference as doing staffing and helping on the sidelines are completely different.
Overall, past this rant the focus is
Does she fulfilled all the Trusted requirement to become staff?
Does she know herself that she confident for this as like a real life job/ volunteer work?
In my view as of so far as the answers to me is,

Any minor flaws that can be work on in order to learn and understand is a pathway that many needed to follow on their own and by following it, one will learn and not repeat a continuous cycle of doubt and skepticism.
[Image: sukuna-evil-laugh.gif]
[Image: YWj4Wn.gif]

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