Ingame Name: whowho

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:220650606

Who Banned You: Prince Nicky La Flama Blanca

Reason For Ban: Racism/homophobia. Slur baiting/pedophilia (?)

Length of Ban: Permanent 

Reason for Admins to Unban: 

Hello everyone! It has been over 3 months since I got banned for my toxicity and edgy jokes. Obviously I had a lot of time to reflect and I do regret saying what I did, I know I didn’t mean to hurt anyone but it makes me feel sick to think I offended anyone or made them feel negatively. The last time I appealed, it was denied partly because I had done the same thing on other servers but for the past 3 months, I haven’t done anything like that again. I still maintain that it was just lame trolling and I don’t actually hold the sentiments that I conveyed but I do understand it makes the community a more toxic place and makes the game less fun so I definitely won’t be saying anything like that again. 

I’d also like to specifically apologise to Damien and HONG, who I think I probably targeted the most with my harassment. I know I’ve spoken to you both privately about it and I think we’re cool but I’m still sorry for causing such chaos. 

Words can hold weight and I’m sorry to those everyone who I attacked verbally. I’d like to restart and show the community the real me because I believe I’m quite friendly and could make the game really enjoyable if given the chance. I really hope I can be unbanned. Although I’m from Australia and normally play on an Aussie server, Dinkleberg’s is by far the best American server I’ve come across and I do miss playing on it and all the unlikely friends I made there. Hopefully staff see fit to lift my ban! 
previous unban topic: https://www.dinklebergsgmod.com/site/sho...?tid=14633

edit: don't know why my previous post was cut in half but ill update this and +1 since I think everyone deserves a second chance and you can do far worse than just words on the internet.
+1 since you put genuine effort and have waited long enough on top of demonstrating that you understand not just what you did wrong, but why it was wrong as well. You were annoying to me at the very worst, since some of the stuff you said was just unfunny, but if you’re willing to put in the effort as you said you have to make a change, you deserve a second chance like everyone else.
I think this is a good +1 from me. The fact you took the time to make a request and put actual effort into it shows you want to play on the server again.
[Image: rdm-corp-squarelogo-1446787792629.png]
I'm writing this on a phone rn so I'll keep this short.

I'm gonna give this a +1 and forgive you with the hope of you actually changing. You were okay to play with and funny most of the time. I hope to see you back on server someday.

If you come back and do the exaxt same shit I will personally ban you.
Removed part because innocent

Gave it some thought and I will +1 because you seem genuine about getting unbanned.
Retired gay boy
Yes I still play!!
[Image: image.png]
stop blowing the "pedo" shit out of proportion lmao all she did was call mocha something not knowing he was 16 and keep in mind she did apologize afterwards u guys just really want to hang onto something, she had no way of knowing and she was just joking, if anything u should learn that u can't label anyone a pedo just because it suits ur case

+1 whowho reformed welcome back queen
+1 due to the sincerity of your request but for a personal note I would really like if you didn't type in all caps in text chat
(11-17-2021, 04:14 PM)Caribou Wrote: stop blowing the "pedo" shit out of proportion lmao all she did was call mocha something not knowing he was 16 and keep in mind she did apologize afterwards u guys just really want to hang onto something, she had no way of knowing and she was just joking, if anything u should learn that u can't label anyone a pedo just because it suits ur case

+1 whowho reformed welcome back queen
This is just Nicky being Nicky, I don't see anything pedophilia related anyways just an accidental comment.

Now for my opinion: three months really doesn't seem like a long time to go from thinking slurs are funny but everyone should have a second chance so don't screw this one up  pls
+1 unban
+1 to an unban, with the knowledge that continuation of precious toxicity will likely result in a harsher punishment.
I agree with Caribou's statement, bear in mind that the overblowing of the allegations were made pretty much solely by the (former) moderator who issues the ban.

For the issues of, shall we class it, "Toxicity" (that's a bingo!), I feel time served is appropriate. I hope to see the reformed whowho on the server.

+1 though I didn't play with you a whole lot and don't necessarily recall you lmao
[Image: dan_ceebeast_gif.gif]

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TTT Moderator - February 2021 - March 2023
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