Unban request and ban samuel_reed809
Ingame Name: True Gaming

SteamID: True Gaming

Who Banned You: Deadpool

Reason For Ban: Ghosting

Length of Ban: Forever

Reason for Mods to Unban: I didn't think private messages would work on this server. I think a reduction in suspension would be appropriate.

Have you been banned before (Link relevant threads): No.

Other: They need to be fair and objective. samuel_reed809's response in the report was toxic and is not the kind of person you want to be supporting. I recommend banning him.

Here is a private message from samuel_reed809 during the game:

samuel_reed809 to You: micro chode

choad. noun. The penis or an imaginary penis : choad veins are pulsing love songs. A fool; jerk : feel like a total choad. The perineum or anus : stationary bicycle seat irritating the chode.

Chode | Define Chode at Dictionary.com

Link to the screenshot: http://imgur.com/a/1Ewm5

Messages In This Thread
Unban request and ban samuel_reed809 - by randommember93 - 05-05-2017, 07:57 PM

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