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Battons for Big Boy Trusted
Ingame Name: Battons

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:49498579

Time Played: 127.8 hours

When First Joined: March 14, 2018 7:00 PM

Availability (Approx. times you play, and time zone): At the moment anytime of the day after 9 AM CT if needed but usually sometime mid afternoon to late evening.

Sponsor(s): @Dildo Shwaggins 

Rank Desired: Trusted

Current Rank: Donor

What can you do to help the community: I have been staff on many previous servers spanning all the way back to I believe early 2013. I understand ULX menu very well and have been playing TTT for almost 7 years now. I know the rules of the game and server very well. I was in Next Tier Gaming a very long time ago back when I first started gmod where I learned how to play TTT. I was in Tempest Gaming for a few months as a staff member for deathrun. In Jingle Gaming TTT I was an admin until I was demoted for abuse and then re-promoted to a Moderator. in Eagle Eye Gaming TTT I was a basic staff member. In Exho's TTT I was instantly promoted to a Moderator with 2 hours on the server because he is a good friend of mine and I stayed at the rank till his server died.
TLDR I've seen a lot of communities rise and fall and have plenty of experience staffing.

Why you want to help the community: There are some times when I am on in the mid-evening where it is just donors online and no staff are on. I have made calls before to get a staff on during these times. Instead of calling it would be more effective if I could better handle trolls and RDMers by having access to some commands in ULX via Trusted rank. However the biggest reason I wish to help the community is that I have made many friends here very quickly and have felt very welcome into this community. I wish to foster relationships like that and not toxic ones which are brought about by RDM, trolls, and the likes, while still being relaxed and letting people have fun. Shoutouts to @Penguinslayer4 and @Laced Xanax for welcoming me into their group outside of gmod.

Have you been previously banned? (Link Relevant Posts): No but Yes, by penguin as a joke when she got her Mod rank I was calling her bad at the game and she banned me for a total of 10 seconds.

Have you previously applied for staff (Link Relevant Posts): No.

How did you find us?: Via an Ex-girlfriend who still plays on the server every now and again.

I have already received feedback that ban requests will need to be made as Trusted, and I intend fully on making them as the time is needed. At the moment I don't do them as most of the time a Moderator+ is on who will handle it or someone else (Nicol) has already made one.
If you have any questions for me let me know in the comments!
The local Sega & Sonic fanatic.
[Image: JCMB8GH.jpeg]
i don't like you

Just kidding, +1 obv

This kiddo, from my somewhat active time on the server, has been a very good boi with an outstanding knowledge of the rules, which he follows, and tries to help out the staff when he's on. He's not hotheaded or anything like that either. Honestly, there's no reason he doesn't deserve the rank.

edit: Like you said tho, work on those ban requests

edit 2: forgot to say, u still suck at siege
I have a question, you said you were demoted for abuse but then re-promoted.
Can you clarify the situation so we have better insight?

I'm going to go ahead and +1 on my end bc he does know the rules and helps me learn the rare times i pop over to ttt.
He plays ph with me from time to time, and is very level headed with the trolls that ph gets, and is a big help there. There's no doubt in my mind his attitude is the same on TTT as it is over here at PH. Level headedness in tough situations is hard to find anymore tbh.
Yes, @Mother Nuru. the reason I was demoted was for being too slap happy with the slap command and when I was re-promoted I still had it but was put to Moderator as the server had the max limit of admins.
The local Sega & Sonic fanatic.
[Image: JCMB8GH.jpeg]
(05-26-2019, 05:20 PM)Battons Wrote: Yes, @"Nuru" the reason I was demoted was for being too slap happy with the slap command and when I was re-promoted I still had it but was put to Moderator as the server had the max limit of admins.

My answer still stands with a +1
I'm slap happy. trolololol
Thank you for letting us know it wasn't something extreme.
-1, not right align gang

I'm sponsoring Battons for several reasons. First off, he has experience staffing elsewhere and familiarity with our specific rules so he'll very easily make the transition if approved I believe. Another reason is he is very helpful when he's on, which ban requests are not an issue in this case because in many cases he will ask for a mod+ or is already on with mods- he is quite active and we have a few more active mods in recent months/in the summer. I also really appreciate the honesty within his staffing history, I too have been demoted from server staff in the past (earned my rank back, that server no longer exists) so to put that information on an app for here is a testament that he is honest. With that honesty and experience, 

[Image: frieren-fall-winter.jpeg]
(05-26-2019, 05:55 PM)Dildo Shwaggins Wrote:
-1, not right align gang

I'm sponsoring Battons for several reasons. First off, he has experience staffing elsewhere and familiarity with our specific rules so he'll very easily make the transition if approved I believe. Another reason is he is very helpful when he's on, which ban requests are not an issue in this case because in many cases he will ask for a mod+ or is already on with mods- he is quite active and we have a few more active mods in recent months/in the summer. I also really appreciate the honesty within his staffing history, I too have been demoted from server staff in the past (earned my rank back, that server no longer exists) so to put that information on an app for here is a testament that he is honest. With that honesty and experience, 

Why dont u just Marry him....

1+ Your honest and carrying in the game - and when Im on my alt playing in TTT your always maintaining yourself and growing with knowledge with our server rules and your past staffing experience makes it even better. Best of luck mate
Ingame Names 
Sharky / [Red]Sharky / Hysender / Wizard
Apple a Day keeps Mother Nuru Away 
Deathrun - PropHunt - Murder Staff member
-1, is my most disappointing daughter (he's my only daughter)

But really, +1, Battons has always been very helpful at keeping the server at Bay since his return! He knows the rules and helps teach others. I've watched him explain rules to people several times who didn't understand. He's very well suited for staffing. 

I couldn't be more proud of you daughter ♥️ keep up the good work and good luck!!
Ty dad <3
The local Sega & Sonic fanatic.
[Image: JCMB8GH.jpeg]

Didn't use the superior font to make his application, but regardless is helpful to staff, kind, chill, and level-headed. All good traits for staff. He understands the rules and would make a great addition to the staffing team.
[Image: b_560x95.png]

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    This is Dinkleberg's GMod, a gaming community based in Garry's Mod. We have a Trouble in Terrorist Town, Prop Hunt, Murder, and Deathrun Server. Come check them out sometime.