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PH Maps 2022 Suggestions
As someone who has started playing again semi-often I have noticed that the same maps always get picked and it becomes incredibly boring doing Youturd and Dimmsdale all the time xd. So as Chell said, if it would be possible to implement some kind of algorithm to prevent the same maps coming up to vote within 4-5 map slots it would allow for a much greater variety of maps to be played. Furthermore, it's great that we are going to be getting new maps and I am excited to see them but what's the point of adding them if players are still going to just vote for Dimmsdale, Youturd and High floor Office?

Here are my thoughts on some of the maps:

Youturd: To be honest I don't know how to feel about this one. On one hand it's a pretty well designed map with realistic prop placements and layout. But on the other, it's extremely overplayed and thus gets very boring to play. Also, there are far too many OP spots here so its far too unbalanced for the hunters. Especially when people hide as the ladder with only the nubs(?) sticking out or as a clipboard in the pipes on the ceiling of the hallways.

Bunkier: As Nullify said, this is one of the maps where someone asked the creator "How many props do you want to add to your map?", and they just said "Yes". Also this map is extremely cramped so you fall over props all the time which is very disorientating, not to mention that gmod physics is amazing and walking over props just sometimes insta-kills you for 90 damage >_<

Zombie Bunker 2: Same as Bunkier, far too many props to even enjoy this map as a hunter.

Underground Station: Another case of 'Props for the sake of props', although this map also has props placed in locations where players would often hide which makes it very frustrating if you are a hunter. If you hide in plain sight on this map you are almost guaranteed to win due to the sheer amount of props that have to be checked.

Lockup: This map isn't too bad if I'm being honest, its fairly small and isn't too overplayed like some other maps. But all hunters can get themselves a free rocket launcher which makes it very boring as a prop because you're pretty much guaranteed to be killed (whether you were seen or not) unless you're a wrench in a near impossible to see location.

High Floor Office: I do like office maps, but this one.... It just doesn't do it for me. Like with Youturd and Dimmsdale its very overplayed (I'm assuming because players see the word 'office' and just insta-click) and thus gets boring fast. Also the map is not very varied at all, with 2 rooms of just repeating structure so as a hunter it gets very repetitive to play. The map has huge open areas but barely any of it gets used so there often isn't much point in checking those places as most players will hide in the cubicles room. Also, props can hide behind the toilet seats and because those bathroom cubicles are so cramped its very hard to check and shoot behind them, unless you have a grenade of course. I propose that we replace this with another office map, there was a pretty balanced office map I remember back when Sona was still active but I forgot the name of it :(

Dimmsdale: Where to begin with this one... I think this might be the most overplayed map on the server (at least in recent experience for myself), which would make sense given that this is the 'Dinkleberg' server. But... it just isn't a very good prop hunt map, correct me if I am wrong but I believe that it was originally a TTT map converted into a PH map. This map is very large, so with small numbers of players online it becomes very unlikely for the hunters to win. This map also seems to have some visual glitches, I don't know if that's by design but there are some places where if you stand, certain parts of the map just stop rendering props and I've seen players abuse this to hide as a Wii remote on the pavement so they are only visible from very specific angles. I don't know about you but that doesn't really feel in the spirit of the game, at least pixel hiding props can be seen normally. Theres also the fish-bowl gravity glitch that happens on this map which I know is illegal but I wanted to mention it. Now as Chell said, I don't expect this map to be removed as it's the server's signature map but if we could stop it being played so often it would open up the possibility for the other maps to get some love.

Restaurant (Old one): A classic map, I think this map is great; not too many OP spots and it's realistically designed and isn't too large. However, the map icon on the voting screen is just a missing texture so unless people read the name of the map it very rarely gets picked. I think if we can fix this issue this map will get to see some more playtime.

Restaurant 2019: Like it's predecessor, this map is realistically designed but has been expanded with more rooms and props to hide as. This is a good map for peak-hours when there are 25-40 players on but it can become a real slog when there aren't that many players on due to the sheer number of places there are to hide. I also believe that this map has the smallest prop on the server: the sandwich. This prop is very hard to spot due to it's size and the fact that it doesn't stand out too well against the white and beige floorings of the map. It's also nigh-impossible to see in the plants outside unless you walk on top of it and notice. Given that most players have a tendency to pick the smallest prop possible to hide as, I often feel like I'm playing as the Heavy from TF2 hunting sandviches when on this map xd.

Minimall: This is the largest PH map I have ever seen and was clearly designed to be played with a full(ish) server. Now, when that is the case this map isn't too bad because there are enough hunters to be able to check every room several times over and there are enough places to hide so props also stand a chance at winning. However, this is another popular map so it will often get chosen in the times when there are few players online. Playing on such a huge map with only 10-15 players just is not very fun as the props will win almost every time. There have been times when I have hidden in the same room for the whole map and not one player ever entered that room. To solve this, I think a system that chooses the maps to vote based on the number of players online would be highly benefical if possible. This way, large maps such as Minimall are less likely to come up to vote with only few players on (not impossible just less likely) and instead much smaller maps would be shown such as cruce. On the contrary, cruce would be less likely to come up for vote with a full server but not impossible as 40 player cruce is absolute chaos and I love it as do many other regulars I'm sure. I believe a feature like this would make a lot of players happy, myself included.
[Image: fERop8v.png]

Messages In This Thread
PH Maps 2022 Suggestions - by TheUltraFish - 01-29-2022, 08:50 PM
RE: PH Maps 2022 Suggestions - by RussEfarmer - 01-29-2022, 09:00 PM
RE: PH Maps 2022 Suggestions - by real (4) - 01-29-2022, 09:02 PM
RE: PH Maps 2022 Suggestions - by RussEfarmer - 01-29-2022, 09:03 PM
RE: PH Maps 2022 Suggestions - by [test]Wilfry - 01-29-2022, 09:07 PM
RE: PH Maps 2022 Suggestions - by Koshka - 01-29-2022, 09:15 PM
RE: PH Maps 2022 Suggestions - by StrenuousSpider - 01-29-2022, 09:36 PM
RE: PH Maps 2022 Suggestions - by Nazu - 01-29-2022, 10:11 PM
RE: PH Maps 2022 Suggestions - by TheUltraFish - 01-29-2022, 11:01 PM
RE: PH Maps 2022 Suggestions - by I EAT HAMSTERS - 01-29-2022, 11:31 PM
RE: PH Maps 2022 Suggestions - by RussEfarmer - 01-30-2022, 08:27 PM
RE: PH Maps 2022 Suggestions - by Nazu - 01-30-2022, 11:16 PM
RE: PH Maps 2022 Suggestions - by TheUltraFish - 03-06-2022, 11:27 AM
RE: PH Maps 2022 Suggestions - by Deer-ly - 03-07-2022, 03:37 PM
RE: PH Maps 2022 Suggestions - by Nullify - 03-06-2022, 04:18 PM
RE: PH Maps 2022 Suggestions - by I EAT HAMSTERS - 03-10-2022, 01:33 PM
RE: PH Maps 2022 Suggestions - by AstralSapphire - 03-11-2022, 06:59 AM

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